LOS ANGELES Tournament

July, 1998

We arrived, and headed right to the practice courts but no Pat. About the only exciting thing was that
when I asked an official about Pat's practice schedule, she asked me if I was family (No), friend (No),
from Australia (No ...and I DEFINITELY have an American accent!!), so I told her I was just a fan and
we talked a little about Pat. Later we saw Agassi and his coach practicing and that was really fun. The
one (and only) on-site practice court is surrounded by fencing and there are chairs along one side and
tables with umbrellas along another. You can get right up to the fence. It is fun to hear the players talking
amongst themselves and they even talk to the crowd some.

For those who are interested, Jan Michael and his brother were at the tournament. Saw them alot. They
are cute, but from a "mature" point of view, act a little immature. Pat was definitely more of a "class act."



Today was better!! Arrived at tournament and went to watch first match of day (Jeff Tarango - he's
always entertaining) when I looked down at the practice court and saw Pat practicing!! So I dragged my
husband away and got to the court in time to get a chair along the fence in the corner. There was also a
little shade there. Pat and some others were practicing and really having fun. My first impression of Pat
was that he looked very young. (Now - you remember I have kids his age, so it is all in the perspective!)
He was a little thinner than I thought, but very fit and trim and gorgeous tan and no shirt!! He was clean
shaven and had cut his hair and had it half up in the pony tail. It was fun to hear him joke around with the
other players. At one point he was being a ball boy and holding up two balls in the air to throw to the
other guy and laughing all the time. Really cute and funny. To rest, he came over and sat in the shade
only a couple of feet from me!! Also, since we were in the corner, the balls all rolled there and he came
over and picked some up right at my feet. At that point, I missed my oportunity to say something to him
and tried to take a picture instead. Dumb move! Also, this was before I figured out how to take good pics
through the fence. I'll know tomorrow if this pic even came out.

That evening Pat played Delgado and the one memory of that was one point later in the match when they
were rallying back and forth, both coming up with amazing shots that they should not have been able to
get - and Delgado goes for a soft drop shot catching Pat at the baseline. Amazingly, Pat gets up to it and
lobs it to the opposite baseline for a sure winner - but no! Delgado gets it and hits it backwards through
his legs (I think) and passes Pat. What a point!! They both got a standing ovation and Pat walked around
the net and shook Delgado's hand. It was a great tennis and Pat moment! A WOW moment!

Need to tell you about Pat's new outfit. Did he ever appear on TV? Anyway all week he wore a new
white shirt, collarless, with navy blue trim around the collar, along the shoulders, and the sleeves and a
stripe across the front. Also a little red trim at collar and sleeves. All white shoes and socks and
alternated between dark navy blue and white shorts. Really classy! He looked GREAT!!! Especially
against his tan! As compared to Agassi who is in major need of a fashion coordinator!! I'll say no more.



Today I took my 78 year old mom with me. She REALLY wanted to see Agassi who is her favorite
player. This was a little scary because yesterday an older lady passed out right next to us while we were
standing in the shade. But Mom really wanted to go, so we did. Headed to the practice courts first, of
course, (thanks to good Planet Rafter advice!) and no one there, so walked through tunnel under
bleachers of stadium court and was reading something on the wall when Pat almost bumped into me
heading to the practice court!! (I had told Robyn that, being a "mature" fan, I was not going to chase Pat
like a groupie and would not talk to him unless I literally bumped into him! Famous last words!) Anyway,
I'm digging in my bag for my pen to get an autograph and some ball boys came along and asked and he
said he'd sign after. So, I collected Mom and headed back to the practice court. Got a great table with an
umbrella right at the fence. This time he had his hair down with a white cap. Still no shirt. AND this time
I figured how to stick the zoom lens through the fence to get better pics. Sat with a couple of young girls
who were just mesmerized by the vision of Pat with no shirt and looking so great hitting. They were
really cute. Tim Henman was hitting beside Pat. Hey, girls. He's really cute too!! Watched for about 45
minutes and took way too many pictures, but it was fun. You could tell the players were more serious
about their practice today. Afterwards I had my pen ready and waited for a few kids to get autographs
and then asked Pat to sign my program. He said "Keep walking", so I did and so did a couple of ball boys
who wanted autographs and had no pen, so I literally walked all the way through the tunnel with Pat and
when he finally handed my pen back, I was able to tell him "Good luck this afternoon". Now, I wish I
could tell you that he smiled and said something amazing, but he just said "Thank you," sounding
distracted - like he had a lot on his mind. But it was still a great Pat moment and I think I'm going to retire
that pen!! One final note - I went back through the tunnel to collect Mom and Tim Henman was coming
through the tunnel all by himself, so I walked up and asked for his autograph too. He looked surprised, but
said "Sure". He seems like a fine young man too.

My mom did get her Agassi moment at the practice court (where else) that afternoon where we again
got a good table and a good view. Saw Pat play doubles and you all know how that turned out. Good day!



Pat played twice today. Beat Damm in the afternoon and then played doubles in the evening after a
packed house for the Gambill/Agassi match. You know, most people don't even stay for the doubles and
there is no TV coverage. Boy! What they are missing. Doubles is so fun. Pat loves it, you can tell. At
one point he yelled "It's you" to Sandon and then ran the point down himself - laughing! Some girls
chanted for Pat to change his shirt at a change over and everyone laughed. BUT Pat had'nt brought any
clean ones out, so he had to asked the chair umpire to go to the locker room to get one! The chair ump
was laughing, everyone was laughing, and so was Pat! So he comes out unfolding a clean shirt and then
has Sandon hold up a towel (briefly) to shield him from the view of those girls. It was really hysterical!!
A fun evening.


This was not the best day. Things are much more serious on the practice court. They are REALLY
practicing. Unfortunately Gimelstob played better than Pat. He had a big serve and Pat's signature
backhand volley was going into the net. The crowd was really supportive of Pat at the end when he
fought off several match points, but it was not to be.

Pat had several friends in the stands. One woman in particular showed up several times. Once with a
daughter (?) about 9-10 years old. Also, that girl from Wimbledon that sat with Pat's parents may have
been there. Louise? Does anyone know?



Great doubles win!! Saw Pat practice again and took more pics. Hope I got a few to turn out.

You already know that Lara was there, looking beautiful. She has gorgeous hair!! I can believe that she
is 27. She looks younger, however - or did that day. She watched the match and clapped for her guy at
all the appropriate times. Pat was relaxed and having a fun match - although intense at times.


The Finale

Got to the stadium and ate in the air conditioned clubhouse (perks of series tickets!) and saw that Pat
was again practicing. This time he was playing with some media personnel and Sandon. Just a pick-up
game. They were laughing and having fun. I can serve better than that media guy, so they were all hitting
softly. Just playing around. My husband said that they were probably doing it to relax. Then the media
guys left and practice began in earnest. We took some pictures and headed for Center Court.

Well - you all know that Agassi won the singles and it was a fun match to watch - even though I really
kind of wanted Henman to win. They both spoke very graciously to the crowd afterward - AFTER the
TV coverage ended.

Pat's match started then and by this time the court was half in shadow with the sun glaring in at a bad
angle. For one game Pat hurried to his bag and rummaged around for what seemed like forever and
came up with his white hat which he immediately put on SIDEWAYS! It was functional for the sun, but
was really funny and cute.

Pat and Sandon played well and the match was fun. At one point the chair ump said "pause" to Jeff
Tarango who was serving so that a ball boy could get back in place and forgot to say "play" so Jeff held
this "halfway through his serve" position forever! It was really funny and the crown roared!

Lara came in just before the doubles match and sat with other Rafter friends. She looked great again.
My friend thought she was 14!! Oh well. At the end of the match, Pat spoke to the crowd, saying that he
loved this tournament and they put him in a great hotel with a great bar! Everyone, including Lara,
laughed. Typical Pat comment.

During all the pics with the tournament sponsors and officials, Lara walked out on the court (remember, I
said this was a cozy environment!) and talked with friends. When Pat was done, he walked over, put his
arm around her and kissed her (sorry girls) and they walked out playfully hand in hand. He has said that
she makes him laugh and I can see that. I think they really enjoy each other and they are a darling
couple. - which doesn't mean that WE can't think he's just great too!

Well - that sums up my week. It was JUST GREAT and I can't wait until next year! Sorry all of this was
so long. Hope you weren't bored. I sure owe alot to all my fellow Rafterites for all the tips. BTW. I did
NOT take any chocolate. At 100+ degrees it would have been a royal mess! Besides - that's your role,
Joelle - to feed Pat chocolate! I'm just glad I was able to locate my (now retired) pen!!!



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