Roma open98

By Melonie

...Tuesday 12th morning, Practice courts...

Friday, 15-May-98 

No sign of Pat on the Monday, but Tuesday morning he was on the practice court with most of the other Aussies. Lleyton, Todd, Roachy and another guy who was feeding the balls.

We were not able to get close as it was in a private area, but there was a balcony around the court about 20 feet up so I could see him.

He looked fabulous. He was very brown and NO FACE FUZZ!! Yippee!! He hadn't cut his hair and so it is looking quite a bit longer, and the ponytail is getting longer too, but I really like it. He looked relaxed and was smiling and chatting with the other guys.

I only saw him for about 15 minutes then he went to prepare for his match......


...The match versus Schalken...

Friday, 15-May-98 

The way the Italian Open ticket system works seems to be that if you buy tickets on the day, which we did, then you only get tickets for the upper seats and they are really high, you almost feel dizzy!!

Well not that I was complaining, super view as seats very steep. Pat was wearing my favourite red shirt. I'm sure you all know roughly what happened next so I won't repeat too much of it. Basically he had his chances but couldn't take them. He looked increasingly frustrated and banged the ground with his racket several times. The worst occaission was when he slammed the racket into the groung in disgust at himself and then threw it to a girl in the crowd cos he was so annoyed with it. Good souvenir for her but the umpire misunderstood and gave Pat a racket abuse warning cos he thought it had been broken. Pat tried to explain but to no avail.

Our fair play Patty did himself no favours in calling a serve of Schalken's in when he had a breakpoint, but that's kind of why we love him I suppose!!

Just to make you all laugh, I had my eyes peeled for Lara and thought I spotted her. Attractive, dark hair etc. I spent ages watching her and was so annoyed with her. She wasn't even watching Pat, she was reading a magazine, never clapped and every time he went to his chair stood up and didn't take her eyes off him. I was so annoyed with her....

.... until I realised she was one of the court ushers!!!! I had spent so long getting the gossip for you guys on a court usher!! Hysterical!! I don't think Lara was there. I had a pretty good look.

I was also gobsmacked when Pat put on the black shirt! It was scorching and I just couldn't believe what he was doing.. Now of course I understand.. I do think that this was inexcusable from Pat.. and not to bring the hat aswell.... Oh dear....


...Gossip on Phillipoussis and the Aussie team...

Friday, 15-May-98 

Wednesday 13th, Practice courts..morning

The Aussies were on the same practice courts, but not Pat this time as his doubles was not until night.

The Woodies were playing doubles against Lleyton and Roachy. I was on the balcony right above the court so I could hear what they were saying. They have a really nice family feeling among them, all practising together and supporting each other. A guy that looked like Lleytons brother was courtside each time and I felt quite sorry for him as he never got to hit a ball but just sat there. (Can any of you Aussies confirm who this might be?)

Anyway after about 15 minutes, Mark Phillipoussis turned up with his coach I think. He had to walk right across the Aussies court to get to his practice court next door. He was clearly not part of the "family". Roachy and Todd said Morning to him but Woodforde pointedly ignored him. Obviously they have not all been having breakfast etc together.

Flip had turned up to practice with Goran, his doubles partner and Goran was late. Flip's coach went off to see what was happening and so Flip was left siiting alone on one court right next to the court where all the Aussies were together. It kinda summed up the whole situation. Not that I feel sorry for Flip by the way. I still don't forgive him for that unmentionable fiasco.

When Goran did turn up I think Mark had a bit of a go at him and they were not really that frindly together or so it seemed.

Flip did however greet Moya, and shake his hand. Maybe they are friends??


...Wednesday 13th night.. Doubles match...

Friday, 15-May-98 

Well this was my last night and last session. I resigned myself to not meeting Pat as we were again in seats at the top of the stadium, and he hadn't been at any of the autograph signings. Lynn, you mentioned that I may have been able to get to the front, but the seating wasn't like that. I would have to have leaped about 20 feet over a glass partition ... ok ok Pat's worth anything I know.. but read on...

The Muster match went on and on and I just wanted it to end so I could see Pat. It ended at about 10.30 and then there was an announcement that due to the late hour, the doubles had been started on another court, but our tickets were valid if we wanted to go.

Well thank God for my pidgeon Italian. I felt physically sick. How much had I missed.. God if I'd known I could have been one of the few there, perhaps in the front row. (The other court had no seat allocations, just long marble steps). I couldn't move for the crowds, and was so worried I wouldn't get in.

I got in but at the wrong side, eg opposite the umpire's chair. I left the stadium (!!!) and ran round the outside to get to the area behind the umpire's chair. Directly behind Pat's seat were a load of girls so I sat behind the other seat, front row!!!!

I had missed the first set but it was worth it. Pat was wearing the red and white stripy shirt (now he remembers it for the night session!!!) and was really relaxed and looked happy out there. He smiled alot at Jonas and the opposition and was really encouraging, tapping him on the back if he made an error.

It has to be said though that Jonas was carrying Pat most of the match. One point Jonas was running all over the place. Pat had given up the point as lost and turned his back. Jonas meanwhile had got to it and was yelling to Pat to turn round. Pat didn't realise what was going on until Jonas had won the point having dived about for the next three shots!!!! Pat just laughed and then bowed 3 times in front of Jonas. He was soooooo sweet!!

Pat also did his usual trick of calling his own balls out. On one the opposition said, that was clearly in and Pat said sorry I thought it was out. He is just too adorable for words....

Anyway they won easily in the end... and the excitement was not yet over for me.....


...The Grand Finale.. Pat spoke to me!!!...

Friday, 15-May-98

By the time the match finished, it was after midnight and there were only a couple of hundred people left.

I had brought a small pressie for Pat in the hope that I might meet him. It was a fluffy Loch Ness Monster in a can which pops up when you open it.

As I said there was a group of girls behind Pat's chair and I was wondering whether he would sign autographs for them so late at night. I needn't have wondered!! As ever Pat is a class act and went straight over and signed about 20 times.

To get into the tunnel he had to come towards me slightly and this was my chance. I called out to him, "Pat, I know it's late, but we have a present for you." By the time my voice registered with him he was already a couple of steps down the exit path. I swear to God, he turned back on himself to come back onto the court and over to me and Malcolm (my hubby). As he approached us he asked,"What is it? Chocolate?" (He obviously has chocolate on the brain!). I said, "No, its from Scotland. It's a Nessie." I handed it to him. He just beamed the most gorgeous smile as he always does, but this time he was looking right at ME!!!, and he said, "Thank you very much." Malcolm took a photo of me giving him the Nessie, so I hope it comes out and I will definately send it to Mandy.

Fate definately took part in the events of that night. The Roman gods were smiling on me!! I will never complain again of a match going on too long. Thank you Thomas Muster, I Love You!!!!!




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