*The scene opens and we find ourselves outside in what seems to be a beautiful day. Not too hot, not cold at all, sun is shining and a cool breeze is making this a spring like day. We see some elder people walking outside, being assisted by what seem to be nurses. Suddenly, off to the side, we see a park bench, but more importantly, we see the one and only, the drunken legend hismelf...Jack Daniels. Daniels is enjoying the beautiful weather as he takes a swig from his trusty bottle of Old No.7. Daniels looks into the camera and begins speaking...*
Jack Daniels: Ahhh what a beautiful day. AndJack Daniels ain't just talkin' 'bout weather wise. Jack Daniels is also referrin' to the NWW and how just this drunken bastard is sittin' pretty at the very top of the mountain. True, the gold isn't 'round this drunken waist just yet, but is there any doubt in anyone's mind that your drunken hero won't end up as the NWW International Champion? Well let Jack Daniels turn all those doubters out there into believers, startin' with the man that has the honor and the privelage of goin' one on one with the Drunk One.
Evan Douglas...what a shame it will be to whoop your ass just one more time. Ya know, Jack Daniels can't help but to think back to when ya first came into this business. Ya remember that? Ya remember exactly who it was that brought ya up to the playin' field with some of the greats in this industry? Yeah, the same man that will end up the NWW International Champion...very good. The same man that beat ya in a cage last summer, took your bitch and then your pride when ya fell on your ass after Three Shots of Hell. Ya see, ya never knew it Evan, but Jack Daniels took ya and molded ya not only into the perfect competitor, but the perfect partner for this drunken bastard. I knew for damn sure ya would never...ever want to go one on one with this drunken bastard 'gain, so ya would take the easy way out and team up with the drunken legend. Hell, who could blame ya?
And from then on, it was all history. Jack Daniels won the NWF Tag titles. Jack Daniels successfully defended 'em and held on to 'em for a record breakin' 84 days. Jack Daniels put ya next to the best in the record books. Plain and simple Evan...JACK DANIELS MADE YA BITCH! And now Jack Daniels is gonna put ya out whether ya like it or not. Business is business, and when it comes to the NWW International Title, Jack Daniels doesn't fuck 'round.
*Suddenly Daniels gets up from the bench and approaches a building. What the...did that sign just say...YES IT DID! Daniels is at the Green Grove Retirement Home. Daniels walks through the front doors and into the lobby as he approaches a desk with a lady sitting behind it.*
Lady: Can I help you sir?
Jack Daniels: That depends...ya got any room in here for one more?
Lady: Yes sir we do.
Jack Daniels: Good, hold a room then. His name is Evan Douglas and he'll be checkin' in here first thing Wednesday mornin'.
*The lady hands Daniels some paper work. Daniels looks down at the papers and scratches his head with a confused look on his face as the scene fades to black.*