Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jeanne Davis - 11/16/00 06:57:38
My Email:justina20@webtv.net

Hi--Elaine sent me your address---I am really impressed! You guys are doing fantastic things. Your horses are just beautiful! Keep up the good work.Good luck in all your endeavors. Many good wishes to you both Jeanne

Deb - 10/03/00 15:54:22
Hobbies: horses, horses, horses

Checking the site!

- 08/23/00 16:42:09


CARL REILLY - 06/14/00 17:39:17


Erika Davis - 05/20/00 11:15:31
My Email:erika@hanson.zzn.com
Hobbies: HORSES!!!!!!
Favorite breed of horse: Four-legged and one head
From: Maine

I love the page!! The babies are so cute and the pictures are great. I'm so excited that the show season is starting. See you there!!

Ruth Konecki - 05/10/00 17:33:30
My Email:ruthkonecki@hotmail.com

I am looking for a bombproof trail horse and a life time companion. I love Quarter Horses and Apps. Any kind of horse will be fine though. But with NOOOO vices, for example.......Cribbing, will not trailering, kick, bite.....etc..... Preferably 15.3hh, hestnut, Gelding. I will be riding mostly English and possibly doing small jumps. But mostly I am looking for a horse that I can have fun on trails with in my western saddle! If you think you have the horse for me PLEASE send me an e-mail, video, and/or ictures. Thank you for your time. -Ruth Konecki

Debi Brown - 05/03/00 13:37:54
My Email:dbrown@maine.edu
Hobbies: Horses of courses!
Favorite breed of horse: AQHA/APHA

Deb, You are doing a great job on this site! It is nice to be able to see some of Race's foals. He does know how to pass on his good looks! Keep up the great site...I'll check back in later on for updates. Your friend, Debi

Marianne - 04/14/00 14:41:24
My URL:http://ucachecreek.homestead.com/main.html
Hobbies: Art (pencil drawing)
Favorite breed of horse: Quarter Horses
From: Fort St John, BC Canada

I just surfed on in I like the looks of your stud.

R.F. Serafin - 03/28/00 22:36:17
Hobbies: Telling lies!
Favorite breed of horse: Polaris ATV

HI Deb!!

Alison Lamond - 03/18/00 00:45:55
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/country/furysma
My Email:Furysma@aol.com
Hobbies: Horses, Beadweaving, Genealogy
Favorite breed of horse: Appaloosa. Is there any other kind?
From: Turner, Maine

Great page, Deb. Dooly is looking SUPER! Hope to bring my boy and try team penning this year, if my job allows. See you there.

Lyn Shea - 03/10/00 14:39:15
My Email:ruthkonecki@hotmail.com
Hobbies: Trail Riding
Favorite breed of horse: Quarter Horse
From: Freeport Maine

I am looking for a bomb proof horse that I can take on trail rides. price is not an issue. I have been looking for awhile but can't seem to find the right match .I don't want one too old. Because I would like to have it for as long as I can. I have a hors now but I can't go and do anything fun because when I bought him last summer teh owner didn't tell me just how serious his trailerign problems were. I am looking for a Quarter Horse. I want a companion horse. It will go to a loving private four stall bar right next to bradbury mountain in Pownal Maine. Please respond if you have any information on horses that you think would be right for me! Thanks for your time. -Lyn Shea

Kim - 03/08/00 00:01:32
My URL:http://homepages.msn.com/petsPl/shasta111/OSBShastaFarm.html
My Email:shastafarms@wtvl.net
Hobbies: raising horses
Favorite breed of horse: Quarter Horses & Paints
From: Albion,Maine

Your doing a great job on your site. It's really looking great. If you need any help just give me a jingle.Hope spring comes pretty soon. I have 3 foals due 2 in april and 1 in july.catch you later.

Patty Graffam - 03/05/00 03:30:21
My Email:pattyg@midmaine.com
Hobbies: Trail riding
Favorite breed of horse: Quarter Horse
From: Patty Graffam

Deb, Very impressive!! Waiting for our baby! Will be in touch soon :) patty

George Cayer - 03/05/00 01:11:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/9610
My Email:george_cayer@yahoo.com
Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing & Camping
Favorite breed of horse: My Sisters...lol
From: Rumford Maine

Just checking you guestbook Deb, Geocities amde some changes and didn't tell anyone.

Briana Marston - 02/24/00 20:47:12
My Email:Horsegurl6@aol.com
Hobbies: Everything to do with horses and anything outdoorsy!
Favorite breed of horse: Arabians and Appaloosas
From: Maine

This is a great page, Deb! Your horses are just beautiful! Race looks really good for his age. Keep up the good work!

- 02/14/00 20:43:18
From: Missy

Wow you are doing it, looks great!! Took me a bit to find it as i put geocites, and there are a lot of memory lanes in there let me tell yo!!! Keep up the good work Deb!

christine zinck oldham - 02/05/00 23:04:26
My Email:oldham56@exploreme
Hobbies: outdoors
Favorite breed of horse: morgan
From: peru

hi deb nice page your brother gave it to me

Betty Dyer - 02/03/00 19:13:49
My Email:bdyer@nemaine.com
Hobbies: Horses, watching son's sports at Hebron Academy
Favorite breed of horse: Quarter Horse--barrels, poles, reining
From: Perry, ME

Great first page!! Can't wait to see the rest of it. You used the right picture for the "large photo!"

jodi - 01/27/00 19:54:23
My Email:jodi@cytron.com
Hobbies: horses, scuba diving, reading
Favorite breed of horse: all!
From: Ladysmith, B.C. Canada

Nice webpage, beautiful design and nice pics. Good job!

Laura Currier - 01/24/00 19:53:11
My Email:packrfan@blazenetme.net
Hobbies: Working with animals, espically horses
Favorite breed of horse: QH
From: Brunswick, Maine

Hi Deb and George, looking good so far, love the tunes. Can't wait to see what your site looks like ones it's completed.

Daralin Parker - 01/06/00 04:58:43
My URL:http://JustMoreFarm.itgo.com
My Email:KerrinaNod@aol.com
Hobbies: Riding my horses, Reading, Rescueing Dobermans
Favorite breed of horse: QUARTER HORSE!!!! All The Way!(2nd fave=Arabs)
From: Winterport Maine

Lookin good so far!! I like the background a LOT. My site is really plain as far as background and graphics, has quite a few pis though. Keep up the good work! I could never figure out those moving graphics and the banner message running at the bottom of the window :)

Harry Hill - 12/23/99 05:51:04
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/hjhill
My Email:hjhill@gte.net
Hobbies: training horses and racing pigeons
Favorite breed of horse: Quarter horses, is there another breed
From: Southern California


Deb Cayer - 12/16/99 22:51:50
My Email:mbean@exploremaine.com
Hobbies: Horses. . . what else!
Favorite breed of horse: QH's

Just checking this ne addition to my page!

George Cayer - 12/03/99 09:43:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/george_cayer
My Email:george_cayer@yahoo.com
Hobbies: Web Page Design, Hunting and Fishing
Favorite breed of horse: Ones that are owned by someone else
From: Rumford, Maine

Hey Deb, just checking the guestbook.

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