This page is a dedication to my friends in Finland.

Thank you's
First I would say that I thank them for their support during my time studying in Australia.
Some of them have truly helped me a lot this past year. And I know without their constant,
continuos and positive support through e-mail or whatever, I would've forgotten them already.

Going back
Well, at last, now some of them already know that my studies in Australia is over. I am flying
back to Finland in the beginning of January to continue my life and studies there. I am truly
excited, because altogether, it has been about 14 months since I've been to Finland or seen my
friends. I have missed them so so so much during the past year. Now at last I am going back.

I have to say, that no way it is easy to go back. Some might think that it is so easy to just drop
back in the country where you were, but more than that is into it. On top of all, I also have adopted
Australia as my homecountry as well, so it is not easy. Also most importantly, It seems very weird
to go back after 14 months apart. But I'm sure after a few months of adaptation I will be back to normal.

Well this is all to it. I will be seeing them soon, and I know I won't be dissapointed.

Luv Y'all,

warmly; Menkki


