Latest News updated January 3, 2003 at 5:25pm: Canucks defeat Montreal

Welcome to my Vancouver Canucks website! With the help of my sister Patricia who has taken a lot of the recent photos, I have created this site featuring photographs of the Vancouver Canucks. I love taking pictures and I am a huge Canucks fan, so I thought this would be a neat idea for a website. The latest news page is kept up to date with recent Canucks news. I am always updating, so make sure to check regularily. Also, before you leave, please be sure to sign my guestbook or visit the new message board! Thanks!

Updated: 2:47p.m. PT January 4, 2003 - Woohoo - I have FINALLY added a small new selection of photos to the site! I've include some from a practice, pre-season training, and my trip to Calgary for the final game of the regular season last year. There are more to come in the near future as well.

All of the photos on this website are mine unless otherwise noted. I ask that you please do not take them without asking me first. Thank you - Janice

I have hadvisitors since Dec. 29, 1999 (creation date of this site), although this counter doesn't seem to be able to keep track of how many hits my site receives...

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