For the NEWF New England & World Heavyweight Title
Fatal Four Way, 2 Pinfalls. The first will be for the NEWF NE Title, the second for the NEWF World Title

Marcus Hailey (w/Dark Force Rising)
Grady Smith (w/ Dark Force Rising)
Bazooka Joe(NEWF New England Champion, w/ Armageddon)
Jack Daniels (NEWF World Champion, w/ Armageddon)

Kimberly Smith: The following contest, is scheduled for two falls, and they are for the NEWF New England and World Heavyweight Champsionships!!! *Crowd erupts* There is a 60 minute time limit, pinfalls count by pinfall or submission.

Voice over the speakers: This is the art of war. You kill your enemy, without hesistation. One shot, one exceptions. This is it, this war will be our armageddon. You'd better prepare for Total Destruction!

*From up above, we hear the sounds of machine guns firing, and pryo's ignite from up above in Foxboro, and rain down as if it were incoming fire. Massive explosions surround the entrace way, as the fans are marking the hell out for this. "Time Bomb" by Godsmack hits the speakers, and from out of the smoke comes Bazooka Joe, in full military combat gear.

Kimberly Smith: Introducing first, from parts unknown, weighing in at 300 pounds, he set the record with a 112 day TV Title reign, and is now the current NEWF New England Champion...BAZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKA JOOOOOOOOOOOEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

*As Bazooka Joe stands in the ring, waiting for everyone else to enter, the lights in the arena quickly dim back down to black. As we stand there, waiting for the next entrant, we hear an altered voice come over the sound system: *

Voice over the speakers: Watch ye therefore, for ye know not when the master of the house cometh...

* With that, the intro to "Dogs of War" by Pink Floyd begins to play over the loudspeaker system, and down the isle we see small flame after small flame begin to ignite, lining the entrance ramp. A small, dim spotlight shines up through the entrance ramp right in front of the entranceway, and standing there, bottle of water in his right hand is Grady Smith, looking down at the ground. As the intro continues on, Grady starts to bounce around a little bit in anticipation as the flames start to grow in size. The music and the flames grow in intensity when suddenly, a HUGE explosion on either side of Grady begins to takes place. The music continues on, and Grady looks up towards the ring and methodically makes his way down towards the ring.*

Kimberly Smith: Introducing one of the challengers. He hails from Cortland, New York, and weighs in at 257 pounds! He is a former NEWF New England and Heavyweight Champion of the World! He is, GRAAAAAAAAAADY SMIIIIIIIIIIIIITH!!!!!

Voice over the speakers: When they put you here, you're there for life. I'm on Death Row, walking that Last Mile. I'll kill a brotha and not look back, otherwise they'll kill you first. You'd better believe boy, you've just beed DISSED AND DISMISSED!

*From the entrance way comes Dr. Dre, dressed in a Rikers Island prison suit! "Stranded on Death Row" begins, as about 20 inmates from Rikers Island file out. The last of them is Marcus Hailey, as Hailey and Dr. Dre walk together towards the ring, both with microphones singing his theme! The inmates surround the ring, as Hailey climbs in and stands on the turnbuckles to a hueg chorus of boo's!

Kimberly Smith: Introducing the next challenger, from Newark, New Jersey, weighing in at 260 pounds! He has climbed the ranks of a wrestling promotion faster than anyone in history! He is also a former NEWF New England and Heavyweight Champion of the World! MAAAAAARCUS HAAAAAAAILEEEEY!!!!!!!

Voice over the speakers: YOU CAN'T HANDLE A ROUND OF JACK DANIELS!!! This is the whole drunken show, and this drunken bastard has 16 pounds of gold around his drunken waist! Try and take it..MOTHERFUCKER!!!

*Suddenly, there are lighted images of bottles of good ol No. 7 everywhere through the arena. They all fly around, until they finally all come crashing together, smashing on the JumboTron as "The Fight Song" by Marilyn Manson hits the speakers.*

Kimbery Smith: Now the champion! Hailing from Lynchburgh, Tennessee and weighing in at 276 pounds! He is the two time NEWF Heavyweight Champion of the world! He is JAAAAAAAACK! DANIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEELS!!!!!!

Larry Atkinson: This is the biggest, the most important matchup in NEWF History! In the ring are the 4 men who have dominated in the NEWF like no others, and they're gonna get it on for the biggest prize in the game!

Kimberly SMith: And now ladies and gentlemen, our special GUEST REFEREE!!!

David Vasquez: Special referee?? I didn't know we were going to have a special ref?! We're pulling out all the stops tonight...who could it be?!?

*The lights in Foxboro Stadium go out, as the theme music for the Pay Per View hits. "The Final Countdown" by Europe blares over the speakers, and our man comes out of the entrance way*


Kimberly Smith: Coming towards the ring, he hails from England, as is perhaps the greatest wrestling legend in our time! The originator of the Triple Crown, THOOOOOOOOOOORNE RICHAAAAAAAAAAAAAARDS!!!!

Dave Vasquez: I haven't heard an ovation like this in ages!!! You can feel your chair moving, as Richards climbs into the ring, and we're blinded by thousands upon thousands of camera's going off at once! The bell has rung, WE'RE UNDERWAY!!!

Larry Atkinson: And we're...uh...we're....not moving. What the hell?!?! Marcus, Grady and Daniels are all leaning in their corners...they aren't moving! Bazooka comes out a few steps, and he has no idea what to do. This is bizarre!

Dave Vasquez: Remember, all the men stated that they didn't want the New England Title! They said that they wouldn't fight for it!

LA: Richards tells Hailey to come on out, and Hailey...he just made himself a hammock on the turnbuckles! He's going to sleep! Richards tells Grady to come out, and Grady just yawned in his face! What the ever loving hell?!?! Daniels is sitting in the corner, drinking away like a fish! Richards is beside himself, and finally...WHAT?!?!?

DV: I wouldn't have believed this if I hadn't seen it! Grady Smith, Marcus Hailey and Jack Daniels all just came out and laid down in the middle of the ring! They refuse to fight for the NE TItle! THey all want to save their strength for the World Title fall! Bazooka just...hell, you might as well take it!

LA: Bazooka strategically puts a finger on Daniels and Hailey, and a toe on Grady...1, 2, 3! That's it!!! This is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen!

Kimberly Smith: The winner of the first fall, and still NEWF New England Champion, Bazooka Joe!

LA: And I think that may have been a mistake! Bazooka remains with the number 2 belt in the NEWF, and that's worth a WHOLE LOT when it comes to the World Title picture!

AND WHOA!!! The second half has really started, as Bazooka picked up Hailey and just flung him across the ring into the corner. Bazooka is flailing away with lefts and rights, and now a charging clothesline that sends Hailey up over the ropes and to the floor!! Daniels charges Grady, but Grady ducks and cinches in and nails a belly to back suplex! Grady turns around and a BIG BOOT from Bazooka, and Grady gets knocked to the outside as well. Daniels is back up, and Bazooka and Daniels are just staring at each other! Stablemates looking each other down, as they tap fists and off the collar and elbow tie up, and Bazooka again with the strength advantadge, throwing Daniels back! Bazooka charges, and FALLS! Hailey from the outside had grabbed his ankle, as he steps in! Daniels hits Hailey with a right, and Hailey responds back, they go back and forth, and Grady is back in the ring...Grady takes both Hailey and Daniels heads, and SLAMS THEM TOGETHER!!! A meeting of the minds, as Grady looks up, and Bazooka charges ahead and tackles Smith to the ground. Bazooka with rights and lefts, as the New England Champion is going to try and finally realize his dreams! Bazooka stands up and takes a few steps backwards...Bazooka charges, DANIElLS INTERCEPTS WITH ON THE ROCKS!!! What a big time power move on a man like Bazooka! Daniels lays the boots on Bazooka, and picks him up...Daniels comes in and clotheslines Bazooka over the ropes, and Daniels falls out over the top with him! That leaves Grady and Hailey alone in the ring, as these two men now are having their showdown...and THERE THEY GO!!! Hailey and Grady putting their DFR friendship aside, and they're having at it. Grady takes the upperhand, and throws Hailey into the ropes, he comes off and a knee to the guy that sends Hailey flipping over! Grady picks Hailey back up and hits a nice snap suplex! Grady takes Hailey and flips him him over with an overhead belly to belly suplex! Grady's starting to get into a groove, as he picks up Hailey again...a fling into the ropes, and Grady goes for the backdrop...kick to the chest by Hailey, and a BIG GUT WRECHPOWERBOMB by Hailey! Hailey just stomps away at Grady madly, and OHHHHHHHH!!!

We just saw stair steps fly, as Bazooka had picked up the ring steps and flung them at Jack Daniels!!! Richards is trying to get them back into the ring, but they aren't even close to listening! Bazooka flings a chair at Daniels and it hits him in the head! Daniels goes down, as Bazooka picks up Daniels and sets him up against the ringpost! Bazooka takes that chair...GOOD GOD!!! BAZOOKA TRIED TO KILL JACK DANIELS WITH THAT SHOT!!! Daniels ducked out of the way, or there might not be a Daniels left to defend the title! Bazooka takes the chair and holds it over his head...HAILEY GRABS IT FROM HIM OVER THE ROPES! Hailey stole the chair, and turns back around...and LAYS OUT GRADY SMITH!!! What a shot by Hailey! Daniels meanwhile kicks Bazooka in the stomach, and DRILLS HIM WITH A DDT TO THE OUTSIDE! It's a football field underneath us here, but that's still not going to be very forgiving! Daniels picks up Bazooka and sends him for the ride against the steel guardrail! Daniels slugs Bazooka, and Bazooka finally responds with a shot to the gut back...and they're BRAWLING UP THE ENTRANCE WAY! Bazooka and Jack Daniels are leaving ringside, and brawling up the aisle! Daniels ducks a right hand, and hits a nice neckbreaker on Bazooka onto the field! Daniels drops a leg on top of Bazooka, and just throws him up the entrance ramp onto the stage! That's steel up there! Daniels comes in and Bazooka with a backdrop that stops Daniels momentum! Bazooka and Daniels get up, as they exchange rights and lefts...they're getting a little too close to that ledge for my liking here! Daniels with a right, and Bazooka is wobbling on that edge! Daniels charges and Bazooka clotheslines Daniels down!

Meanwhile, back in the ring, Hailey has continued this brutal assault on Grady Smith, and would you have believed it?! That stable mates are fighting toth and nail, that's how much the World Title means to these guys! Hailey wedges that chair in the turnbuckles, and takes Grady...and flings Grady across the ring, and the chair FLIES OUT OF THE WEDGE, and that nailed Grady's back on the impact. Hailey takes a few steps back, SHEER ELEGANCE!!! Grady ducks, grabs Hailey by the neck...THE KISS OF DEATH!!! GRADY WITH A BIG TIME MOVE, AND WE'VE GOT THE FIRST COVER OF THE MATCH!!! Richards is in position...



3, NO SIR!!! Hailey got the shoulder up, and we press on here! Hailey getting up and Grady's get him cinched, and a double armed underhoook suplex into a backbreaker, and that takes the wind out of "The Immortal" one. Grady picks Hailey up and nails a right, and Hailey falls through the ring ropes....Grady runs towards the ropes, SPRINGBOARD DROPKICK TO HAILEY, AND HAILEY CRASHES DOWN TO THE FIELD!!! Grady's on a roll, and as he hops to the far ringpost and comes rushing across the ring, Hailey stands up...OHHHHHHH!!!! Grady went for the suicide dive, but Hailey sidestepped it and just flung Grady to the floor, using his own momentum. And now, this sadistic man, Marcus Hailey takes Grady and puts him on his shoulder...Hailey charges towards the ringpost, and Grady's head hits the ring post, and he just drops down, OH...right on the the steel steps that Bazooka had deposited there eariler. Hailey takes the ring steps and puts them on top of Grady! Hailey slides back into the ring, and is heading up to the top...what the...HE WOULDN'T?!?! Hailey up on the top turnbuckle, and Hailey jumps down on the steel steps and CRUSHES THE RIBS OF GRADY SMITH!!! Good LORD!!! Now Hailey has a steel chair...and SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! SMACK!!! ANd another one for good measure...CRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAACK!!!! Hailey with 5 brutal chairshots to the stairs, and Grady Smith is in some serious pain here! Hailey finally lets Grady up and throws him back into the ring...Hailey climbs up the ring apron, and back up top....FLYING ELBOW DROP TO THE CHEST!!! GRAPEVINE'S THE LEG!!! THORNE'S IN POSITION...





3, SHOULDER UP!!! What a devestating series of moves from Hailey, but Grady has the gut check! OH MY GOD! LOOK UP THERE!!! Bazooka Joe and Jack Daniels are climbing up the jumbo screen's steel siding! They're up on top! This is remenicent of Haywood and Douglas, and you saw what happened to those two guys! Rights and lefts exchanged, and Daniels gets the upperhand...Daniels with a right, and BAZOOKA...WHEW...I thought Bazooka was going airborne! And he ain't got no parachute folks! Marcus Hailey is seeing this, and he runs down the entrance ramp! Bazooka's reaching into those military pants of his, into one of the pockets...IT'S THAT DAMN GLOVE!!! Bazooka has the glove on, and Daniels was caught looking at Hailey!!! GAS MASK!!!! BAZOOKA JOE WITH A 40 FOOT HIGH GAS MASK!!! Those spikes are digging in, and Bazooka stands up...HE SHOVED DANIELS OFF!!!!


JACK DANIELS JUST FELL 40 FEET FROM UP ON TOP OF THE SCREEN, AND CRASHED THROUGH THE TABLES THAT WERE SET UP BELOW!!! HE'S FUCKIN' DEAD!!! MY GOD!!! Hailey...DON'T DO THAT!! Hailey's got an axe for Christ sake, where the hell did he get that!!!!????? Hailey with a chop, and the jumbotron shakes, and BAZOOKA'S COMING DOWN THE HARD WAY!!!! AND WHAT'S LEFT OF THOSE TABLES IS KINDLING NOW!!! The Armageddon members are OUT!!! Hailey is standing tall right now!!!! Grady Smith is coming up the entrance ramp now, and meets Hailey...right hand, and another right! Hailey tries a clothesline, Grady ducks...GRADY'S GOING FOR THE CHOKEBUSTER!!! Hailey slides out the back, scoops Grady up...OH MY GOD!!!!! HAILEY WITH A RUNNING POWERSLAM OFF THE STAGE, AND DOWN 10 FEET TO THE FLOOR!!! ALL 4 MEN ARE DOWN BELOW THE STAGE, AND THIS PLACE IS ON IT'S FEET!!!!


That's a new one! We have some movement, and it's from Marcus Hailey! Damn this son of a bitch is tough!!! Hailey takes Jack Daniels, and is dragging him back towards the ring! Daniels is almost lifeless! Hailey tosses Daniels in, this is what Hailey wanted! Hailey is measuring Daniels, and takes OFF HIS HEAD WITH A BIG BOOT!!! Dear God, that was a 50 yard field goal right there! Hailey picks Daniels up, and puts him in the tree of woe!!!! Hailey takes a running start, OHHHHHHHH!!!! A knee right into the mouth of Daniels, and that's gonna show come tomorrow morning! Hailey lets him down, and he's ready....Daniels stands up...DEATH SENTENCE!!! HAILEY NAILED THE DEATH SENTENCE!!! HOOKS THE LEG!!!







3, GRADY SMITH!!!! GRADY PULLED MARCUS HAILEY'S LEG, AND PULLED HIM OFF OF JACK DANIELS!!!! GRADY JUST COST MARCUS HAILEY THE NEWF WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE!!! Hailey is livid!!! Grady steps into the ring, and Hailey is all over him like white on rice!!! Hailey just UNLOADS WITH RIGHTS AND LEFTS!!! Grady is wobbly and Hailey backsteps...SHEER ELEGANCE!!!! Grady's head just rolled down Rt. 93!!! Hailey is quiet pleased with himself, and turns back around to see Jack Daniels...

PIN PULLER!!! DEAR GOD OUT OF NOWHERE, BAZOOKA JOE HAS RETURNED TO THE RING, AND HE JUST FLIPPED HAILEY HEAD OVER HEELS WITH THAT VISCIOUS MOVE!!! It's Bazooka's shot, and he's gonna make the most of it! Bazooka flings Hailey into the corner, but Hailey reverses it...Bazooka WALKS THE ROPES, TURNS AROUND AND HITS THE SHOULDER BLOCK!!!! Someone hand me the detonation codes, Bazooka's gonna explode!!! Daniels is back up and spins Bazooka around, Bazooka ducks a right, kick to the the ropes...BIG AXE KICK!!!! Daniels ate canvas, and Thorne's ready to crown a new NEWF Champion!!!







3, HAILEY MAKES THE SAVE!!! Hailey broke it up, or else Bazooka would have won both titles in the same night! Daniels stands up on the far side, and comes behind Grady...SLEEPER HOLD!!!! A great move, as tired as these guys are right now! Hailey from behind...SLEEPER ON DANIELS!!! We've got a three way sleeper hold....make that A FOUR WAY SLEEPER! BAZOOKA WITH THE SLEEPER ON DANIELS!!! How the hell did they do this?!?! They're all fading faster than you can say...well whatever the hell word you think of! Grady's trying to fight...he sits down...OHHHHHHHHH HOLY SHIT!!!! A FOUR WAY JAW BREAKER BY GRADY SMITH!!!! All four men collapse to the ground!!! And LOOK AT THIS!!! Grady has an arm on Bazooka! Bazooka has an arm on Hailey! Hailey has an arm on Daniels, and Daniels has an arm on Grady!!!! IT'S A FOUR WAY COVER!!!! Richards starts the count, IF SOMEONE DOESN'T MOVE, WE'LL HAVE A NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, UNLESS IT'S GRADY WHO DOESN'T MOVE AND DANIELS WILL RETAIN!!! HERE WE GO!!!!









(OK, now check this out, this is really cool...SIMON SAYS RAISE YOUR SHOULDER!)

SHOULDERS UP!!! ALL 4 MEN GET THAT SHOULDER UP!!!! And there is still life for everyone! What a gut wrenching night for these four men, as they are pouring out their hearts tonight for the finale of the NEWF! All four men are on their knees...and BAZOOKA HITS DANIELS WITH A RIGHT! DANIELS HITS GRADY, GRADY HITS HAILEY, HAILEY HITS BAZOOKA!!! Hailey and Grady both UNLOAD on Daniels who goes down!!! They turn around....DOUBLE PIN PULLER!!!! Bazooka decapitated both DFR members! And Daniels pulls Hailey towards himself and the both fly out of the ropes and down to the floor! What a night! Bazooka picks up Grady and backs him up into the corner...Bazooka puts Grady up on the top turnbuckle, and draws his thumb across this throat...THIS IS IT...THIS IS GONNA BE THE HOLOCAUST! WE'LL HAVE A NEW NEWF WORLD CHAMPION!!! AND....GRADY BLOCKS IT!!! GRADY CINCHES IN JOE....WAIT A MINUTE...NO, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


IF YOU THOUGHT BAZOOKA WAS GONNA MAKE IT, YOU'RE DEAD WRONG!!!! And not only that, but Grady nailed Dead Wrong on Bazooka through the spanish announcers table!!! MADRE DE DIOS!!!! AYE CARUMBA!!! And both men are down and out of it!!! Meanwhile, Marcus Hailey has the upper hand, and is going under the ring apron, and he's throwing chair after chair into the ring! Hailey just pour four chairs into the ring, and now he's setting them up! Two across from each other, two rows wide! Hailey is signaling for SOLITARY!!!! A modified version, but every bit as lethal! Daniels is on the outside and up onto the apron! Hailey goes over to Daniels, Daniels with something behind his back...SMAAAAAAAASH!!!! MY GOD!!! DANIELS BROKE A BOTTLE OF NO. 7 OVER HAILEY'S HEAD!!! Daniels grabs Hailey from over the ropes....LYNCHBURGH LOWDOWN!!! GOD MOTHER FUCKIN' DAMMIT!!!!! THAT WAS INCREDIBLE!!! AND HAILEY LANDED ON THE STEEL STAIRS ON THE OUTSIDE!!! HAILEY IS BROKEN IN HALF!!!! Daniels is still standing after all this!!! BUT NOT FOR LONG!!! GRADY SMITH HAS DANIELS FROM THE INSIDE OF THE RING, AND HE'S GOT HIM LOCKED, USING THE ROPES AS A SPRINGBOARD OF SORTS...


HOLY SHIT!!!! I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THAT BEFORE!!!! A SPRING BOARD CHOKEBUSTER!!! Grady crawls over on top of Daniels, there's no one else to stop it, this could be all!!!!












[Good God, what a main event...all four combatants are starting to filter out of the ring, and Marcus Hailey takes a couple of moments outside to collect himself before heading back to the locker room. His mistake...with his back to the fans, he doesn't see Erik Draven step over the guardrail, and quietly sneak up behind him. Draven adjusts a table behind him, smirks, and taps Hailey on the shoulder. Hailey turns around, and is met by a kick to the midsection, and...a Mindwipe through the table! Dear God, Hailey could have a broken neck! Draven looks down at the prone form of Hailey, produces a microphone from within his overcoat, and begins to speak.]

Erik Draven: Suffice it to say...the clock just struck midnight on you, bitch. Maybe next time, you'll be a bit more selective in your little 'comments'. [Erik chuckles, and exits back through the crowd]


*"My Way Or The Highway" by Limp Bizkit hits our television, as we see flashbacks from the incredible night we've just had. Angela Chang's address to the fans. The pyro's as Ray Willmott first comes out! Craven Blood and Lunatikk Crippler going through hell, before that Lunatikk Sweeter through the table! The mayhem that we saw in the tag team matchup, as the 3D is shown, and Lation Powers steal the win! President Best's arrival and the Flatliner from Commissioner Kanyon! The carnage that was the TV Title matchup...Kramer walking out with the TV Title, the pitbull on Willmott, the Yorke going ballistic with a pipe, Venom in that car, and finally getting the win over Kramer. The breath taking scaffold match, as Evan Douglas and Haywood Jublome about killed each other, before that frightening fall down below! Erik Draven taking his own baby brother, and planting him through 5 plate glass windows at once, and tapping his heart and pointing towards the sky. And what was the greatest event in NEWF history...the entrances of Bazooka Joe, Grady Smith, Marcus Hailey and Jack Daniels. Bazooka sending Daniels 40 feet through all those tables! Hailey chopping down the jumbotron, and Bazooka following Daniels down! Grady Smith nailing the Kiss of Death on Hailey, Hailey about killing Grady with Sheer Elegance, the Double Pin Puller from Bazooka, On The Rocks on Bazooka from Daniels, the Death Sentence on Daniels from Hailey, Dead Wrong on Bazooka Joe from Grady Smith, The Lynchburgh Lowdown over the ropes from Daniels on Hailey, and the springboard Chokebuster on Daniels from Grady Smith that sealed the deal.

Final image of the NEWF crosses over and blends with Grady Smith, holding the NEWF World Heavyweight Title over his head, and then the fade to black....*