Monday July 07, 2003
Added a new member today. Everyone welcome Mr. Anubis. yay. I am adding the Map Packs that I used to play so you can download them n stuff. Signed up for WCL so we can do that. Cuz I know how much MG loves to play those type of games. Anyways, here are the map packs.
Map Pack 1,
Map Pack 2,
Map Pack 3,
Map Pack 4,
Map Pack 5.cyz Infestedworm


Sunday July 06, 2003
OK. Mg and bestwormer are back and were gonna do this..Ya i know...well see.cyz Infestedworm


Sunday July 21, 2002
Added a the graves and flags that MG found. Still looking for more graves. MG made a message board and i made the colors. Umm....ya. Ohhh i need to find the old wib logo, i miss it. If anyone has it saved anywhere get in contact with me.cyz Infestedworm


Saturday July 20, 2002
Well that was a kinda long ASAP. But now we are working on the site again and we are gonna try and get this thing going.cyz


Friday June 7, 2001
Everything is going up ASAP. MastaGoku is helpin with doing all the
tryouts so ask him.cyz Infestedworm


Monday April 9, 2001
I'm going to reopen WIB for WWP. Hope it all works out.
cyz Infestedworm


WIB Site Awards
