*** Jack Daniels (Champion) Vs. "Cold" Harding Cash ***

Both men are ready in the ring. They're eyes are piercing into each other, and each man just wants to win this match. The superstars circle each other, and now they dive in to lock it up. They are struggling for the advantage, but Jack pushes Cash into a corner. The referee demands a break, and Daniels backs off... knee to the ribs! He catches Cash unexpected, and now a whip to the far corner, and Daniels charges, landing a harsh clothesline on Cash. Cash slumps into the corner, and now Daniels is climbing the ropes, delivering punches to Cash's forehead! .. Five, Six, Sev.. wait, Cash grabs Daniels, he runs across the ring.. Running spinebuster slam! Daniels goes down, and Cash makes the cover... only a one count this early on The Drunk One. Cash gets up, and he lays a boot into the side of Jack Daniels. Daniels rolls over to the ropes, and begins to pull himself up. Cash runs towards him, but Jack back drops him! Cash goes flying; no, he lands on the apron. He grabs Jack from behind, but Jack pulls Harding and sits down, Harding was just choked on the top rope, and he falls to the floor. What a smack! Daniels rolls under the ropes, and this is his place to be! The first ever Hardcore Champion, the man that made the belt, is now outside with "Cold" Harding Cash. Cash gets up, and Daniels is waiting impatiently... Running clothesline, no, Harding side steps and throws Daniels head first into the steel ring steps! Daniels is down on the ground, and Harding is stomping away at him. He pulls the Drunk One to his feet, and whips him into the steel railing.. no, it's reversed and Harding goes in.. Jack follows behind, but Cash jumps onto the railing, springs back.. Elbow! Springboard back elbow, from the railing, and it sends Jack to the floor! Cash took a nasty spill as well, but he seems to be recovering more than Daniels is. Cash is up at his feet, now, and lifts Jack up as well. Daniels is rolled to the inside, and has already got to his knees, in an attempt to get up. Cash climbs the turnbuckles, and Daniels rises.. Cash jumps with a cross body block.. DROPKICK!!! Jack Daniels just sent Harding to his grave! Two feet buried into his rib cage, I've never seen a man crumble like that! Cash is down, and he is hurt! Daniels is pulling him to his feet, though.. Fisherman's Buster! He covers Cash... OOH!! Only a two! Cash gets a shoulder up, not letting Jack get the duke at all. Daniels pulls Cash to his feet and whips him to the ropes. Harding runs under a clothesline attempt, and he's going for that springboard back elbow again! No, Daniels catches him around the waist... German suplex! NO, Cash lands on his feet! He jumps to the second rope, Daniels gets off of the mat, and.. Hurricanrana! Daniels rolls through to his feet, and Cash gets up.. SPEAR!! Daniels just rocked Cash! He's down, and Jack covers...



thr... kickout!

Cash got out! And now Daniels looks frustrated.. He lifts Cash to his feet and backs him to a corner. He whips Harding in, but he pushes out from the ropes.. His legs land on Daniels' shoulders.. Victory Roll! Cash has him rolled up tight..




Winner Of Fall One - "Cold" Harding Cash

Cash gets the first win, but Daniels isn't hurt, and he's back up. He pulls Cash to his feet, a boot to the ribs.. Cradle DDT! But Daniels holds on, and gets back up.. another one! And he gets back up for a third!! Three cradle DDT's in a row on Cash, and now.. Daniels is going to the top rope!? He's gonna risk his life! FROG SPLASH!!! HE NAILS IT! He hooks the leg of Cash..



thr... kickout!

Somehow, Cash got the shoulder up. Jack is getting back up, and he's stomping away at Cash. He lifts the challenger to his knees, and kicks him right in the chest! Cash falls backwards, hitting his head on the turnbuckle, but Daniels seems to like it.. He's lifting Cash to his feet, and buries a fist deep into his stomach. Cash is backed into a corner, now, and Daniels is just stomping away! Cash can't cover up, but the ref comes in to break it up.. wait.. Cash just turned around, and jumped to the top rope! MOONSAULT!! No, Daniels catches him! He swings around.. MYYY GAWD!! Modified Hangover! Daniels covers..




Winner Of Fall Two - Jack Daniels

Daniels takes cash down, and what a match we have going! Daniels has dragged himself to a corner, sitting down in it, while Cash is barely moving on the other side of the ring. Daniels is getting up, now.. He walks over to Cash, and picks him up.. He's setting up for the Lynchburg Lo-Down! He puts Cash on his shoulders.. Swings him around.. wait!! DIAMOND CUTTER!! Cash just reversed the Lo-Down! What agility! Cash can't follow up, though, he is still hurting from the Hangover.. He's barely moving around on the mat, as Daniels is getting up now. Jack is up first, and pulls Cash up.. small package!



thre... kickout!

Daniels gets out at two, Cash uses a clever move to nearly beat Daniels. Both men are still down, but now Cash is rising first. He's leaning up against a corner, now, as Daniels gets up as well.. Cash is moving towards Daniels, but Daniels buries a knee into Cash's ribs. Cash doubles over, and now Daniels whips him into the ropes. Cash runs back, sliding under Daniels' legs, and gets back to his feet. He pushes Jack from behind into the ropes, to roll him up, but Jack hangs on, and Cash flies back. Cash gets to his feet quickly and Daniels charges with a clothesline, but Cash ducks it. Cash goes for a superkick, but Daniels catches his leg.. He pulls him in and.. what a suplex! Cash's leg went over Daniels' shoulder, he cradled him and suplexed him over his head! Cash is down, and Daniels is again laying into him with a stomp. Daniels pushes Cash into a corner, now, sitting down and runs a few feet back.. What's this going to be? Daniels runs... dropkick!! Right into Cash's chest, and the challenger is down! Daniels lifts him up, and now they're in the middle of the ring.. He takes Cash up, and.. press slam, over head! He's got Cash up, and.. wait.. Cash drops down to his feet behind Daniels, and slaps on a sleeper hold! Daniels turns the hold, and now Cash has him in a headlock.. Back suplex lift from Daniels, and Cash flips back to his feet... Standing dropkick to Daniels' back, and he goes chest first into the corner. He comes flying back out, and Cash rolls him up.. He's sitting on Daniels' legs, pushing them down..



thr... OH!!

Daniels just kicked Cash off, and he flew back first into the corner! Daniels is getting up, now.. he places Cash on the top rope, and follows... Here comes a superplex! No, Cash nails Daniels in the ribs! He throws him off! And he climbs to the top rope! Jack Daniels is about to pay, in... COLD HARD CASH!!!! He nails it! He hooks the leg!!



three!! NO!!!

DANIELS KICKED OUT!!! DANIELS KICKED OUT!!! Cash is shocked, and so are the fans! He's lifting Daniels up, and he throws him into the ropes.. Daniels comes off and ducks a clothesline.. he runs back at Cash, and Cash catches him in a tilta-whirl.... no, he holds the position in an inverted piledriver! But Daniels flips it over, he's got Cash! NO, Cash flips it again! Inverted Cradle Pilediver!! Daniels is down, and Cash covers..




Winner - "Cold" Harding Cash (New TV Champion)

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