*The scene opens to the back of the MCI Center, where we spot some ordinary guy walking down the hallway, obviously looking for something. He spots the door in which he was looking for and knocks on it. The door swings open and we see...Evan Douglas! What does this man want with Evan?*
Evan Douglas: What the hell do you want?
Guy: President Gates sent me here. He wants to see you in his office right now.
Evan Douglas: Which way is his office?
Guy: Down this way...make a right, and then a left.
*Evan pushes the message guy out of the way and makes his way down the hall and makes a right. He continues his way towards Gate's office, when suddenly out from behind a door comes out none other than Evan's old flame...Clarissa! Calrissa picks up her head and spots Evan right next to her as she jumps back in shock. Evan stops and looks at Clarissa who doesn't know exactly what to do.*
Evan Douglas: Well well...if it isn't Clarissa, the ho of the EWA. What, sneaking out after giving Daniels his high impact workout?
Clarissa: I see you got back your desire to start running at the mouth again. Just keep running it Evan, because you remember last time, how badly Jack Daniels kicked your ass? Well, that will be nothing compared to what he's going to do to you if you keep running your mouth like the fool you are.
Evan Douglas: Oh really? Well then, why don't you invite Daniels out here right now, and he can settle this once and for all.
Clarissa: Daniels is resting...he just had his cardio workout. Remember those Evan? Remember those Cardio workouts Evan? Well it's too bad that the only thing that will give you a cardio workout now is your right hand.
Evan Douglas: You know, you never used to talk when you were around me. Now you can't seem to shut up and stop talking shit. And to be quite honest...*Evan gets closer to Clarissa who is now up against the door*...it's kind of turning me on. And all that time I thought Daniels was hurting you and raping you...well, I just might have to consider hurting you like never before now. \
*Evan keeps inching up on Clarissa, who is pressed up against the door with nowhere to go. She seems to be somewhat frightened but a grin comes across her face.*
Clarissa: You know, that talk is starting to turn me on big shot. *Evan leans in to kiss her but Clarissa puts her index finger in front of his lips to stop him* You would just love that...wouldn't you? You would just love to taste me once again. Well I'll tell you what, why don't you just close your eyes, and a big...wet surprise will come your way.
*A smile comes across Evan's face. Damn, when's the last time we've seen Evan smile? Anyhow, Evan closes his eyes and puckers up. Clarissa leans forward as she moistens her lips with her toungue. She's about to kiss him, when suddenly she pulls her head away...wait a second, she just opened the door behind her and sneaked back in...*
*HOLY SHIT! EVAN HAS BEEN KNOCKED THE FUCK OUT! A bottle of Old No.7 was just smashed over his head. But by who? There's our answer standing right in the doorway...who else but Jack Daniels. Daniels stands over an unconscious Evan who has been busted open in a few places on his faces from those shards of glass...*
Jack Daniels: How did ya like your big wet surprise ya stupid motherfucker? Ya just don't know when to quite, do ya? But ya know, Jack Daniels must give ya credit. Ya took a beatin' at the King of the Ring...ya took a beatin' not only physically but mentally and emotionally, and ya have the balls to come back for more? Either you're one sick motherfucker that likes to feel pain and be handed an ass whoopin' week in and week out. Or...or you're just hooked on Jack Daniels. Hey, don't feel bad, it ain't the first time someone has gotten addcited to Jack Daniels. That's what they call...MARKS! Join the club jackass. *Daniels kicks Evan and begins stomping a mudhole on his already bloody ass.* Week in and week out ya say how you're gonna get rid of Jack Dnaiels once and for all. YA keep sayin' how you're gonna kill Jack Daniels and make everyone happy. Well guess what motherfucker? I'm still standin' anbd breathin'. Ya had a golden opportunity last week, but just like every other opportunity ya ever had at anything, ya went ahead and BLEW IT! Now...now Jack Daniels is gonna make damn sure ya don't get 'nother opportunity 'gain.
*Daniels picks up Evan and puts him over his shoulder and begins walking away. Where the hell is Daniels going with Evan? The cameraman follows Daniels with Evan draped over his shoulder. Wait a second, Daniels is headed for the parking lot. Look there...it's the...it's a CASKET! As a matter of fact, it looks like the very same casket as the one Daniels had last week mocking the death of Evan Douglas. And get this, the casket is placed next to a Hurse, very likely the same Hurse that was in the arena last week. The casket is open and as Daniels approaches it, he drops Evan right inside and closes the top of it. Daniels tries to lift it up, but realize he can't by himself. Daniels stops and thinks for a moment before heading off and finding...a FORKLIFT! Daniels gets in the forklift and drives it over to the casket. He places the lift underneath the casket and lifts the casket up to about the level of the Hurse. Daniels gets out and pushes the casket into the back of the Hurse. Daniels closes it up and gets in the front of the Hurse to drive. Daniels opens up the window and looks out behind him to see if all is clear. Daniels begins to back up...and Daniels just crashed into the forklift.*
Jack Daniels: Oooopsie...MUAWAHAHAHA!
*Daniels drives off and exits the arena. Just as he exits, the Hurse comes to a stop. The Hurse is put in reverse and...KEERRAAASSHH! Daniels just crashed the back of the Hurse into a dumpster and as a result, the back of the Hurse openes up and the casket falls right out. As a matter of fact, next to the dumpster*
Jack Daniels: I shouldn't drink and drive...I could kill somebody. BWAHAHAHAHA! Damn, all this Ol' No.7, and now I gotta take a leak.
*Daniels walks off to the side of the road and unzips his pants and takes a leak, when suddenly a loud horn is heard being blown...not just any horn though...a particular horn. Wait, it's the horn of a garbage truck. The garbage truck picks up the dumpster and emptiues it's contents. Wait a second, the dump truck ain't quite done yet. It's picking up the casket...HOLY SHIT! Look at that...the garbage truck just dumped the casket with Evan Douglas inside right into the back of the dump truck. And now it's heading off...heading off with the casket and Evan Douglas. And look at Daniels, over there shaking off the piss and acting as if nothing ever happened. Daniels is sick...he's one sick drunk sunuva bitch. Daniels zips his pants back up and walks back into the arena as the scene fades...*