Rosmalen Open 2001
by Robyn Lakeman
I'm at Joes place tonight for dinner, Waling cooked us lasagne, great cook! and Joes children are just gorgeous. I love Holland, it's a beautiful place with the green fields, windmills, quaint houses and window boxes filled with geraniums. And of course the Dutch babblers are just fantastic, I'm even starting to understand a bit of the language as in Yah, hehehe.
Even though Pat went out in the first round, as you know Joelle raced Di and myself straight from the airport and we caught the last three games, I have still had a wonderful time. It was great to bump into Pat that night for a chat. He looked so sad though and was feeling a bit fragile I guess. When I told him he better not go out in the first round at Wimbledon he did know I was joking, although I was only half joking lol. He said that he just got out of bed the wrong side that day. He also asked me what I thought of Lleyton's hair and I told him pretty awful just like his. I said that just when it gets decent again, as in Dusseldorf, he takes it back to the buzz cut which makes him look like a criminal. Anyway at least we had a bit of a laugh about things. He was really pleased to see Joelle, the chocolate girl and she made up for my picking on him lol. Di has mentioned some of this in her post on Tuesday night.
I asked Pat if he was playing the Aus Open in January and he said no. I said, not even if he played in the DC final in Nov/Dec and he said no he wouldn't.
I stayed with Di, Joelle, Leontine and Merle in a bungalow at Vinkeloord. Astrid, Iva, Eszter, Karin, Maria and Mel were nearby. It was a great place and the last two nights have been just fabulous with all the Rafterbabblers as you have seen with Joes pics that she put up so quickly. I don't think I have ever laughed so much hehehehe. Joelle and I shared a room and would talk until we both fell asleep sometime in the early hours of the morning
I am flying out to London on Saturday afternoon for Wimbledon and will camp in the tent with Wendy on Sunday night. I am trying to camp out as much as possible but also am sharing a house with Di and Joelle as a backup if I have any problems.
I have hardly been on the net as I wanted to take a break from it while I was away and figured a lot of the Rafterbablers would be keeping you guys up to date anyway.
Keep sending positive vibes to Pat to go all the way at Wimbledon. He can do it, he just has to believe in himself. Hugs to all the Rafterbabblers on the board and in Holland. What a great community we have here, it's awesome. Now onto England.