USopen 2001
by Victoria
- Part 1-
Greetings from the big A! only a moment to write. just wanted Catriona and all of you to know that today I met Pat, he signed your banner (and so did Killer) and he autographed my copy of his picture from the front page of today's New York Times. He was awfully sweet and it was such a wonderful experience!!! I'm considering staying one more day since he's playing again tomorrow night - seeing pat is like giving a chocoholic a small piece and then you've got to have MORE!! I did save big bucks by slinking in for free yesterday and today - spirit being good to me after the Hamlet cancellation and my family's medical emergencies, I spose.. at any rate - I'm hoping for a photo together tomorrow. All the babblers I've met are wonderful, particularly Joyce and Laura who rescued me yesterday and showed me the ropes. kisses to you both! Have seen Marat, Lleyton, Rudsedski and Roddick tonite. ta ta for now - am absolutely exhausted. xx oo
- Part 2 -
Well, what can I say?! I've just returned home to colorado after 3 unbelievable days in new york! first I've got to say thank you to Diane and Joyce who made it possible for me to see the beginning of Pat's match last all are very special and I love ya! I only saw 5 games of the match, and he was losing 1-4 and it was awful! I was watching the clock cuz I had to catch the 9:30pm shuttle (the last one!) back to Boston so I could get my plane home from there today. I felt like cinderella, at 9:10, literally running out of the stadium, to get a cab. I got to the airport w/ about 5 minutes to spare and somehow made the plane. I was sooooo wired up, I bent the guy next to me's ear off for 1/2 hr talking about the match, Pat, the roos, the banners, all of it! Olga - a real pleasure to meet you and I'm sorry your Eugenia didn't win - I was only rooting for Monica so it would be over sooner and I could have a few more minutes of pat before I turned into a pumpkin! Laura, you looked fab up there w/ Kirsten's banner - I'm not sure why tho, you weren't down w/ us! thanks for being a real buddy these couple of days! Karen, it was great meeting you and Noor, I'm sorry you missed Pat on your last day. (of course, I'm still jealous of both of your Miami experiences - thanks for sharing them w/ me tho!) Leslie, it was too short but I'm so glad I got to meet you. keep in touch. Sara in va. - wish you could've made it! Sara in LI< what happened? I don't know why we never found each other but thanks for all your support around my family and the hamlet stuff. Catriona - your banner is safely w/ Diguy, on it's way to Toronto and then Davis cup in Australia. one day it'll return to you - what a privelege for me to be the one to get Pat to sign it. sigh. sigh, sigh. it'll take me a while to really absorb all that happened - don't quite know how i was able to get into everything for free....guess all my rock concert experiences in the 70's are still paying off! hee hee. at any rate, I'm no longer a tournie virgin and it was MORE FUN THAN I COULD'VE IMAGINED...and very exhausting, so I'm off to bed! xxoo