(The scene fades in to a shot of the full moon in the clear sky. It's obviously late at night as the camera shifts away fromt he moon and provides us with an aerial shot of a highway. We see a set of lights down below moving, signifying a car down below on the road...the only car as a matter of fact. We cut from the aerial shot and find ourselves inside the car traveling along this highway. The camera is located in the back seat and after getting settled in, the camera is adjusted to get a shot of the driver from the rear view mirror...it's Jack Daniels. Daniels lowers the radio before we can make out what he's listening to. Daniels cold blooded eyes stare into the rear view mirror and into the camera for a few seconds and then back on the road as he begins speaking...)
Jack Daniels: Fear. That's what ya should be feelin' right now Evan. And if I were ya, that's what I would be feelin' right now. Fear. It makes ya do crazy, unpredictable, uncharataristic things, like pulling out a knife and takin' a life. Fear. It makes you resort to actions that ya would least likely do if ya were in a normal mindset. Since when did anyone ever see Evan Douglas as a threat in or outta the ring? Since when did anyone ever imagine that Evan Douglas would threaten to take someone's life, let alone Jack Daniels life? That's what I thought...NEVER! Never has Evan Douglas been considered a threat to take the spotlight or center stage here in the EWA, or naywhere else. And the fact of the matter is Evan, ya never will. Ya see Evan, fear is a dangerous emotion. And if it's not handled in the right manner, it could be very...very costly. And throw into the mix being a threat, and the formula could be deadly. But that's something ya really don't have to worry 'bout...or is it?
(Suddenly, some thumping and banging can be heard coming from behind the camera. The cameraman turns left and right, but doesn't see anything. Then the noises are heard again...)
Jack Daniels: Just ignore those noises. Ya see Evan, it is something ya should be worried 'bout. Think 'bout it, Jack Daniels here...Jack Daniels is a threat. A threat to take steal the spotlight...a threat to take over the EWA...a threat to your fuckin' pathetic life. And no, I don't need weapons to get that point across Evan, like ya do. All I need is to give my word...my word that's as good as gold. Now mix in that fear that Jack Daniels has...and ya have somethin' to be shittin' in your pants 'bout. But don't amuse yourself Evan. Don't think for one single solitary second that Jack Daniels fears your skills...your threats...or your presence in that ring. Oh no jackass...not by a fuckin' longshot. What Jack Daniels fears is how I will get all your blood stains off of my hands and clothes. What Jack Daniels fears is how the paramedics will scrape your bloody, beaten carcas off of the canvas. What Jack Daniels fears is havin' all the drunkaholics out there look into my eyes and see a man that Jack Daniels really isn't...a killer. But ya brought that out in me Evan...ya brought it out and now you're just gonna have to fuckin' deal with it, whether ya like it or not. *Daniels pauses* Hello...Hello McDouglas? Anybody home? Shit, what was Jack Daniels thinkin'? As disillusioned as ya are, how in the hell could I have expected ya to pay one bit of attention to your own verbal beatdown. I know just what will get your attention. You...cameraman, wait in here.
(Daniels pulls the car over to the side of the road and gets out of the car. The cameraman tries to turn around to see what exaclty is going on, but can't. We see Daniels walking to the back of the car before he leaves the picture. We hear some keys, and then a clicking noise. We hear a bit of a struggle and then a loud slam of a door. Daniels enters the picture again, except this time from the passenger side. Wait a second, who is he carrying over his shoulder...that's Clarissa! Daniels has Clarissa draped over his shoulder, opens the passener side door and puts her in the front seat. Clarissa has a cloth tied around her mouth so she can't say a word. Daniels walks around the front of the car and gets back in as he turns to the camera and speaks...)
Jack Daniels: Well, hello there Evan, so glad ya could finally join this promo that's already in progress. Now that Jack Daniels has got your undivided attention, let me tel ya just how it is. Ya see, you're like the donkey, and I'm the farmer danglin' the carrot in front of ya, drivin' ya hard to the very end, the finish. To the very end of your pathetic...meaningless carreer. Think 'bout it Evan, just what have ya accomplished ever since ya set foot in a ring? A few victories here and there, some meaningless titles from time to time, and a bitch that has basically won 'em all for ya. Tell 'em how it is honey. *Daniels removes the cloth from around Clarissa's mouth to enable her to speak*
Clarissa: Why are you doing this?
Jack Daniels: Why? Ya don't get it, do ya bitch? Ya see, Evan took away the greatest thing from my life for over a fuckin' month...whoopin' ass in the middle of that ring. He thought he got rid of this drunken bastard once and for all, but little did he know that Jack Daniels would be back...mentally and physically stronger. So ya see, Jack Daniels took away what was most important to him...YOU! Ya would give him his confidence. Ya would keep him in check emotionally. Ya would keep him in shape with your high impact workouts. And ya would even win him his matches when the goin' got tough, and he couldn't get goin'. Now without ya, he ain't nuttin'...not like he ever was anythin' to begin' with. So let's just say he less of a man than whatever he first was, which ain't a whole lot to begin with.
Clarissa: Are you kidding? I know Evan better than anyone and I know just how crazy he can get. He's going to kick your ass in that cage next week.
(*SLLAAAAPP!* Daniels just bitch slapped Clarissa for those comments, as they obviously pissed him off.)
Jack Daniels: You speak when spoken to bitch. Why the hell did I take this off for? *Daniels picks up the cloth and puts it back around Clarissa's mouth to shut her up* I don't know how the hell he puts up with your ass. Your contribution to this promo is done for sure. *Daniels starts the car again and pulls onto the road and continues driving*
Let me ask ya something Evan, how does it feel? Everythin' aside...bein' run down by a car, kidnappin' your bitch, threatenin' my drunken life with a knife, damn near killin' your punk ass...all that bullshit aside. Now Evan tell me how it feels? How it feels to actually be seen...to be noticed by the public...to step into my spotlight and from here on in be recognized by more than just your family and all of your sixteen fans? Ya know Evan, ya should be down on your fuckin' hands and knees, kissin' my drunken feet and thankin' Jack Daniels from here to eternity for just makin' your carreer. Yeah ya heard me right...for makin' your carreer. An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime, and yet all ya can think 'bout is pullin' out a fuckin' knife and tryin' to stab me? Forget 'bout this bitch here cuz she's done all she can do for ya. Would ya actually be willin' to go to jail and fuck up the rest of your carreer and life for this one little stupid bitch? Well if ya do, then ya got some serious problems Evan. Jack Daniels just elevated ya one more level closer to where everyone dreams of bein', and all ya can think of is stabbin' the bastard that just propelled your carreer like no one has done 'fore. Thanks Evan...thanks a fuckin' lot. It's a damn shame the youth of this business can't understand the one little concept that has made this business the greatest in the fuckin' world...the one thing that seperated the men from the boys...respect.
Anyone else would have been thankin' Jack Daniels for an opportunity like this for the rest of their lives. But not ya Evan. Ya have taken this personally. Ya think that Jack Daniels is the devil. Well listen here Waterboy, ya need to learn yourself an important lesson here...ya need to learn how to seperate your feelings from business. Ya did what ya had to do last month when ya put Jack Daniels outta action. And upon Jack Daniels return, all he was doin' was takin' care of business they way it should have been taken. I wasn't lookin' to hurt your oh so precious feelings. I wasn't looking to break your so soft heart. I was takin' care of business Evan...business. But that's what ya failed to realize. That's what ya can't understand. Ya can't mix in your feelings and make it personal each and every time someone gets under your skin and pisses ya off beyond belief. Cuz then and only then will ya realize just how badly ya will get burnt 'fore and after it's all said and done. Not only will ya be achin' physically...but ya will also be achin' mentally and emotionally. I ain't in this match to kill, kill...kill. That's where you're mistaken Evan. But, If that's what it comes down to...if that's what determines who walks out victorious...if that's what it takes to win this match here...then that's exactly what Jack Daniels is gonna do. Jack Daniels is gonna take care of business like only he can.
(As the camera looks ahead, we notice Daniels taking an exit off of the highway and onto another street as he continues speaking...)
Jack Daniels: Ya know, in a way I'm glad you're takin' this personal Evan. In a way, I'm damn glad that I light a fire under your ass so bright, it lights up the town. Cuz Jack Daniels wouldn't want it any other way. He doesn't want to bea a half assed Evan Douglas inthe ring, only to have ya bitch and whine the next day. I want all of ya. I want more than ya have to offer...all 169% of ya. I want to whoop your sorry, egotistical ass when you're at your very best. I want to prove to ya once and for fuckin' all that a double shot of Jack Daniels is just too much for ya to handle any day of the fuckin' week. I know...the drunkaholics know it...you're gonna know it...and most importantly, Clarissa knows it. Ain't that right bitch? I said, ain't that right?
(Daniels comes to a stop sign and comes to a full stop as he reaches over and grabs Clarissa by her hair on the back of her head and pulling it back. Clarissa screams underneath that cloth, but we can't her exactly what she's saying. She begins nodding her head up and down, signifying yes and Daniels lets go of her.)
Jack Daniels: Evan, prepare yourself. Prepare for the match of your life...for the ass whoopen of your life...for humiliation...for dissapointment...for a fuckin' hangover the next day...that is, if there's gonna be a next day for ya.
(Daniels fierce stare pierces through the camera lens from the rear view mirror. His eyes go back to the road as he pulls away from the stop sign and continues driving and the scene fades to black...)