Master Series - Indian Wells 2001

by fs


First off, I would like to thank the rest of the Roo girls for making this my most memorable tennis experience ever. I showed up unprepared (no tickets) and still managed to get 4 full days of top notch tennis in the company of my fellow Fanatics. In an incredible setting in the desert, at the foot of the snowy Santa Rosa mountains.

I had quite a few illusions about quite a few things surrounding tennis pros and these were quickly dispelled during the tourney. These guys and gals are in shape (matches every day). They are disciplined (no-joke practices). Pat especially practices incredibly hard, and had to play singles AND doubles.

Patrick, of course, outshone everyone with his good humour and thoughtful demeanor at the tourney. who else would have made a point of acknowledging the Roo girls time after time? Of thanking the unknown bugler in the stands? Of taking a younger player under his wing and gently coaching him in doubles? The strange thing about Pat is that he is able to be very focused, shutting everything and everyone from view on court, while at the same time being extremely perceptive and generous to his fans and colleagues. He is definitely one in a million.

I guess Patrick doesn't need any more paeans from a fan, but I couldn't help myself. The other incredible folks at IW were, of course, my fellow Roo-gals and Davis Cup compadres. Thanks again, Robyn, and Peta, and all you Aussies, for giving us the chance to form such a great group.


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