Welcome to my Guestbook!

Big Dog - 09/13/00 12:59:41
My URL:http://lick-me@myNutz.com
Organization: uuuuhhh......what?

There definately could be more boobie representation on the site. Fine work.

Hot Carl - 06/01/00 19:06:49
My URL:http://hotcarl.com
My Email:fu@fu.com
Organization: HRDP!!!

C2K rocked. HRDP in da muthafizzucking hizzouse.

Greed - 02/01/00 23:46:28
My Email:greed@bobcat.ent.ohiou.edu
Organization: no, not really

Hey, how come I'm in like one picture and that's it?!

The Shack - 01/03/00 16:05:42
Organization: The Corner of Jabroni and Know your Role

The Shack says that Jaylin better watch his roody pooh candy ass and that Jaylin better step up in IM B-ball this year. The Shack agrees with Jaylin in that we need a picture of THE MOST ELECTRIFYING MAN IN SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT TODAY!!!

DaBomb - 12/30/99 18:41:12
Organization: Smack Down Hotel

JayLin says this ain't no roody poo website. Props to Frito Lays for putting this shit together. JayLin thinks the only thing missing is a picture of the most electrifying man in sports entertainment...the Rock. One question though, who's that hoochie rito is kissing on during the HRKD shuffle?? Is that the same girl that gave Frito the Rabbies?? Peace out.

Bouncer - 12/30/99 12:52:09
My Email:bgedward@wthg.com
Organization: bitemynutz inc.

Hella fine site... The perfect blend of drunken slorefest pics and bad-ass links...

The Donn - 12/15/99 20:27:41
My URL:http://www.taint.com

Page looks great fellas. Love the new pics. I'll send mine once I get the scanner working. (Haven't I said that before?)

THEPLEDGE - 11/22/99 09:36:31
My URL:http://www.ent.ohiou.edu/~rameres
My Email:huizenga@ieee.org
Organization: Club72- KEEPIN' IT REAL!!!

Not bad Juice. We need to have a slores link of some high quality sluts that have represented at Club72. Also, Weaver bought that thing kyou wanted for your gf, but I accidently took it home. Sorry. Peace out aholes.

Hi Ho DC - 11/10/99 21:17:44
My URL:http://eat.me.com

mmmm...booobies..... we need more of them on here.... I can supply, as expected.

Deborsh WA - 10/27/99 22:36:29
My Email:deborshi_roy@yahoo.com

I look blacker than a bowling ball in the 19 Byard Formal picture, although I do have to admit my pearly white teeth can be seen at their finest. Let's get HRDG written somewhere on the web page. Other than that, another superb job C.P. What else can we expect from a 19 Byard Alum. 19 Byard 4 Ever, Wa

Skippy - 10/27/99 22:29:37
Organization: HRDG

To any woman who dare comes across this web page. Imagine Skippy Persian's Prince pointing right at you and his arms wide open for an embrace. Come closer, come closer please come closer and give Skippy a hug. If you give Skippy a hug It will make him s haaapy!!!

Club 72 President - 10/25/99 20:59:44
My Email:bw585896@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Organization: not organized

Nice job CP. We will need to get the homecoming pics on ASAP

Hoe Brown - 10/25/99 17:45:36

EEEEEAAAAAWWWWWW ..... BOP!! Donkey Punch for Pres. Skippy rules.

Shackavelli the Don - 10/15/99 20:14:01
Organization: The Gambino Crime Syndicate

Guido, get that stupid OSU picture off of there!! Other than that, the web page looks cool. Get some links to smallworld football/basketball, nba.com, nfl.com, and OT Late..

The Juice - 10/14/99 01:47:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/pbalums
My Email:pbalums@yahoo.com
Organization: HRDG

just keepin it real and random!

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