Rosmalen Open 2001
by Diane Guy
Arrived at Amsterdam at 7 am and waited for Robyn with Joelle - she arrived "all hot and sweaty" after 36 hours of flying and we promptly set out for the tourney where Pat had just started his match. Thanks to lots of sms text messages (thanks to Karin) we were keeped up to date and Joelle really put her foot on the gas when we realized that we might not make it to see him at all! We got there when it was 4-3 Wessels and managed to see only 3 games of Pat. We talked to him on his way out and he said, "sorry girls, bad timing for you". There is a siver lining to this cloud, however. We went into town this evening and after eating we were on out way back to the car (oh - BTW - Clement and Escude were outside at a toble just up a few rows from us) and Leontine recognized a certain white spot...Pat and gang were about to get into a tourny van and they stopped and talked to us for quite a while. Pat was very subdued and Robyn told him off for losing today and that he had "bloody well better not lose in the first round of Wimbledon!" Joelle spent the time brushing his head.......We are all still up, despite the time and the long journeys, amazing what adrenalin does for you! So sorry girls, we have no photos to send (we three, that is) but hope to get lots of chances at Wimby.