Evidently a lot of you thought that the model of the first beta sucked, so I have made a new model. It has a front bumper, safety hatches, mudflaps, and the door is closer to the ground than the rest of the bus as it is in real life. Check out the pics of the new model on the side.
The beta of the School Bus is here. It drives beautifully now and looks ok too. Grab it right here.
Well, the very first in game shots pf the bus are here, thanks to Deus Rex who converted it to a .ar form for me. I hope to have a public beta out soon, maybe later today.
I'm getting very close to an early beta, but I'm very busy with school right now, so I may not have anothr chance to work on it until spring vacation next week. But, when vacation comes, I will be working very hard on it. In totally unrelated news (if you can even call it news), a new service has popped up similar to alladvantage.com, but instead of paying you a dollar an hour, it can pay you at least $20 an hour! It doesn't start until May 15, but if you want to sign up now, click here. And for those of you who are concerned w/ your privacy, they require very little personal information. So, try it out today.
Thanks to Negative, I now finally have some clue of how to do textures in MAX. He pointed out a very helpful tutorial on how to do this on a Quake model, but it was very helpful for making MM cars too. If any of you want to check it out, here 's the link. I don't have school today, so I'll try to get the textures aligned right now, and get the car out as soon as possible.
To help me with the textures in MAX, I bought a book today called 3d Studio Max 2 Fundamentals. Hopefully that will help me get the beta version of the bus out very soon.
It's taking me a little longer than I thought to release a beta version of the bus, and right now I am having trouble applying the textures in MAX. If any other car designer knows how to apply the textures, please send me an e-mail so that I can release the bus. Thx.
I have updated the screen shots of the bus. Pcguy1 of Team CTA has sent me the textures, and they look great. I don't have school tomorrow, so I will work on it a lot tomorrow, and I hope to have a beta out by the weekend.
Well, I''m having some trouble creating the textures for the plow. I'm not very good at drawing. So, I'm looking for someone to help with the textures for my cars. If you don't have MAX, but want to have a say in what cars get made, here's your chance. For your help I'll make some of the cars you want. Hopefully this will allow more cars to be made faster by splitting up the work involved.
OK, here's the current progress on the bus and snowplow. The textures for the bus should be completed soon, and I hope that I can have a beta version of the bus out within a week of when I get the textures. The textures for the snowplow are underwork and should be completed this weekend too. I hope to have the same time frame for the plow as I have for the bus. Remember, these dates are temtative, so they might change. If a change is made in the release dates, I'll let you guys know.
Well, I'm back, and have made a small update to the school bus. The screen shot is on the side. Also, I was not very happy with the way that the snowplow came out, and I have been having trouble wit it in MAX, so I will be redoing the model soon, possibly today.
I am leaving tomorrow for Quebec, but before I left I made a model for a school bus. Team CTA will be making the textures for it. Look for that out soon.
Here are some more advanced pics of the snow plow. I had a little bit of trouble importing the car into MAX, but that should all be fixed now. The model is mostly done, but I may tweak it a little bit. I am going to away to Quebec City for a few days, so I won't be able to work on it for about four more days. Check back here in a week or so, and then I might have the textures started.
Here are the first screens of my new plow. Bear in mind that these are very early, and the plow does not have wheels, a plow, and many other features that the final release will have. Also, these screens were taken in Rhino3D, which I find to be easier that MAX. Hopefully there will be no problems with the model when I import it into MAX. I hope to have the model done for all intents and purposes within a week, and then begin on the textures, but I am not sure exactly how long the whole process will take.
Devin's MM as we know it has closed. Because I now have MAX, it will be a car design site like Warby's site and Patwo Designs. I'm thinking of doing a snowplow right now, but I'm not sure what to do just yet. So, if you guys have any earth shattering ideas, send them to me, and if I like them, I might make the car you want. Don't hold your breaths, though, as I know approximately nothing about car making, so it will probably be awhile until I learn the ins and outs of MAX. |