Don't play with fire Hailey cuz you're just gonna get BURNT!

(The scene opens and we find ourselves in an apartment of sorts. No, this is no luxurious office that others pretend it to be, when it is in fact nothing but a hole in the wall. This is your typical pent house type apartment. A nice couch with a few recliners and a glass coffee table surround a rather large entertainment system that includes a big screen TV. The TV is on and we notice that the first round of the NBA playoffs is on...more specifically game 1 of the Toronto Raptors versus the New York Knicks. We notice a close score, and the sixties range of score indicates that we must be at some point in the second half. Anyway, the camera pans out a bit and gets a shot of the couch once again. But this time we notice something different. No, not a big piss or shit stain from Hailey after he gets a load of this interview. But we notice none other than the legend himself...Jack Daniels. Daniels is relaxing on the sofa as he watches the game. A commercial break hits the screen and Jack Daniels begins to speak...)

Jack Daniels: The young and inexperienced versus the established. A simple concept that has provided us with perhaps some of the greatest matchups and feuds in history. Go back a few years and we remember a young Miami Heat team takin' on an experienced Knick team. They have provided us with classic memories and is arguably the greatest and most physical basketball rivarly to date. And each and every time, the Knicks have come out on top when it has counted the most. Take a look at what we have here...the Raptors, a young and upcomin' team with some good talent. And this year, they get the opportunity to take on a Knicks team that has consistently been in the playoffs for the last decade and in the finals two of those years. Ya know, it's kinda like what we have here in front of us. We got a young, inexperienced, yet talented Marcus Hailey with the desire to do whatever it is he sets out to do. And then we got an established, experienced, legend in Jack Daniels. Now Hailey would like to think that this could very well be Jack Daniel's last shot at winnin' gold...whoops, excuse me...platinum. But little does he know that this is just the beginnin'. The beginnin' of a few things for that matter. The beginnin' of a new era in Jack Daniel's book. The beginnin' of an era of raisin' hell and takin' control of the NEWF. The beginnin' of the end of one Marcus Hailey.

Ya see Hailey, the endin' of Dark Force Risin' and yourself is looong overdue. Ya and your little butt lickin' buddy in Grady Smith intorduced Dark Force Risin' on Jack Daniel's expense. Yeah that's right, remember that Hailey? That time when Grady couldn't beat me for the NEWF Title. And since ya couldn't have things your way, ya had to act like the little pieces of human shit that ya are and try and make a name for yourselves. Well, congradu-fuckin'-lations Hailey. Ya jackasses made a name for yourselves and in doin' so, ya motherfuckers just put a huge bullseye right on your pathetic asses. Ya see Hailey, havin' Armageddon come down to the ring each and every fuckin' week and whoop your Dark Fuckin' Retarded asses, that's just too damn easy. Nah, instead we're gonna do what no one else can, let alone even attempt to do. We're gonna beat ya sorry motherfuckers at your own game. Now I know Marcus is sittin' back and smirkin' at this cuz the motherfucker obviously knows somethin' 'bout beatin' people at their own game. Or at least the sorry sunuva bitch claims he does. Ya see, Jack Daniels knows that gettin' one over on ya by attackin' ya while your back is turned, or takin' the title from ya just wouldn't cut it. So that must leave ya wonderin' just what Jack Daniels is thinkin', or even worse, what he's got up his sleeve.

(Daniels gets up from the couch and walks over to a counter that has a few stools to it. Daniels walks behind the counter. Looks like Daniels is gonna hit the bottle once again. Daniels reaches under the counter and pulls up bottle of, what else...but Old No.7. Daniels looks as it for a moment before speaking...)

Jack Daniels: Ya know Hailey, I hope ya have yourself a tape in your VCR cuz I'm 'bout to do something here that ya and no one else would have ever thought I would do. (Daniels pauses before doing something historic here. Daniels lifts the bottle up.) Hailey...Thank You! Yeah, ya heard me right bitch...thank you. For what ya ask? For makin' me realize that maybe I was believin' in the wrong thing too damn much. For makin' me realize that all I was tryin' to do is merely bank on my habits. But thanks to ya Hailey, Jack Daniels had himself a taste of reality. And boy, let me tell ya it tasted like piss. Almost as bad as that crap that Hailey replaced my liquor with at FEAR. It may seem all fine and dandy for ya now, but it ain't. Ya think ya have this match won already. I mean hell, ya made Jack Daniels come out and admit his wrong doings and he actually thanked ya. And ever since, I have seen things a little differently, All my drunkaholics have sobered up so to say and have found a new drunken hero. As for Jack Daniels, he doesn't turn to the bottle anymore. He doesn't rely on it to win or to hide his pain and sufferin'. Although smashin' a bottle over someon's skull was a great way to relieve some stress. Some look at Jack Daniels now as a pwer hungry monster lookin' for total domination. And do ya know who created this monster Hailey? was ya Hailey. And now, not only do ya have to live with him...but ya have to kill him. Have fun tryin' bitch cuz I'm sure as hell gonna have fun makin' your life a livin' hell (Daniels grins)

Ya know Hailey, it's amazin' how ya can just talk and talk and fuckin' talk till the cows come home. And it's also amazin' how your over inflated your ego has become. But who's Jack Daniels kiddin'? Your the NEWF Platinum Champion, your ego has the right to be the size of New England. But ya know what amazes me the most. Just how much of a fuckin' hypocrite ya are. The one person ya hate most in this world, next to Jack Daniels of course, is none other than your brother Smirt... err...Kelvin. And when ya stop and listen to your pathetic self, ya realize that ya are a spittin' image of your younger brother Kelvin. Well only difference is Kelvin is buried six feet under wearin' all his gold chains while you're decked out in an orange prison suit with chains shackled around your ankles and wrists. The one thing ya hated in this world, your younger brother Kelvin. And yet, ya resemble him so fuckin' much...the ego, the diarrhea of the's all there. How ironic...don't ya think?

(Daniels grabs the bottle of Old No.7 and opens it. He tilts is over so it's slowly pouring out. Daniels walks away from the bar area with the bottle as the liquor slowly pours out of the bottle and onto the floor, kind of making a trail. Daniels walks up to the TV which is still showing the Knicks game. Daniels places the near empty bottle of liquor on the TV and then walks back towards the bar area. And begins speaking...)

Jack Daniels: Ya know Hailey, ya should be careful when ya talk 'bout, or for that matter, even utter the word fear. Fact is everyone fears soemthing. Whether it be heights, death or hell, even the boogie man. Shit, even Jack Daniels had fear in him. But not from ya Hailey...oh hell no. He feared to admit to himself that the Old No.7 just wasn't cuttin' it anymore. So when ya sit there and preach on 'bout ya don't fear a damn thing, then we all know that it's fuckin' bullshit. Ya see, Jack Daniels knows what ya fear. He knows exactly what will throw ya in a hissy fit. Ya fear losin' that oh so precious title. Ya fear losin' the spotlight. Ya fear gettin' beat at your own game. But don't ya worry much longer there Marcus. Cuz once Monday night is all said and done, those fears of yours will be gone. Ya see, once ya experience 'em, ya no longer fear 'em. And by Tuesady mornin', when Jack Daniels has the Platinum Title 'round his waist...when Jack Daniels is in the spotlight...and when Jack Daniels brings his game to a whole new level makin' yours seem as harmless as an episode of Mr. Rogers. It's quite alright to admit that after Monday night ya will be a nobody Hailey. Don't sweat it...I'm sure President Best or one of the powers to be can direct ya to the nearest unemployment office after ya get humiliated by Jack Daniels.

Just look at the fact Hailey. Your first world title. Your first world title defense. And 'gainst the one man ya have pissed off the most. Obviously not the smartest thing to do, as ya will see. Jack Daniels: Five world title reigns...dozens of world title defenses. Inexperienced versus experienced. Ya have no idea what kind of pressure lies in a match like this Hailey. Jack Daniels knows all 'bout it. Ya have no idea what it takes to defend. Ya have no fuckin' idea what it takes to fight off people each and every fuckin' week from tryin' to take your title. Jack Daniels does. Just in case the fact escaped your over inflated head, Jack Daniels has held the NEWF World Title 'fore Marcus, the first one for that matter. And ya know what? He will have it 'gain, and 'gain be the first one to have it...TWICE! I don't need Kanyon's help. I don't need Old No.7's help. All i need is my two fists and a fuckin' head to pound 'em into. And your head has been nominated for the job Hailey. Congradualtions. Ya pulled a fast one on Jack Daniels one too many times, tamperin' with my liquor at FEAR. Ya screwed me. Well guess what Hailey? Now ya screwed yourself bitch. Ya created this monster with all this pissed off anger inside. And it's all gonna be vented on your ass. Ya may think ya have set Jack Daniels up for the master plan, but the fact of the matter is YOU'RE bein' set up motherfucker. You're bein' setup for the biggest ass whoopin' this side of New England has ever seen in their fuckin' pathetic lives. You're bein' setup to be humiliated right outta the NEWF.

(Suddenly we here a loud buzzer. Daniels turns and looks at the TV, where the game between the Knicks and the Raptors has come to and end. And wouldn't ya know it...the established more experienced team cae out on top, once again. Daniels begins speaking...)

Jack Daniels: Well...well...oh fuckin' well. What a surprise...the Knicks beat the Raptors yet 'gain, but even more importantly when it matters the most. Last time at FEAR might have meant something to ya Hailey. But all it was, was a reunion of a bunch of ass rapin' motherfuckers beatin' on one man...ME. Monday night is when it matters the most Hailey. Monday night is when all the marbles are on the line and each man's determination...desire...vile actions emerge the most to see just who wants it the most. Hailey, Monday night will be the beginnin' of the end for ya and your Dickhead Fuckin' Retards. Ya might think that ya have had the best laugh...but remember it's the one laughin' in the end who laughs best...

(Daiels grabs a macth from the bar and sparks it up. He holds it for a few seconds and then...SWOOOOSH! Daniels threw the match where he started pourin' the liquor. THe fire quickly spreads along the path that Daniels made until it reaches the TV and the rest of the alcohol. The TV goes up in flames as as the camera turns back to Daniels to catch his reaction...)

Jack Daniels: And just like the young and unexperienced Raptors're gonna get BURNT by a match ya wish ya never played with. MUAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

(Scene fades to the sight of the flames...and to the sound of Daniels evil, demonic laugh...)