S C H E D U L E - S E M 2, 2 0 0 6

Screenings are 12:30pm - 2:30pm every week day in the International Student Lounge.
Come along and watch. , don't forget our AGM this Friday!
[The current screening week is highlighted in purple.]

Screening details will be posted as soon as it's confirmed.
If you have any suggestions for what we should show,
email us at swinanime@yahoo.com.au or on our * NEW FORUM *.

Screening supervisers:
Monday: Jeff Thompson
Tuesday: TBA
Wednesday: Hwan-Yi Choo
Thursday: Matthew Sleeman
Friday: Matthew Sleeman

W e e k . T w e l v e

Monday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 21 and 22, Karin ep 7 and 8, REC 3
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Christian club, no screening
Thursday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 21 and 22, Karin ep 7 and 8, REC 3
Friday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 21 and 22, Karin ep 7 and 8, REC 3

W e e k . E l e v e n

Monday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 19 and 20, Karin ep 5 and 6, REC 2
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Christian club, no screening
Thursday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 19 and 20, Karin ep 5 and 6, REC 2
Friday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 19 and 20, Karin ep 5 and 6, REC 2

Consultation week - no normal screenings.
Mid-semester break - no normal screenings., but we might run a marathon or two.
The borrowing library will be closed for the
consultation week/mid-semester break to a stock-take.
Please return all CDs this week.

W e e k . T e n

Monday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 17 and 18, Karin ep 3 and 4, REC 1
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Christian club, no screening
Thursday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 17 and 18, Karin ep 3 and 4, REC 1
Friday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 17 and 18, Karin ep 3 and 4, REC 1

W e e k . N i n e

Monday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 15 and 16, Karin ep 1 and 2
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Christian club, no screening
Thursday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 15 and 16, Karin ep 1 and 2
Friday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 15 and 16, Karin ep 1 and 2

W e e k . E i g h t

Monday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 13 and 14, Those Who Hunt Elves ep 11 and 12
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Christian club, no screening
Thursday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 13 and 14, Those Who Hunt Elves ep 11 and 12
Friday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 13 and 14, Those Who Hunt Elves ep 11 and 12

W e e k . S e v e n

Monday: Fate/Stay Night ep 11 and 12, Karin ep 21 and 22
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Fate/Stay Night ep 11 and 12, Karin ep 21 and 22
Thursday: Fate/Stay Night ep 11 and 12, Karin ep 21 and 22
Friday: Fate/Stay Night ep 11 and 12, Karin ep 21 and 22

W e e k . S i x

Monday: Fate/Stay Night ep 9 and 10, Karin ep 19 and 20, REC ep 9
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Fate/Stay Night ep 9 and 10, Karin ep 19 and 20, REC ep 9
Thursday: Fate/Stay Night ep 9 and 10, Karin ep 19 and 20, REC ep 9
Friday: Fate/Stay Night ep 9 and 10, Karin ep 19 and 20, REC ep 9

W e e k . F i v e

Monday: Fate/Stay Night ep 7 and 8, Karin ep 17 and 18, REC ep 8
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Fate/Stay Night ep 7 and 8, Karin ep 17 and 18, REC ep 8
Thursday: Fate/Stay Night ep 7 and 8, Karin ep 17 and 18, REC ep 8
Friday: Fate/Stay Night ep 7 and 8, Karin ep 17 and 18, REC ep 8

W e e k . F o u r

Monday: Fate/Stay Night ep 5 and 6, Karin ep 15 and 16, REC ep 7
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Fate/Stay Night ep 5 and 6, Karin ep 15 and 16, REC ep 7
Thursday: Fate/Stay Night ep 5 and 6, Karin ep 15 and 16, REC ep 7
Friday: Fate/Stay Night ep 5 and 6, Karin ep 15 and 16, REC ep 7

W e e k . T h r e e

Monday: Fate/Stay Night ep 3 and 4, Karin ep 13 and 14, REC ep 6
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Fate/Stay Night ep 3 and 4, Karin ep 13 and 14, REC ep 6
Thursday: Fate/Stay Night ep 3 and 4, Karin ep 13 and 14, REC ep 6
Friday: Fate/Stay Night ep 3 and 4, Karin ep 13 and 14, REC ep 6
+ Minifest Party

W e e k . T w o

Monday: Fate/Stay Night ep 1 and 2, Karin ep 11 and 12, REC ep 5
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Fate/Stay Night ep 1 and 2, Karin ep 11 and 12, REC ep 5
Thursday: Fate/Stay Night ep 1 and 2, Karin ep 11 and 12, REC ep 5
Friday: Fate/Stay Night ep 1 and 2, Karin ep 11 and 12, REC ep 5

W e e k . O n e

Monday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 23 and 24, Karin ep 9 and 10, REC ep 4
Tuesday: Videodrome, no screening
Wednesday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 23 and 24, Karin ep 9 and 10, REC ep 4
Thursday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 23 and 24, Karin ep 9 and 10, REC ep 4
Friday: Basilisk: Kouga Ninpu-chou ep 23 and 24, Karin ep 9 and 10, REC ep 4

[ P r e v i o u s . S c h e d u l e s ]
2006 Sem 1 2005 Sem 2 2005 Sem 1 2004 2003

h o m e  -  n e w s  -  s c h e d u l e  -  l o c a t i o n  -  l i b r a r y  -  s p o n s o r s  -  f e e d b a c k  -  l i n k s