Links to good sergei fan pages accross the internet... not the mass produced stat, roster picture, and quick summary page b.s....**Those should be illegle** these are truly interesting picture filled fan pages.
NHLPA - I know it's a little unorthodox for me to put a normal organization site on here... but click on MULTIMEDIA and watch the interview after Sergei won Calder, it's so cute, 'specially when they make a close-up towards the end.

HOCKEY SNACKS - I don't know how many of ya'all go to hockey snacks, but I thought this was cute and kinda resembled the Samsonova bible... only a little shorter and more technical ^_^.

Strasz's Shakin Sammy Shack - One of my bestest bestest picture contributors has her own page... that I didn't even know about!! But here it is.

OOOOOOH kay, go here!
This chick has an awesome pic collection and if ur lookin for articles, well she isn't as lazy as I am about getting around to typing em all up!!  CHECK OUT THE PICS!  You know how you saw a picture of sergei like 3 years ago but can't find it anywhere and Melyssa Bennet's pictures don't load so ur screwed?  Nope, this page has all those good ol' pics!

Sergei Samsonov-Bruins Best I really like this page, she has AWESOME origional pictures, totally gets involved, a member of the Samsonov Yahoo Fan Club **Makes me partial to people ^_^** so check those out!

Mooshark77's Sergei Samsonov page. Pictures and stuff, similar to this one.

SJNancy's Sergei Samsonov profile-
has a hugly extensive link page, and about 20 on-ice photos by a professional that you can't find anywhere else.  It's one of the origional Sergei pages, maybe even the first.

Sergei NHL/Russia pics (with some from IHL) very good.  Lots of russia on ice pics.

Mirosatan2's Sergei Samsonov page- starts with an amazing pic of Sergei (I've used it many times to show to people who don't think sergei is attractive that he truly is.

Sergei Samsonov page by Melissa Bennet (sp?)  It hasn't been updated since February of 1998, and very few of the links work.. but it is a good page, it was my springboard for a long time when sergei was a viper- it was my info headquarters.  She's an HTML god anyway.

The Official Boston Bruins team page with pictures of Sammy around boston- he's wearing a very cute pale blue fleece and khakis! He looks pretty uncomfy in those silly poses, though... that musta been very strange...specially that cheers one... I would love to see the outakes of that photo shoot....

Joy of Hockey Sammy page- not really very exciting but oh well.

my other sergei page- I'm trying to transfer all the info to this one cuz I like the format better... it's going to take me forever, but the entire samsonov bible is on there (not just the first couple pages)

5 adorable pictures From the good ol' viper days.

A buncha on-ice pictures of Sergei.  Mostly distant, but if that's what ur into then go... psh like anyone REALLY wants on ice pics...

BruinsNET Sergei pictures Great collection of close up on ice pictures of Sergei in action... mmmmmm-mmmm!

*PLEASE if you have a sammy site you would like to see up here send me a link.  If you have links you think should be up here, send me those too.  My favorite places got wiped out so I'm having some trouble finding links to put up here.
*For links to sites with articles, go to my
article page!!