Australia Open 2001
By Karin
G'Day everybody!!!
So, finally I made my way to Australia!!! I'm so happy to finally be hear. I arrived on Wedenesday morning and now it's already Sunday afternoon...
Thursday I went to the tennis but I didn' meet up with all the others. But on Friday I finally got the chance to meet all of you great guys from Australia. We really had a great time watching Pat's match in the first row of Vodafone arena. Unfortunately it was bloody hot out there and I got sunbured again. But this in nothing new to me and now I got used to it *lol*
Sunday I was looking for tickets for Pat's match the whole morning but everything was sold out... And then suddenly I went to Ticketek again and the lady just said: this time you are more lucky! She had a ticket for me in 3rd row! Wow... It was about AU$ 94.-- but I said to myself that I probably wont see Pat playing again at the Oz-open and I just went for it!!! A view minutes befor the match started I went to my seat and guess what: I was seated just next to Pat's box with Mum, Paul, Peter, Rochey, Lara, etc. They were all a bit nervous but our Killer made them laugh as much as he could! I was really surprised the game was over so quick. But it doesn't matter so Pat can rest a little bit more. It was a great match and I'm sure our Warrior can handle Dominiq Hrbaty as well :-))
Today I went shopping and got developed my pics I made from Pat, Peter, Rochey, Anna K. etc. and of course I made a double print of Pat's pics which I will give to Robyn tomorrow!
So, thats all for the moment
See ya later mates!!!