Pat and the Olympics Torch

Thursday, 14-Sep-00  

by Kerrin

Faryn, Tara and I set off into the city and prepared ourselves for the long wait! The city was buzzing with excitement and there were people everywhere! We met up with Mandy Rump at the Opera House and found a great spot right next to the fence to watch Pat receive the flame. He was to be running around the front of the Opera House and pass the torch to another athlete. We waited for 5 hours but it was worth it!

The girls kept themselves amused by playing games and we sang silly songs. I wrote "Pat" across the girls foreheads in black texta and they wore their t-shirts. One said "I love Pat" and the other "Rafter Rules". A reporter from the "The Daily Telegraph" came over and interviewed us and the TV cameras were there too! We put up our banners "Go Warrior Pat" and "Funky Skunky" - we were able to drape them over the fence.

The crowd control was great. They closed off our section at 3pm so we werent crushed and we had room to move around.

Pat came out and was standing over to one side at about 7pm and he pointed to the banners and smiled - it was worth waiting 5 hrs just to see that! He then walked out and stood on the stage and waited for Olivia. While he was waiting he looked over again and smiled an acknowledgement. He could see the girls t -shirts and the writing on their foreheads and he thought that was terrific. He was really pleased to see us there and it was just lovely.

You could tell he was nervous and excited and he was rather overcome by the whole thing. The atmosphere was unbelievable. The cameras were flashing and there were thousands of people everywhere. The helicopters were overhead and there were hundreds of boats in the harbour overcrowded with spectators. The bridge lit up when Olivia passed the torch to Pat. It was just beautiful. They stood for a while together while the press took their photos. We were side on to them but quite close and hopefully I grabbed a few good photos. I will get them developed today.

Pat then took off for his run around the side of the Opera House.

Only one thing upset us - apparently Pat cut back throught the Opera House and returned to talk to us and we had left!! Faryn was so distraught she was nearly crying. It didnt occur to Mandy and I that he would come back. Oh well, hopefully we will get to talk to him at the Olympics. 

The whole Olympic experience has been so wonderful so far and words just cant describe it.I'm looking forward to going to the Opening Ceremony tonight! My husband and I are going and we will see Pat again (if only from a distance).



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