The Fateful Wedding
It seemed like the day would never come, but it finally did. The day that Lord Maximus and the loving woman who was always by his side would finally be wed. The day when they would take the ultimate step in commitment to one another and bond themselves to each other in the most intimate way. It was a special day and many friends gathered around to witness the start of an amazing new beginning.
Start: Sat Mar 06 21:07:48 2004
Session Ident: #Solarian_Castle
[21:07] * Now talking in #Solarian_Castle
[21:07] * Topic is 'Lord Maximus and Lady Mystic invites all there friends and
family to share
there joy,at there Wedding tonight March 6, 2004 at 11pm est'
[21:07] * Set by V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V on Sat Mar 06 13:54:37
[21:07] +o You have just been opped by ChanServ
[21:07] <V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V> Hey cool, thanks for teh opz! Here, have some pie
ChanServ ;)
[21:07] * Retrieving #Solarian_Castle modes...
[21:08] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V changes topic to 'Lord Maximus and Lady Mystic
invite all there
friends and family to share there joy,at there Wedding tonight March 6, 2004 at
11pm est'
[21:33] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V is now known as V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-brb
[22:05] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-brb is now known as V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V
[22:20] :Join: NFL (HaNdSoMe@ at 10:20 pm
[22:21] :Part: NFL (HaNdSoMe@ at 10:21 pm
[22:30] => Renames [ V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V-brb ]
[22:31] :Join: Athena^Giovanni (Giovanni@12.18.162.FROx1=) in channel #Vampire_Nights
[22:31] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V is now known as V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-brb
[22:32] :Join: ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ (BloodWork@ at 10:32
[22:32] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. «:{{_ V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V-brb _}}:»
«:{{_ V^{L}ord{M}
aximus^V-brb _}}:»
[22:32] :Join: Scarlatta^Giovanni (someone@ at 10:32 pm
[22:33] :Part: Scarlatta^Giovanni (someone@ at 10:33 pm
[22:33] => Renames [ V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V-brb V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V ]
[22:33] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: yes sis :::....
[22:33] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. lORDNOBlEWOlF is havn puter probs
[22:34] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: oh no :::....
[22:34] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. he askd if he ¢An`t get it to work ...
i I i could
stand in his place if yºu wish
[22:34] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. i I i Am his second
[22:34] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: i know but it wont be the same without you
both :::....
[22:34] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. i I i know
[22:35] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: we can wait for a bit :::....
[22:35] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: his best man isnt here yet :::....
[22:35] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. he is running ª fever too ... and is
gettn agrivated with his puter
[22:35] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: i see scar was here :::....
[22:35] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. we`ll wait . but in case .... if yºu
wish it .. i I i
have permission to perfom it in his place
[22:35] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. but only if yºu wish
[22:35] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: Join: Scarlatta^Giovanni
(someone@ at 10:33 pm :::....
[22:35] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: :Part: Scarlatta^Giovanni
(someone@ at 10:33 pm :::....
[22:36] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. yes she was here
[22:36] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: Okay sis i know you can do a great job too
[22:37] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. i I i just want yºu both to be happy
and abide by what yºu wish
[22:37] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-brb nods. **She won't cause trouble if she knows
what's good for her. Even if she comes in, don't do anything to her unless she
tries something. That's why we have security. :)
[22:37] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. yºu also can mute the room
[22:37] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. lAughing Out louD
[22:37] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-brb * ( V^^^V )... back ...( V^^^V )
[22:37] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-brb is now known as V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V
[22:37] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. and voice the ones who need to speek
[22:38] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V * ( V^^^V )... i kinda enjoy everyone's input.
makes it more
special ...( V^^^V )
[22:38] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. how ever yºu wish =]V[AX= hun
[22:38] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: thats what i told you :::....
[22:38] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: ppl say sweet things :::....
[22:38] <Juke> i know ill be gawking and clapping the whole time!
[22:38] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. ok lemme get some coffee and and find
my ceremonial robe
[22:38] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. smiles softly
[22:39] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: awwwwwwwwwwwww Juke ur sweet :::....
[22:39] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: sis have you met Juke yet :::....
[22:39] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: athena love :::....
[22:40] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. breifly
[22:40] <Juke> no i dont think i have met her
[22:40] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: hes a sweetie :::....
[22:40] * Juke walks over to DarkBlueAngel and takes her hands in his and kisses
them softly, it is a pleasure to meet you DarkBlue
[22:40] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and dont worry you will be safe hun :::....
[22:40] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. Hello «:{{_ Juke _}}:» i I i Am
DA®kBlueAngel «t» ..... Assamite Elder and seneschal to the PrInce *
[22:40] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. smiles softly
[22:40] :Join: V^Se|e}\{e^V (DethDealer@{E=) at 10:40 pm
[22:40] :Join: little2big2strong (guy@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[22:41] <Juke> Well, i do not have any titles or anything.. Im just juke :)
[22:42] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and im betting it wont be long before you
leave your
mortal life behind hun :::....
[22:42] :Join: ^Dark^Spirit^ (KissIt@ in channel #Vampire_Nights
[22:43] <Juke> oh?
[22:44] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: by your own choice :::....
[22:44] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. ok im BAck .. sis do \\'e need to make
ª brides room and grooms room ª oR ª wak thru room so \\'e know who walks with
[22:44] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: well loki isnt here yet :::....
[22:45] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: but yes a brides room so we can tell them
wait order to
walk down on :::....
[22:45] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. Wo¶f is running ª fever ... he went
and crawld in bed moaning .. he says please forgive him . he is so sorry . he
didnt want to let yºu down
[22:46] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. its Been ª very ruff week for him with
the BABy dieyng and all
[22:46] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V * ( V^^^V )... tell him not to worry about it blue
...( V^^^V )
[22:46] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww his health comes first i
love him heas here with us :::....
[22:46] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. thAnk You both for understanding
[22:47] :Join: LordVampirecop (nunya@ at 10:47 pm
[22:47] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: huh :::....
[22:47] * V^Se|e}\{e^V glances at LordVampirecop and raises a brow
[22:47] * ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ ::::.. when i I i present yºu two .... do it
as lady and
lord maximus ??????
[22:47] :Join: Scarlatta^Giovanni (someone@ at 10:47 pm
[22:47] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: we have logs too sis he can have :::....
[22:48] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: yes sis :::....
[22:48] => Renames [ ^v^{D}arkB|ueAnge|{W}^v^ {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ]
[22:48] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V * ( V^^^V )... yes please blue ...( V^^^V )
[22:48] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. ok
[22:49] :Join: ^Dark^Spirit^ (KissIt@ at 10:49 pm
[22:49] :Join: Warden (guy@ at 10:49 pm
[22:49] * Scarlatta^Giovanni appears in the hall, the full skirt of her blood
red floor length
silk gown billowing around her. The tight blood red velvet bodice is sleeveless;
red chiffon
panels flowing off the bodice, over her shoulders and down her back.
[22:49] * Scarlatta^Giovanni 's gold, diamond and ruby choker glitters in the
light, laying
against her creamy skin, her earrings brushing her shoulders lightly.
[22:49] * Scarlatta^Giovanni 's black hair flows down her back in curls, caught
up in front
with gold, ruby and diamond pins, blood red ribbons hanging from the pins,
flowing over her
[22:49] * Scarlatta^Giovanni 's escorts, Warden and LordVampirecop close to her.
dressed in his black leather pants and vest, his talons glinting in the dim
light, his feral
grey/green eyes following his charge's movements, his tan jacket laying across
his back, the
Metis beading glittering in the light, fringe flapping as he moves.
[22:50] * Scarlatta^Giovanni takes a seat with her escorts and watches the room.
[22:50] +o V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V just opped {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf
[22:50] * Scarlatta^Giovanni smiles. *I trust you are doing better {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf
[22:50] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> huggsss Scarlatta^Giovanni hun
[22:51] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. thAnk You
[22:51] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. yes thAnk You Scarlatta
[22:51] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * Hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss V^Se|e}\{e^V
[22:51] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * excellent Blue good to hear that.
[22:51] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. thAnk You
[22:52] :Join: SvVeet (EatMeBitch@ at 10:52 pm
[22:52] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. Hugsss ^v^S\\'eeTDAughter^v^
[22:52] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ Father
[22:53] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> ¤HuGgGgGgSSS¤ SvVeet
[22:53] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hello SvVeet
[22:53] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> me mother
[22:53] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> lol
[22:53] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ ^Dark^Spirit^
[22:53] <^Dark^Spirit^> . lAµGHinG oµT loµD
[22:53] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> seeee lady
[22:53] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ V^Se|e}\{e^V
[22:53] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * Hugssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
[22:53] * SvVeet * AcCcCcKkKk
[22:53] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ Scarlatta^Giovanni sweeeetie
[22:53] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ Mommaaaaaa
[22:54] :Part: Juke (guy@ at 10:54 pm
[22:54] :Join: ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ (wraithen@ at 10:54 pm
[22:55] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> hugs ^Dark^Spirit^
[22:55] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> hugs ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^
[22:55] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ & ~Kissesssssssssssssssss~ Þe®vin^Unck!e^DeAth
[22:55] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ugssssssssss «{t {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf t}»
[22:55] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ugssssssssss And Kissessssssssss «{tsvVeet^}\{eicet}»
[22:55] :Join: ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ (FuckOff@ at 10:55 pm
[22:56] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V are we going to have colrs and
mp3 players off or do u want color
[22:56] <^Dark^Spirit^> . Wel©oMe BA©K ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^
[22:56] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> ¤HuGgGgGgSSS¤ ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^
[22:56] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hello ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^
[22:56] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V * ( V^^^V )... color is fine. No mp3 players
please. £àûghìñg Øût £øûd ...( V^^^V )
[22:56] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ * ·:·¦^|^¦·:·_-... hugssssss V^Se|e}\{e^V
[22:56] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> k
[22:56] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ * ·:·¦^|^¦·:·_-... hi ^Dark^Spirit^ ltns
[22:56] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ thAnk You «{t ^Dark^Spirit^ t}» but I didnot
leave lAughing Out loud
[22:56] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. ill make sure i I i do it to where the
owrds Dont cut off
[22:56] <^Dark^Spirit^> . lAµGHinG oµT loµD
[22:56] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ pokes ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^
[22:56] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf ::::.. may tAke ª little longer
[22:56] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ yes
[22:57] :Join: ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ (FuRy@ at 10:57 pm
[22:57] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ugssssssssss «{t ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ t}»
[22:57] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ * ·:·¦^|^¦·:·_-... bout time ..._.·:·¦^|^¦·:·_
[22:57] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ * ·:·¦^|^¦·:·_-... hugssssssssssssss ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^
..._.·:· ¦^|^¦·:·_
[22:57] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ lAughing Out loud
[22:57] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hello ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^
[22:57] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hi ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^
[22:57] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ugssssssssss «{t ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ t}»
[22:57] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hi ^Dark^Spirit^
[22:57] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * hi dark
[22:57] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * hi *^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^*
[22:57] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ello «{t Scarlatta^Giovanni t}»
[22:57] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> hello ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^
[22:57] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hi ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^
[22:57] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hiya Scarlatta^Giovanni
[22:57] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hi ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^
[22:57] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * hello *V^Se|e}\{e^V*
[22:57] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ * ·:·¦^|^¦·:·_-... hi Scarlatta^Giovanni
[22:57] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * hi scarlatta
[22:57] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf stands in the side room fixing her robe just so
.... and
memorizing her lines
[22:57] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ smiles at her mommy
[22:58] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{e}{e}{e}{e}{e}{e
[22:58] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> noblewolf will not be able to attend ... its the
wish of the
bride and groom to act in my seneschal postion and perform this ceremony for
[22:58] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf blushes
[22:59] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * is Noble ok?
[22:59] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * is grandfather ok?
[22:59] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ BABy girl
[23:00] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ LordVampirecop
[23:00] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> he is running a fever .. its been a very ruff and
sad week for us
[23:00] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * hey momma
[23:00] <LordVampirecop> hiya
[23:00] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * why, grandmother? what happened?
[23:00] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * sorry to hear that Blue. Hope everything is ok/
[23:00] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> i`ll exlain at a later time ...... i dont want to
hamper this
joyous occasion
[23:00] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly
[23:00] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> explain typo
[23:01] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * OkAY
[23:01] * V^Se|e}\{e^V sits down and watches the room in silence
[23:02] <Scarlatta^Giovanni> is listening to Evanescence - My Immortal.mp3
Dedicated to her love.
[23:02] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * everyone? I'd like to introduce Warden he is a
Gangrel in my
[23:02] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * oops sorry about that
[23:02] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf fiddles with the robe . makes sure her hair is
just so .... makes
sure the ceremonial scroll is in tact
[23:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> greetings Warden
[23:02] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * didn't realize it was on continuous
[23:02] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ * ·:·¦^|^¦·:·_-... hi Warden ..._.·:·¦^|^¦·:·_
[23:02] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hello Warden
[23:03] * Warden sits by Scarlatta nods quietly to the room* Greetings to you
[23:03] * SvVeet * H|YA Warden nice to meet you
[23:03] * V^Se|e}\{e^V stands up adn curtsies to Warden... pleased to meet you..
sits back down
and fixes her hair
[23:03] * Warden * And congratulations to the happy couple.
[23:04] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * granddaughter how are you tonight?
[23:06] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ sits quietly awaiting the wedding
[23:07] * V^Se|e}\{e^V twirls one of her curls of hair around her finger
[23:07] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf hides behind the door and sips her blood wyne to
calm her nervs
[23:07] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> looks around to make sure no one sees her
[23:07] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> :)
[23:07] :Join: Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ (n0n3@ at 11:07 pm
[23:07] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ waves to grandmother through the crack in the
door :)
[23:07] * SvVeet * ~}{uGsssssssssssssssss~ Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^
[23:07] :Join: ^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^ (FullForce2@}Y{p=) at 11:07 pm
[23:07] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> HugsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsSsS ( SvVeet )
[23:07] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> giggles
[23:07] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hello Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^
[23:07] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hello ^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^
[23:08] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> Hello ( Scarlatta^Giovanni )
[23:08] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ walks over to V^Se|e}\{e^V with his golden
embrodery emerld cloths on with his old but facniful black tir corner hat with
golden fringes with a black with gold lined plume on top of it and his golden
belt that sheeths his ceromonial sword that is
sheeth in its on en-jewl scaberd shining against the light in the room and he
sits down next to
[23:08] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hiya Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^
[23:08] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ello «{t}{or}\{y^}\{ep}{evVt}»
[23:08] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ugssssssssss «{t ^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^ t}»
[23:08] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> Hello Uncle
[23:08] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ sits next to mother
[23:08] * SvVeet * ~snugglessssssssssssssss~ her BABy girl
[23:09] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. waits for my date
[23:09] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V baby plz come to #Mysticroom
[23:09] :Join: {shyone1}Ks (girl@ at 11:09 pm
[23:09] <^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^> oops a little private time before the wedding
[23:09] * V^Se|e}\{e^V stands up and runs over to Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^,
hugging himtightly and smiling softly..curtsies to him and returns to her seat
next to ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^
[23:09] [Nick Notify] #Mysticroom < double click to go there
[23:09] <Night{l}Angel> Hello V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V
[23:09] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> lol grand daughter
[23:09] <^Dark^Spirit^> . hugsssssssssssssss {shyone1}Ks
[23:10] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ello «{t {shyone1}Ks t}»
[23:10] * Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ smiles and hugs V^Se|e}\{e^V back..looks
around for a place to sit
[23:10] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. shy come here sis
[23:10] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ knocks on the door of mysticroom and says, "hey,
save that for
the honeymoon"
[23:10] <{shyone1}Ks> hello E/everyone
[23:10] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. everyone this is shyone
[23:10] <^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^> hi {shyone1}Ks
[23:10] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> Hello ( {shyone1}Ks )
[23:10] * V^Se|e}\{e^V motions for Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ to come and sit on
her other side
[23:11] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> hello {shyone1}Ks, nice to meet you
[23:11] <^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^> Scarlatta, my honey loves that song My Immortal,
[23:11] :Join: WYATT (guy@ at 11:11 pm
[23:11] <{shyone1}Ks> hello Eeveryone
[23:11] * Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ smiles and sits on V^Se|e}\{e^Vs other side
[23:11] :Part: WYATT (guy@ Left all channels at 11:11 pm
[23:11] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * hello {shyone1}Ks
[23:11] <{shyone1}Ks> hello Scarlatta^Giovanni
[23:12] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ puts a arm around V^Se|e}\{e^V's shoulder and
flicks his nephew off
[23:12] * Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ growls
[23:12] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ get your own date
[23:12] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ lAughing Out loud
[23:13] * Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ shakes his head
[23:13] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. puts an arm round shy
wearing my cloak .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·.
[23:13] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ I didnot say finger you off «{t}{or}\{y^}\{ep}{evVt}»
[23:13] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ I said flick
[23:13] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> ahhh same thing Laughing Out Loud
[23:13] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ lAughing Out loud
[23:13] * {shyone1}Ks huddles close to tanya
[23:13] * V^Se|e}\{e^V snuggles in close to ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ and smiles up to
him... Now behave... giggles
[23:13] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ lAughing Out loud
[23:13] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ watches the room
[23:14] * Warden watches the room, quietly.
[23:14] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ }{ey «{t}{or}\{y^}\{ep}{evVt}»
[23:14] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> ya?
[23:14] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ I have the perfect date for you
[23:15] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ she is not dressed yet though
[23:15] * SvVeet * Oh ]v[y God
[23:15] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * {shyone1}Ks I'd like to introduce someone to you.
This is Warden
[23:15] * SvVeet * lAµghing Oµt loµd
[23:15] * Warden nods slightly* Shyone.
[23:16] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> walks out from the side room and chants in anceint
old ... a
Blessing for this Castle and all with in .......Hodie animi nostri, postridie
praesidium nostri........In fidelitate et veritate universas ab aeternitate........Scribit,
[23:16] * {shyone1}Ks bows to warden
[23:16] :Join: ^^Q^^ (__Q__SCRIP@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:17] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Sanguis est vim..........Vitae animum nobis est.........Vis
sit!....... May the force be with you!
[23:17] * Warden * I would shake your hand Shyone but unretractable claws makes
that quite....touchy.
[23:18] <^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^> lol
[23:18] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf stands before All and awaits
[23:18] <{shyone1}Ks> i understand Warden
[23:18] :Join: zariel (havoc@66.94.214.WIesi=) in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:19] * V^Se|e}\{e^V wraps her arm around ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^'s arm and sits
[23:21] :Join: Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ (n0n3@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:21] * Warden smiles slyly a feral light in his eyes* Glad of that Shyone.
[23:21] [Nick Notify] #Mysticroom < double click to go there
[23:21] <Night{l}Angel> smiles and hugs all in the room so happy for V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V
[23:22] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ quietly watches the room
[23:22] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf tries not to fidge as she waits patiently
[23:22] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: we will start soon waitting on a few to
arrive :::....
[23:23] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ hugs {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf to calm her down
[23:23] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> its my first performance . i hope every one finds
it pleasing
[23:23] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly
[23:24] * V^Se|e}\{e^V smiles at {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf.... I'm sure it will be
fine hun
[23:24] :Join: CanadianCock (guy@172.143.43.r{N9M=) in channel #Mysticroom
[23:24] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> :)
[23:24] <^Dark^Spirit^> . lol, try performing a wedding and your electricity
going off 3 times
during the ceremony
[23:24] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> eeek
[23:24] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> or gettn married and the groom loses power
[23:24] <^Dark^Spirit^> . lAµGHinG oµT loµD
[23:25] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> thats gotta suck
[23:25] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> its what happend when wolf and i married
[23:25] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> we had 63 people in attandence
[23:25] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ lAughing Out loud
[23:25] <^Dark^Spirit^> . ive seen lots of catastrphies
[23:25] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> I've only been married once... over 3 years ago and it
went fine, Im
sure i wont be married again, so i dont have to worry about any of that lol
[23:25] <^Dark^Spirit^> . but we always get it done
[23:25] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> but the gods allowed him back and it was gravy all
the way
[23:25] * ^Gen^B|ack^|}eat}{^ * _ yeA I bet they though the groom had sec
thoughts lAughing Out loud
[23:25] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> ¤lAuGhing¤Out¤louD¤
[23:26] <^Dark^Spirit^> . lAµGHinG oµT loµD
[23:26] * Scarlatta^Giovanni likes to get married once every fifteen years or so
... breaks up
the monotony
[23:26] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * Laughing Out Loud
[23:26] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> ¤lAuGhing¤Out¤louD¤
[23:26] * SvVeet * lAµghing Oµt loµd
[23:26] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> No one would want to marrry me, trust me lol
[23:26] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ * ....::: why, V^Se|e}\{e^V? :::....
[23:26] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> arent you due for another one soon Scarlatta^Giovanni?
[23:27] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> ¤lAuGhing¤Out¤louD¤
[23:27] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V comes in, wearing a dark blue silk tunic, 3 top
buttons left
undone, a silver pendant hanging from his nick with the Solarian logo on it, and
his collar
with the jewels on it polished. Wearing a pair of black dress pants. Over the
outfit, he is
wearing a black dress coat with silver embroidering matching the mithril in his
collar and in
his pendant. As well as a brand new armored leather trench coat.
[23:27] * Scarlatta^Giovanni * Laughing Out Loud
[23:27] :Join: |}a{R}k^Fantasy (Fantasies@66.25.255.SOOTn=) at 11:27 pm
[23:27] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V The external armor on the forearms, biceps, and
glistening dark blue and shining, polished. The straps hanging that tighten the
armor to his
arms hanging loosely His hair neatly trimmed to shoulder length, smooth and
shining. At his
side are all of his weapons, his long sword, Night Reaper, his samurai sword,
Daybringer. Both
of them in ceremonial sheaths, laced with gold, jewels and Mithril, elven words
etched into
[23:27] * {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf stands proud at the alter
[23:28] :Join: ]_A]}Y_]}E|\|\O]\[ (1@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:28] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V walks slowly down among the people who are all
gathered in main chamber/audience chamber in the castle that has always served
as the home to his family. He reaches the end of the room where everything is
set up and turns, facing everyone to await til it is time next to {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf
[23:28] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly
[23:29] :Join: The-Monoxide-Child (n0n3@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:30] :Join: Athena^Giovanni (Giovanni@12.18.162.FROx1=) at 11:30 pm
[23:30] * Athena^Giovanni enters the Castle with her date Juke on her arm,
slowly walking down the isle,her beautiful hair done up with flowers,wearing a
long floor length black velvet gown,with a low cut collar,at the bottom of the
dress are deep purple flowers and smaller ones
around the collar, she holds dark flowers in her hand as she makes it down to
the alter
[23:30] :Join: Juke (guy@ at 11:30 pm
[23:31] * Athena^Giovanni takes her place
[23:31] * Juke does as well
[23:32] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. walks down the aisle with
shy At my arm wearing a DA®k cloak revealing a purple and black velvet gown
[23:32] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles as Juke stands next to him, he smiles to
Athena^Giovanni and {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf
[23:33] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. stands At the left of the
alter .·´¯`·
[23:33] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly as her eyes twinkle like stars
[23:33] * ^v^{l}bloodlust{F}^v^ has quit IRC (Quit: Full Force2 Script get yours
[23:33] * {shyone1}Ks stands next to Tanya
[23:35] :Join: Night{l}Angel (Fire@ at 11:35 pm
[23:35] * ^Dark^Spirit^ stands at the door waiting on his beautiful daughter
[23:37] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: Enters the room, her long black velvet gown
flowing across the floor,low cut at the neck,with purple flowers sewn in at the
bottom and around t
[23:37] * Night{l}Angel smiles wearing the pretty black dress as i slowly walk
foreward and
take my place to be the alter
[23:37] *
V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V takes her dads arm and smiles
[23:38] * ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ sneaks out and off to bed
[23:38] :Part: ^v^Evi|`Ange|^v^ (FuckOff@ at 11:38 pm
[23:38] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles and admires her as she comes in.
[23:38] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V slowly walks down the isle to where her love awaits
[23:38] * ^Dark^Spirit^ takes his daughters arm, smiles at her sweetly and
slowly escorts her
down the aisle to her awaiting V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V
[23:39] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles, waiting, his eyes trying to capture every
moment and
commit it to memory.
[23:39] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V stands before V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V her love and
holds his hand smiling brightly
[23:40] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles holding the ceremonial scroll .. unrolling
it she begins
to speek ....
[23:40] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles and grips her hand gently as he listens to
[23:40] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> We are gathered here in this joyous event, not to
witness the
beginning of what will be, but rather what already is! We do not create this
marriage, because
we cannot. We can and do, however, celebrate with Lord Maximus and Lady Mystic
and their
friends the wondrous and joyful occurrence that has already taken place in their
[23:40] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Marriage is a supreme sharing of experience, and
an adventure in the most intimate of relationships. It is the joyous union of
two people whose comradeship and mutual understanding have flowered in romance.
Today Lord Maximus and Lady Mystic proclaim their love and commitment to our
world, and we gather here to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they
now undertake together.
[23:41] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> The joy we feel now is a solemn joy, because the
act of marriage has many consequences, both social and personal. Marriage
requires "love," a word we often use with vagueness and sentimentality. We may
assume that love is some rare and mystical event, when in fact it is our natural
state of being.
[23:41] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles to his love and to {L}ady{N}oble{W}olf as
he listens to
her speak.
[23:41] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> So what do we mean by love? When we love, we see
things other people do not see. We see beneath the surface, to the qualities
which make our beloved special and unique. To see with loving eyes, is to know
inner beauty . And to be loved is to be seen,and known, as we are known to no
other. One who loves us, gives us a unique gift: a piece of ourselves, but a
piece that only they could give us.
[23:42] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> We who love, can look at each other's life and
say, "I touched
his life," or, "I touched her life," just as an artist might say, "I touched
this canvas."
"Those brushstrokes in the comer of this magnificent mural, those are mine. I
was a part of
this life, and it is a part of me." Marriage is to belong to each other through
a unique and
diverse collaboration, like two threads crossing in different directions, yet
weaving one tapes
[23:42] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V smiles at her love though tears and squeezes his
[23:42] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> The secret of love and marriage is similar to that
of any
religion itself. It is the emergence of the larger self. It is the finding of
one's life by
losing it. Such is the privilege of husband and wife - to be each himself,
herself and yet
another; to face the world strong, with the courage of two.
[23:43] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> To make this relationship work, therefore, takes
more than love. It takes trust, to know in your hearts that you want only the
best for each other. It takes dedication, to stay open to one another, to learn
and grow, even when it is difficult to do so. And it takes faith, to go forward
together without knowing what the future holds for you both.While love is our
natural state of being, these other qualities are not as easy to com
[23:43] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> The true art of married life is in this an inner
journey. It is a mutual enrichment, a give and take between two personalities, a
mingling of
two endowments which diminishes neither, but enhances both.
[23:43] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> I would like to quote to you all a poem about this
called " Married Love," which was written by a medieval poet about seven hundred
years ago. In the English translation, it reads:
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> You and I
<{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Have so much love,
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> That it burns like a fire,
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> In which we bake a lump of clay
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Molded into a figure of you
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And a figure of me.
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Then we take both of them.
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And break them into pieces,
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And mix the pieces with water,
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And mold again a figure of you And a figure of me.
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> I am in your clay.
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> You are in my clay.
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> In life we share a single quilt,
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> In death we will share one coffin.
[23:44] :Join: ]_A]}Y_]}E|\|\O]\[ (1@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:44] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> As the poem shows us, mingling in marriage is a
dedication, a cooperative venture in every sense. It is a relationship based on
love, respect,
and a determination by both partners to adjust to each other and support one
another, in health and in sickness, in joy and in sadness, in ease and in
[23:45] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Through this co-operation, we give ourselves, our
lives and love into the hands of the one we love. We do so trustingly and
generously. And so, each of us
receives a gift: the life and love of the other. We receive this gift, not only
from the one we
love, but also from the parents who brought us into the world, and from our
friends and
families as well.
[23:45] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And so as Lord Maximus and Lady Mystic, we are
here to share with them this joy and hope, and to see them off on the path they
will walk together. May it be a path of blessedness, bright with flowers of
prosperity and spiritual awakening; a path of ever deepening, ever broadening
love that they will travel, arm in arm. through out eternity.
[23:46] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Lord Maximus and Lady Mystic this celebration is
the outward token of your sacred and inward union of hearts, which the Prince
and all Stations may bless, and the state of ACN make legal, but which neither
Prince nor ACN can create nor annul. It is a union created by your loving
purpose and kept by your abiding will. It is in this spirit and for this purpose
that you have come here to be joined together.
[23:46] :Join: sexie (Nick@ at 11:46 pm
[23:47] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Lord Maximus , will you have this woman to be thy
wedded wife, to live together in marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, and
honor her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, in darkness and in
light, beneath the Earth and above it, so long as you both shall live?
[23:47] :Part: sexie (Nick@ at 11:47 pm
[23:47] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles and nods. **Yes I will.**
[23:47] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly and turns to Lady Mystic
[23:48] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Lady Mystic will you take this man to be thy
wedded husband, to live together in marriage? Will you love him, comfort him.
and honor him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, in darkness and
in light, beneath the Earth and above it, so long as you both shall live?
[23:48] :Join: ]_A]}Y_]}E|\|\O]\[ (1@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:48] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V turns to her love ,,smiles , yes i will
[23:48] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles
[23:48] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Lord Maximus if you will , recite your vows to
your loved one....
[23:48] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles softly to her.
[23:51] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V It seems like only the other day that we fell for
one another my love, and it seems that the road we have travelled has not been
the easiest road in the world. But like a great person once said my love, "If
something does not kill you, it only makes you stronger. Our relationship is the
same way. Through all the things that have happened with us, if it did not cause
our love for one another to end, then it only made our love for each
[23:52] :Join: karen_3211 (girl@66.43.211.geu5E=) in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[23:52] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V other all the stronger. Each and every day, my
love, our
relationship, and our love will grow. We will trust in one another, hold one
another comfort
one another when we need comforting, and be there for every great moment as
well. I could never promise that things won't be difficult but there is one
thing that I can promise and I am sure will stay true.
[23:53] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V grips her hand tightly and kisses the back of her
hand. **And that promise is that my love for you will never waver and will never
falter, just as it never has to date and it never will beyond this date.**
[23:53] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly
[23:53] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Lady Mystic if you will, recite your vows to your
loved one....
[23:53] * LordVampirecop places a hand on Scarlatta's shoulder
[23:53] :Join: NFL (HaNdSoMe@ in channel #Mysticroom
[23:53] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V wipes her tears from her cheek ,, smiles
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: Turning to face her love, taking his hand
in hers, I can't
promise you :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: that dark clouds :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: will never hover :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: over our lives :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: or that the future :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: will bring us many rainbows. :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I can't promise you :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: that tomorrow :::....
[23:54] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: will be perfect :::....
[23:54] * Warden places his hand on Scarlatta's shoulder, lets the edge of his
finger caress
her cheek softly.
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: or that life will be easy. :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I can promise you :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: my everlasting devotion, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: my loyalty, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: my respect, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and my unconditional :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: love for a lifetime. :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I can promise that :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I'll always :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: be there for you, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: to listen :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and to hold your hand, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and I'll always do :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: my best to make you happy, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and make you feel loved. :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I can promise that :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I'll see you through :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: any crisis, :::....
[23:55] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and hope with you, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: dream with you, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: build with you, :::....
[23:56] :Join: ^v^sadina^v^ (nishe@ at 11:56 pm
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and always cheer you on :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and encourage you. :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I can promise that :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I'll share my dreams :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: my world, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: and every aspect :::....
[23:56] * ^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^ }{ello_______::::::::: ^v^sadina^v^ :::::::::
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: of my life with you. :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: I'll willingly be :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: your protector, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: your advisor, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: your counselor, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: your friend, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: your family, :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: your everything. :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: And I believe that's :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: what love is truly :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> ....::: all about. :::....
[23:56] <V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V> When i first came to you and we talked of me
joining Solarian,from the very start,we felt a closeness and a bond between
us,you always knew when things werent right, you were always there to bring a
smile or to wipe my tears,giving me
love and support.As time went on our love grew, we faced many problems and over
came them, for that we became strong ignite a undying flame of passion
and love,Max I love you baby
[23:57] * Scarlatta^Giovanni smiles at her friend LordVampirecop then nuzzles at
Warden 's
fingers softly.
[23:57] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Traditionally, the marking- of the passage to tile
status of
husband and wife is marked by the exchange of rings. These rings are a symbol of
the unbroken
circle of love. Love freely given has no beginning and no end, no giver and no
receiver for
each is the giver and each is the receiver. May these rings always remind you of
the vows you
have taken.
[23:57] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> who ever has the rings please give them to the
bride and groom
[23:58] * Athena^Giovanni hands V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V her ring
[23:58] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V turns to Athena^Giovanni asking for the ring for
[23:59] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V ty sissy smiles
[23:59] * Athena^Giovanni hands it to her and smiles
[23:59] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> waits for Lord Maximus to recieve hers ... so they
may place them on each other . together
[23:59] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles and reaches into his coat and takes out an
ornate box
containing Mystic's ring he takes the ring out and places the box back into the
Session Start: Sun Mar 07 00:00:00 2004
Session Ident: #Solarian_Castle
[00:00] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> please take each others hand and place them
[00:00] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles and holds his love's hand in his.
[00:00] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V kissing her loves ring and slowly sliping it on her
loves finger
[00:01] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V slides the ring ever so gently onto her finger,
smiling at her
his eyes on hers as he does so
[00:01] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> as you do this honor of each other ...... Lord
Maximus and Lady Mystic, remember to treat both yourself and each other with
respect, and remind yourselves often of what brought you together.
[00:01] :Join: Dark-Ranger (guy@ in channel #Vampire_Nights
[00:01] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V her eyes looking deeply into her loves eyes smiling
warmly tears
flow to her cheek
<{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Give the highest priority to the tenderness, gentleness
kindness that your connection deserves. When frustration, difficulty or fear
assail your
relationship – as they threatened all relationships at one time or another –
remember to focus
on what is right between you, not only the part that seems wrong.
[00:02] :Join: ^v^sadina^v^ (nishe@ in channel #CavernsOfBlood
[00:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> In this way, you can ride out the times when
clouds hide the face of the sun in your lives – remembering that even if you
lose sight of it for a moment, the sun is still there.
[00:02] * Warden has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[00:02] :Join: Dark-Ranger (guy@ at 12:02 am
[00:02] :Join: Warden1 (guy@ at 12:02 am
[00:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And if each of you takes responsibility for the
quality of your
lives together, your life together will be marked by abundance and delight.
[00:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be
the shelter
for each other.
[00:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be
the warmth for the other.
[00:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Now you are two persons, but there is only one
life before.
[00:02] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> Go now to your dwelling to enter into the days of
your life
[00:03] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> And may your days and nights be good and long upon
the earth.
[00:03] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> As you have consented together in this ceremony to
live in
wedlock and have sealed your vows in the presence of this company and by the
giving of these
[00:03] * Dark-Ranger silently slips into the castle, and assumes a ready
[00:03] => Renames [ Warden1 Warden ]
[00:03] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> it gives me great pleasure to pronounce that you
are Husband and Wife. Lord Maximus, You maye kiss your bride.
[00:03] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> watches and smiles softly
[00:03] * Scarlatta^Giovanni raises an eyebrow wondering what Dark-Ranger is
getting ready for
[00:04] * ^v^sadina^v^ kneels down and gets in ready positon too :)
[00:04] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles and wraps his arms gently around her,
bringing his lips to hers, kissing his new wife lovingly and deeply, his arms
lifting her slightly up off the ground
as he kisses her
[00:04] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles softly at Dark-Ranger and motions for him
to sit please
[00:04] * Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^ watchs silently....smileing
[00:04] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> I Pronounce to you all .. Lord and Lady Maximus
[00:04] * Dark-Ranger makes no response and no movement, his dark eyes carefully
scanning the crowd
[00:05] * SvVeet * Woooooooooooo}{ooooooooooooo Congradulations V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V
and V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V
[00:05] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. produces a box
[00:05] <Lord^T]-[or]\[ed^v^vVo|f^> congradulations you two :)
[00:05] * V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V smiling ,,looking deeply with so much love kissing
him back deeply
[00:05] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> smiles and hugs the happy new couple
[00:05] * V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V smiles. ty
[00:05] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. ^|^-V^{L}ady{M}ystic^V-^|^
and ^|^-V^{L}ord{M}aximus^V-^|^ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·.
[00:05] <{L}ady{N}oble{W}olf> after they done kissing of course
[00:05] <^v^Tanya[K]cheex^v^> __ .·´¯`·^•,,•^·´¯`·. i have a gift
[00:05] * ^v^sadina^v^ scurries to them both and clings to there legs hugging
sooooooooooooooo tight and smiling to them
[00:05] <V^Se|e}\{e^V> Congratulations Mother and Father