Wimbledon 2001


by Sue


Dee's report further down the board was wonderful..so I can only tell you the day the way I saw it...
In the queue at 3.30am....so many expectations and high hopes of getting CC tickets to see Pat's match v Vacek.All hopes cruelly dashed at 9.15 am when we just missed out. Can't tell you how down we were (Annie, Dee ,Cat and Irish)..it was awful.Tickets for Lleytons match which we got instead seemed scant consolation at the time.But..we refused to give up knowing this was our one and only chance to see our beloved Warrior. Once inside we stopped anyone and everyone and pleaded, begged and cajoled... the deal being that they watched Venus and Agassi then swopped their tickets for ours so we could see Pat and they'd get to see YK2(Iknow, I know!)..we also offered to pay for their tickets too.So many people said "NO" we were starting to despair... then I stopped 2 lads from Liverpool and a guy and girl from the US and they agreed!! you could probably hear us screaming with joy from wherever you live! 

From then the day just got better and better.Pats practice was 2pm (we got there at 1...couldn't take any chances!) Peter and Rochey came out first and then disappeared back inside, Dee and I joked that they'd probably gone for a beer..then we looked up and there they were up on a balcony sat at a table with drinks! It was really funny 'cos Pat came out then and couldn't find them...he sussed where they were and had to go up and bring them down! We were stood on a platform over the practice courts and as fate was smiling on us that day Pat came and played right in front of us ;0))Bare head,yellow shirt and navy blue shorts...oh and his trainers had "Rafter" written on the back of them! He seemed relaxed again.. but more focused than the previous day...he played against Killer and at one point we heard him complaining to Rochey that the balls were too heavy!!It was 32 degrees again so he stayed for @30 mins...we took loads of pics and I think our "Rafter Rocks" was seen by everyone.Pat left the courts and signed autographs and was smiling and polite as always.As players leave the courts they have to go under a tunnel..so as Pat went down the steps I ran up to the bridge (knocking over several other people on the way lol) and got to the bridge over the tunnel, I called down to him "Good Luck for today Pat" and he stopped ..looked up and smiled and said "Thank You" Ok... so now I can die a happy woman!
We saw the end of Lleytons match, then it was time to claim our hard--earned tickets for Pats game..honestly we could have kissed those boys (but we didn;t want to scare them!)
You've probably all seen Pats match by now so you know how well he played...we were all just SO happy to see him play in the flesh at last. Took loads more pics(yes some of the see-thru shorts too!) and clapped and cheered like mad women.
It was over way too soon..victory for our Warrior and the experience of a lifetime for 5 VERY happy girls! Pat walked off court smiling and waving,signed some autographs and then.....the last we saw of him ...and I'll remember it always, was the sight of that lovely white spot disappearing into the locker room.
Can't remember much of what happened next...we said our goodbyes to the fabulous friends we'd made and somehow got ourselves home...it seems a bit surreal now to be back watching Pat on TV.. somehow he seems to look even better now that we've seen him "live".Thanks again Dee,Cat Irish and Annie for making the whole experience so much fun...don't think I've ever laughed so much!!

Just to prove we did do more than lust after (erm... I mean follow Pats progress) here is an abridged version of "other" Wimby highlights....
Carlos Moyas revealing shorts!
Marat and Mats Wilander gazing longingly at Annie& Dee's ice- lollys during Marats practice,
Marats amazing gesticulations and open-mouthed astonishment at a line call,
Peter Rafter overhearing Annie commenting on Pats bottom...and not saying anything!
Sitting (by mistake, honest!) in the section reserved for family and friends during Jose Acasuso's match!
YK2 turning out to be our ticket fairy in a round about way.
And finally...more Pat highlights...
Hearing 2 real life " Sorry mates"
The amazing colour of his skin...it really is golden!
Asking the umpire if he needed to bow to the Royal box.
Wiping handfuls of sweat off his face and "throwing" it away (over here Pat...over here!)
Pat laughing and joking with his mates.
Pat looking fetching even WITH the headband....and well....just PAT!!!
Sorry this is so long girls but I'm still a bit excited (can you tell??) Love, Sue xxx


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