A Little Background

Jeff's Home page

John Knox Softball

Jeff's Sports Column

Jeff's Concert Column

Final Pitch at Michigan and Trumbull

My Resume sent to various organizations in Washington DC in the hopes of gaining an internship position.

Hello all, Jeff here. Looks like you've stumbled upon my web page.

Last November (1999) I decided that it would be fun to start a web page, considering I had acquired quite a bit of HTML knowledge with my sports job at Hope College. So this is it.

Every now and then when I'm watching SportsCenter, a sporting event, reading about sports, or doing just about anything else sports related, I get angry. Some things in sports just really bother me. Especially interleague play, Randy Smith, and fans on their high horse. And Bob Knight. But this isn't the place for that.

After some time keeping up my site and realizing that next to no one read it I decided to add another section to it, a concert section. With as many concerts as I go to I decided to start sharing my experiences. So that section has evolved as well. And since some other features have been popping up.

When I write on here, it's what I truly feel. Since next to no one really reads this I figure I can't get in any trouble with anyone. Bob Knight is not going to come up to Holland, MI and strangle me.

As far as academics go I'm studying Sociology and Political Science at Hope College in Holland, MI. Notice there is nothing in the previous sentence about journalism. I have no intention of writing for a living, as is likely evident by the lack of proper grammar throughout this site.

If you have anything to say to me about anything on the site, I strongly encourage you to send me some mail at lubs12@go.com. Thanks for taking the time to look around.