and Anime Club Forums Official forums of the Swinburne Anime Club. Forum is temperary out of order.
SISA Swinburne International Student Association
Manifest 2006 Melbourne Anime Festival. A large gathering of anime fans.
Animezone Online store for Anime Zone located in Box Hill.
Anime Express Online store for Hobby Japan.
Anime Australia Focus point for all things anime in Australia.
Minotaur Great place to pick up Region 1 DVDs, NTSC videos, collectable toys,
comics and officially translated manga.
Alternate Worlds Comic and Pop culture specialists. Similar to Minotaur.
Madman Entertainment Number one licenser of Anime in Australia.
Anime Web Turnpike Best place to find Anime resources on the Internet.
Anime Check-List A complete check-list of Japanese animated figures (anime) produced in Japan since 1917.
JACE Japan-Australia Cultural Exchange, read more about it in the news section. ^^