Newk & Roche's Testimonial dinner
January, 2001
By Kerrin
The Testimonial was great. Marina and I were so glad we went. Martina is visiting from Sydney form Germany. It was a black tie affair so everyone looked nice and it was held in the grand ball room of the Hyatt. I have been there a few times and the Hyatt always excdells itself. Guests included George Lazenby (James Bond), Belinda Green (former Miss World), Fergi's sister Jane, Kerry Chikarovski (State opposition leader), Ken Rosewell, Mark Edmondson, Sandon, Peter Tramacchi, Richard Fromberg. Johanna Griggs (former swimmer and now a TV personality) was the MC for the evening.
We saw old "This is your Life" videos of the two guests of honour. This was a big laugh. I think they dated back to the seventies and the fashions were hilarious. Newk was a good looking guy in his younger days!
Geoff Pollard (Tennis Australia) gave a speech then Johanna interviewed Pat up on stage. He spoke beautifully and very highly of Newk and Roche. Martina and I both said we could have listened to Pat all night. He also gave Lleyton alot of praise and said "he is something special" and "a terrific little fella". He talked about Barcelona and the cramping. He said watching Lleytons first match and agonising over every point was the biggest mistake he ever made. This was why he started to cramp - too much tension. He mentioned the Pioline match was his turning point in his career and one of the highlights of his DC career. Hungary and Mildura were two of the low points.
He spoke very warmly about Newk and Roche and mentioned Tony will be with him for alot of this year. Tony will be with him in Melbourne.
Newk and Roche were also interviewed by johanna. John had us in fits of laughter retelling old stories. He mentioned the high points being Wayne defeating Y2K, Lleyton defeating Todd M in his DC debut, Pats victories over Todd in Boston and defeating Pioline in 97. He talked at length about Lleyton and what a wonderful and special kid he is and how he leaves his heart on the court. Newk also mentioned the "idiot" captain of the Spanish DC team and the terrible time they had of it in Spain.
Tony spoke briefly (we all know he is a man of few words)about his future plans and the good times he and John have shared and the bond they have.
We saw a good portion of the ABC programme "The Fifth Set"
I had a chance to have a nice talk with Pat. i thanked him for all the items he has signed for me for the "Childrens Medical Research Foundation" and other charities and he said he was pleased to do it.We talked about the evening, Newk and Roche, the Colonial Classic and Perth.
Pat looked gorgeous in his dinner suit. He had his hair in a pony tail and quite a heavy beard. Lara was wearing a lovely white dress. They looked very happy together and didnt leave each others side all evening.
Martina and I met for the first time that night. She is a fun girl and we had a lovely evening together. We sat next to one of Newks boyhood friends. He told Angie Newcombe (who is originally from Germany)about Martina and she came over to talk to her. Martina gave her some photos of John she had taken.
Martina and I met up again at the Adidas yesterday and today. I feel very fortunate to be part of the RB community. I have met so many wonderful people and have formed some lasting friendships.