Australia Open 2001
By Lyndoll
I've just had the best five days at the Aus Open, having met some of my fellow Babblers for the first time and enjoyed some fantastic tennis matches.
Firstly, big thanks to Robyn and Peta for making my week so fabulous! For any of you Babblers who have not had the good fortune to meet Robyn or Peta yet, you are missing out! They are fantastic! Thanks to Robyn I got to see Pat's practice sessions - I've been down to the Aus Open for the last 3 years and not seen one before! Hello to Shirley, Roberta, Debbie, Sandra, Melonie, Malcolm, Henry, Martina, Nifty Nev, Karin, Kerri and anyone else I've missed!!! You helped make my week very memorable.
I think Robyn finally took a (well deserved) day off from the tennis today. I went along for a few hours before it got too hot (supposed to get to about 36oC today!!)to catch Pat's practice session, thinking it would start about 11.00am. As it turned out Jennifer Capriati and Jelena Dokic came out for a practice then. Pat ended up starting at 12 noon and we also got a bonus as Lleyton Hewitt came out to hit up with Pat!! Lleyton was only there about 20 minutes as he is playing tonight, but Pat practiced for about 45 minutes. He looked fairly relaxed, and signed some autographs on one side of the court before leaving (of course that wasn't my side of the court!!)
Thanks again for some wonderful memories guys - I miss you already!
Best wishes to Pat for his match against Henman - hope the 'Ticket Fairy' comes through for you Robyn (cheer extra loud for me!!)