Anne's visit to Bermuda
Monday, 19-Oct-98
by Anne
I was just in Bermuda on vacation and talked to people who know Pat, so I want to tell all of you about it.
On one of my days there I was playing tennis at the Southampton Princess hotel where we were staying. I was wearing a US Open t-shirt that I bought this last summer and so suddenly some people who work in the hotel tennis club started talking with me about the US Open and Pat. They said that when he is in Bermuda Pat practices on the hotel tennis courts I was playing on which of course I got completely excited about. They all seemed genuinely thrilled that Pat had won the US Open and described how polite and laid-back he is and how he is so welcoming to all the people in the hotel that want to chat with him.
Everyone has to pay to use the tennis courts, however the hotel won't let Pat pay even though he wants to as they think its such an honor for him to be there. Of course, Pat being Pat, he therefore gives the tennis club his old tennis balls every week to repay them.
I think Pat is lucky to live in Pembroke as it is themost exclusive area in Bermuda and definetly looked nice when I drove through it. I know this hasn't been too exciting, but maybe one day one of us will be wandering around the tennis courts of the Southampton Princess hotel and will stumble upon seeing Pat practicing in the Bermuda sunshine... Now that would be heaven.
love Anne