It's time for our next match...a match that could quite possibly steal the show here tonight. For weeks Lunatikk Crippler an Jack Daniels have been attacking each other verbally and physically. Now it's time for the big payoff...a No Disqualification, Falls Count Anywhere Match between these two hardcore legends. "Careful With That Mic", by Clutch, begins to play throughout the arena. The fans are on their feet expecting the arrival of Crippler. Only problem is, Crippler isn't coming out. A moment or two goes by and still no Crippler. The fans are becoming restless. Wait a second, the jumbotron sparks to life and we find ourselves in the back parking lot of the Charlotte Coliseum. A black stretch limo pulls up. Wait a second, that's Absolute Power's limo. The back door swings open and there he is...Lunatikk Crippler. Crippler makes his way out looking at his watch realizing he's late for his match against Daniels. Crippler is making his way towards the arena. Wait a second, is that? IT IS! Jack Dnaiels was hiding behind the dumpster over there and he just ambushed Crippler for the second time tonight. He has a ref with him and this match has officially begun.

Daniels grabs a hold of Crippler's head and rams it into the dumpster, again and again and again. Ouch, Crippler is gonna have a headache in the morning. Daniels grabs Crippler and is bringing him over to a nearby parked car. Crippler breaks free of Daniel's grip and lands a few rights of his own. He grabs Daniels by his head and rams his head right into the hood of that parked car. He tosses Daniels on top of the hood and follows him up himself. He stomps on Daniels a bit. He scoops Daniels up...and he SLAMS HIM DOWN ON THE CONCRETE FROM THE TOP OF THE CAR! Crippler jumps off and hits a splash on Daniels and goes for an early cover...



DANIELS KICKS OUT! It's going to take a lot more to take out the hardcore drunken icon. Crippler picks Daniels up and is bringing him towards the arena. Crippler whips Daniels...REVERSED! Criipler slams right into the door face first. Daniels turns and calls out to the limo driver. Daniels brigns Crippler away from the door and throws him right into the dumpster again. Daniels stands Crippler up and now Daniels is signaling something to the limo driver. What the...he's not. HOLY SHIT HE IS! THE LIMO IS HEADING RIGHT AT CRIPPLER FULL SPEED! HE'S GONNA KILL THE LOONEY BASTARD! KEEERRRAAAAAAAASSSSSSHHHHH! NO NO NO! CRIPPLER MANAGED TO MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! Daniels walks up to the limo and reaches in and pulls out a bottle of Old No.7. Daniels takes a swig. He turns to see Crippler still alive and throws that full bottle of liquor right at him. But Crippler ducks. SPEAR! SPEAR! Crippler hits a spear on Daniels right into the side of the limo. Crippler grabs Daniels and brings him into the arena, slamming Daniels through the doors. Crippler finds a metal pipe convienently placed by the door. Crippler charges at Daniels and closelines him right in the throat with that metal pipe. Daniels is grasping for air. Crippler now nails Daniels repeatedly in the ribs with that metal pipe. Crippler stands over Daniels with that metal pipe in hand and his arms raised in the air as if he has already won. OUCH! Daniels kicks Crippler right in the family jewels and Crippler doubles over dropping that metal pipe. Daniels grabs it and THWAAAACCCK! Nails Crippler right in the head with that pipe. Daniels makes it to his feet and grabs a hold of Crippler. He whips Crippler right into a big black chest, standing about four or five feet high. Daniels has the metal pipe and charges at Crippler with it...Crippler ducks and...OH MY! He back bodydrops Daniels right into the wall and onto the black chest. Crippler climbs up on the chest as well. HE grabs a hold of Daniels...T-BONE SUPLEX RIGHT OFF THE CHEST ONTO THE CONCRETE FLOOR! Crippler follows it up with an elbow drop to Daniel's throat and goes for a cover...



DANIELS KICKS OUT! Crippler picks Daniels up and starts escorting him towards the ring. Daniels hits Crippler with an elbow to the midsection, and another. Daniels grabs Crippler and decides to take a detour. He throws Crippler right into the...WOMEN'S BATHROOM?! Daniels throws Crippler right into one of the stalls. and he's flushing his head in that toilet. Daniels steps into the next stall...what the, that's a familiar sound. It seems as if all that liquor has come full circle in Daniel's system, cuz he's pissing it all out in the next stall. And worse yet...Daniel's doesn't flush. Daniels picks Crippler up and brings him over to where he just took a piss. Daniels is frocing Crippler's head int he toilet...NO! Crippler put his hands out and is resisting to go in there. He's fighting it...Crippler kicks back with his leg and nails Daniels below the belt. Crippler pushes Daniels out and now he grabs Daniels by the head...NOOOOO! Daniels just went head first into his own piss. Crippler brings Daniel's head out of the piss and Daniels is spitting and almost ready to puke. Daniels slowly gets up and WHAM! Crippler just slammed the bathroom stall door right in Daniel's head. Crippler whips Daniels...NO REVERSED! HOLY SHIT! DANIELS JUST SENT CRIPPLER INTO THE MIRROR FACE FIRST! Crippler is out and quickly, he's sporting the crimson mask. Daniels goes for a a women's bathroom no less...



CRIPPLER KICKS OUT! Crippler is a bloody mess. Daniels picks him up and throws him out of the bathroom. Daniels follows Crippler out but with a nice sized shard of glass in his hand. Daniels sits on top of Crippler and he's gonna slice Clipper up. Crippler grabs a hold of Daniel's hand and is fighting him off. Crippler kicks Daniels off and Crippler grabs that shard of glass. And now Crippler is going to slice Daniels up. Daniels is fighting him off, but Crippler manages to slice Daniels right on th side of his face before it's all said and done. And now Daniels is beginning to bleed profusely. Both these men are beginning to duke it out. Right by Daniels...right by Crippler...another right by Daniels is answered by another right from Crippler. These two men are giving it everything they got here tonight. Daniels gets the upper hand with a knee to Crippler's midsection. He hooks Crippler's head for a DDT. NO! Crippler with a punch to Daniel's ribs...and another. And Crippler...RELEASE NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX! These men are both laid out. Crippler manages to get to his feet first. Daniels uses a nearby table with fruits and snacks on it, to get on his feet. Crippler waits for Daniels to get on his feet...HURRICANRA...NOOOO! DANIELS HAS A HOLD OF HIM! POWERBOMB THROUGH THE TABLE! But Daniels doesn't let go and lifts him back up...POWERBOMB ON THE CONCRETE! Daniels is turning Crippler over...DOUBLE SHOT! DANIELS HITS CRIPLER WITH THE DOUBLE SHOT! The ref moves in to see if Crippler submits...

Crippler is yelling in pain...but not submitting yet.

Crippler is fighting it but still not giving in...

Crippler is using whatever he has left to push himself up and break the hold...he flips Daniels over and Crippler has escaped the Double Shot. Daniels can't believe it. He stands Crippler up and begins bringing him towards somewhere. Crippler stops Daniels momentum and the two begin trading lefts and rights again. Right by Crippler is answered by a right from Daniels. Another right from Crippler sends Daniels stumbling back, but lands a right on Crippler who is chasing him down. Wait a second...they just brawled their way through the curtain and onto the top of the entrance ramp. Listen to this place...they're going nuts for these two beating the living crap out of each other.