1. Look at the hard copy Anime Library List at the screenings.
2. Library borrowing is for a week (7 days) from date borrowed.
3. Up to 4 media can be borrowed at one time.
4. See the screening supervisor or a SAC committee member to borrow from the library.
5. Present your 2006 premium membership card so the screening superviser can write down your name and what you want to borrow. This may be the beginning, middle or end of the screening time.
6. Put the money on the library tin, $1 for 2 DVDs or 5 CDs.
7. Return what you borrow to the screening superviser within the week and your name will be ticked off.
8. Discs returned can not be borrowed again on the same day until it is placed in the library in the right order.
9. Late fees are $0.20 per media per day.
10. If what you are looking for is not on the list, email swinanime@yahoo.com.au with your request and we will try and find someone who will let you borrow it. Details we need:
Your Full name
Full name of the Anime Title
List the episodes you wish to get
What format you want it on (DVD or data)
Subbed or Dubbed and in which language
Contact phone number and email address |
We will then put you in contact with someone if we can find it.
This list is designed to help you find the Anime title you want with ease.
The SAC Library List
The SAC Anime Library List
The SAC Mange Library List
[Disclaimer: The SAC library does not lend out licensed anime, we aim to removed media once it becomes known that it is licensed].
Can't find what you're looking for. Ask another SAC member.