Affiliated to the British   Association of Disabled Sports

Grant Aided by Ipswich Borough Council

Registered Charity Number 299459

Ipswich Sports Club for the Disabled

Support our Club without costing you ANYTHING - Click Here!


 As with many similar charitable organisations, we have found it increasingly difficult to raise funds to help with ever rising running costs. We hold store collections whenever we can, but these seem to be fewer and fewer & the cost of hiring halls to hold our Club increase year on year.

 We always welcome donations to help with our running costs & really do rely on these in order to keep afloat. Any individual or group who wishes to help by donating to our Club can contact Pat Hoy through the number on our contacts page.


 Whilst we have tried to contact all those whose picture may be featured on this site, if you see yourself here and do not want your picture on the site, please e-mail us to let us know. We will remove the image as soon as possible.