Master Series - Indian Wells 2001

by Rafterful Girls 

(aka Roo Chicks)

(Joanie did the actual writing)



We are here and having a wonderful time in beautiful Indian Wells. We saw Pat practice today and he looked beautiful!! I still don't like the haircut,but Sheena is arguing with me that it is great--so I will go along with her. He looked beautiful--he wore some black shorts with a white t shirt, did not remove the t shirt, had a hat on, but he did remove it several time for us to view the haircut. He did have a gorgeous white spot where the streak was, and it was great to see. He practiced with Lleyton and they were great together. Pat looked a little rusty but hopefully he will come along. We are looking forward to seeing him play and especially doubles with Lleyton.

Quick notes--Susan had her picture made with Marat which was thrilling for her. Kathy was able to get an autograhe from Lleyton for the first time in 2 years of trying!!! She was very excited. Susan did talk with Tony Roche for a little while and he signed her fanatics shirt. Saw a great match between JC and Massu but JC lost. Joanie had her picture made with Jonas!! I love that guy! Tomorrow will be a full day with all the matches. Pat and Lleyton will be playing singles and doubles so that will be great. Susan will be taking in Marat and Joanie will also be viewing Nico! Hopefully Pat's match will get on TV. We should all be close together and be able to support Pat--I think he will need it! but we will all be cheering "Go Pat"!!!!!!! We have also met up with Lynn, Caryn, Erin, Thanksmate, Catherine, Sara and it has been wonderful. We will try to update tomorrow with good results we hope--lots of love from IW--Joanie, Sheena, Susan, Kathy and Joelle!





Hi everyone--it is us again! Another great day at IW. A little hotter today, but maybe that is b/c we were able to see Pat and Lleyton in singles and P & L in doubles--with great wins at all three! Joelle was the only lucky one to see Pat practice this am. The rest of us were in Lleytons match with front row seats--we needed a few with all of our Roos. So Pat came out of course, knowing that everyone would be watching Guga and Lleyton. Joelle took lots of beautiful pics I am sure.

Lleyton's match was a nailbiter against Costa--deja vu from Spain again!! The crowd really loved the idea of the Roos so we had great fun with them. Although right in the middle of Lleytons match, after Sheena gave a rousing "You can do it Hewitt!!", Kathy developed a severe nosebleed! I had to take her to first aid and get some treatment--however once I knew she was under control, I ditched for Pat's Match!! But she know I love her and she forgives me *lol*.

Eventually everyone else, Sheena, Susan, Joelle, Catherine, Vera, Laraunt, and Kathy assembled for Pat's match and were thrilled with the way he played. His serves were great and his volley's were beautiful. It was great to see. Glad to hear the banners and the Roo with my Mardi Gras beads made it to TV!!!! The crowd loved it too! Later we got together again for the double match and Lleyton and Pat were AWESOME!! Pat should be a professional doubles player!!!! Not a golfer!!! Joelle, against my better judgment, say she loves Pat's hairdo! It is amazing--the white spot of hair is visible from everywhere in the stadium! It is great! Pat can't stop rubbing his head so he must love the cut *lol* He wore the great yellow shirt and the grey shorts today and during doubles he and Lleyton wore Wimbledon Whites! He looks great! He has the most amazing hands at net during the doubles!! It is a joy to watch! Once again people were asking to have pics made with the roos and wanted to buy them--deja vu from Spain--Albert even noticed them during Lleytons match, but didn't ask for a picture *lol* Lleyont and Costa took up where they left off in Spain--in each others face! Lleyton really had to dig in and regroup in the third set after losing a really tight second set! He was wonderful. Susan saw Marat's match and it was obvious that he was unable to serve more than Martina Hingis serve--the injury definitely affected his play. Todd and Jonas won a really tight match--7/6, 7/6--Jonas really carried Todd for the first set--but we think they will be a great regular pair for this year. We are also thrilled that Taylor, Jan Mike, and Mardy played so well today. The match with Mark P was a thriller! Catherine, Susan, Joelle and Vera watched this nailbiting match. Tomorrow is a full day again. Lots of great matches to try and take in--doing without food and water for days on end are taking there toll, but we can do it for Pat!!!!!!!!! Hopefully we can bring good reports again tomorrow--Go Patty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Joanie, etc





Sorry for the confusion about the postings--We are using Sheena's laptop, but the girls are having me, Joanie write the updates--not sure if I am going to get in trouble for this *lol*.

Today was another great day to say the least. We all got to the site early to stake out seats in Stadium court 2 as Pat was on that court b/c there were some heavy duty ladies matches today. We were able to assemble in the corner behind the baseline and had a great grouping of our gals and the roos. We started the day with Henman/Pioline which was an ok match. Filled with lots of errors. Then we were able to see a great match between Guga and Taylor Dent (the young puppy!) Taylor managed to pull out the second set in a tie break after being down 5-1--which was exciting, except that it meant no bathroom break or food break for another hour b/f Pat came on. We didn't dare give up our seats for fear of losing them--we didn't move for 5 1/2 hrs!!!!! gosh, what we do for Pat!! Then finally Patty came on the court. Dressed in the great yellow/grey shirt and shorts and white cap. Looked wonderful as expected. He looked very sharp during the match. Serve was a little off for the first game, but just got stronger and stronger. DPQ had no answers for his shots. and no answers for the Roos and a great Aussie Bugler who was sitting behind us. He played a few Aussies songs--Waltzing Matilda, Tie Me Kangroo Down Sport==and he even played a bar from the song of the French Foreign Legion after DPQ made an unbelievable get! It was quite entertaining. the crowd once again loved the Roos abd they seemed to add some fun to the match--as if we needed any more fun!

At the end of the match Pat came over and generously acknowledged us, the Roos and the great Bugler! It was quite special. He threw one wrist band to the Bugler, and one to our group which Kathy shoved everyone out of the way to get to *lol*!! It was great entertainment--once again I had to take her to the first aid tent--this time she fainted (just kidding!!)

After this marathon we made a beeline for the loos with the roos! We were able to replenish our stores of energy with food and drink ( the good kind!) before we headed to the doubles match with Nico/Moya vs Suk/Orsanic? A great match! We had some wonderful tennis but the action on the sidelines was even better--we sat on the front row, about 3 feet from Nico/Carlos and the other guys. They lost the first set, but we pulled Nico/Carlos through the second set. Which meant I could see Nico for a third set. During the third set, Carlos kept inching closer and closer to the baseline--actually a foot fault or two--but it was never called by the linesman--until...........suddenly in the complete quiet of the desert night, we hear very loudly by the lineswoman in front of Catherine--"Footfault!!" Kathy then turns to me and says "I can't believe Sheena said that!" I turned to Sheena to tell her what Kat said, who in turn said it to Catherin--at which we all dissolved into laughter! Now keep in mind we are inches from the lineswoman and feet from the guys--if you have ever started to laugh and not been able to stop, you will realize how excruciating this was to keep under control and not disrupt the match!!! We were hopeless! See what 5 1/2 hours of baking in the sun for Pat will do to you? As you know Moya/Nico went on to win the match--it was a great doubles match to watch. It looks like we will be baking in the sun another 5 hrs tomorrow as Pat is on the same court and we will have to get there early to stake out a good position for the Roos--I am sure Alex will be happy to see them again :)! We will also get to see Pat and Lleyton again in the doubles if all goes well. Kathy had had no more nosebleeds so I am glad she didn't disrupt Pat's match today *lol*. We are hoping for another great day of matches and successess for Pat and Lleyton tomorrow. We didn't get to see Lleytons match b/c we had to get in early for Pat's match, and unfortunatly it will be the same for tomorrow. It is impossible to save seats here and you all know how popular Pat is, right??????????

Once again we are hoping to bring back some happy and fun stories for tomorrow. I hope you are getting some Pat coverage because he is looking great. I just love the beautiful white spot if hair on his head--and I am beginning to love the new look. OK, that is an exagerration--Sheena made me say that as she loves it and thinks I should too! *lol*. But it is getting better :)! That is it for now--got to get up early tomorrow! Early bird gets the worm! (sheena said that!) Joanie





(Posted by Robyn) 

I spoke to Joelle and Joanie tonight on the phone and they are bushed after another fantastic day so I am writing the report for them.

Today they sat on the court all day from 8am to 5pm so they wouldn't lose their seats. They were actually told at one point that they weren't even allowed to leave their seats to go to the loo!!!! but after much complaining the attendant relented. They are having a fantastic time and Pat has been acknowledging them, he even told them that he thought the roos were great! Heavens knows they make it on tv enough *lol*, I told Joanie they have all become famous. Even Cindy Smirler(?) the commentator thinks they are Aussies, she was commenting on how they are called the Fanatics and they follow the Davis Cup team around the world supporting them and how vocal the Aussies are!

Joanie said that Pat made a point of wearing the green and gold today playing against Corretja and how fortuitous it was that Lleyton defeated Costa while Pat defeated Corretja today. The green is the dark forest green shorts that Pat often wears, I think they are much nicer than the grey ones.

Joanie also said that Pat is getting better as each games goes. He is looking great and his volleys are getting sharper. His serve is dynamite and even into the third set he was still serving up to 110 miles per hour! When he came on court at the beginning of the game he had forgotten his hat so Pete went off to fetch it for him. Pat is just playing great tennis at the moment and he has even acknowledged that himself in his interview today which is terrific to hear.

The girls also took in Pat and Lleyton’s doubles match and Joanie said that watching Pat and Lleyton play doubles is an amazing thing. Pat is a natural doubles player and he encourages Lleyton and coaches him and he is so beautiful with Lleyton, he is a doll! At one stage during the doubles Pat fell over and the ball bounced back and he still tried to hit it even though he was still on the ground. He was OK thank goodness.

Anyway they are having an absolutely fantastic time as any of you can see that are lucky enough to be seeing the matches on TV. The bugler was there again today, I thought it may have been Darren, but they showed him close up and he was an older guy, he is certainly adding a great atmosphere there too. During the doubles match some Aussies up the back started Aussie, Aussie, Aussie and the girls would yell back Oi, Oi, Oi, even though at first they were a bit hesitant knowing Woz doesnt think its that cool but anyway they got into the swing of things and then the crowd started yelling back the Oi, Oi, Oi which Pat and Lleyton thought was fantastic, they were right behind the Aussies!!!!!

I am sure I have left out heaps of stuff and if I have maybe Joanie can fill you guys in at a later time. Once again thanks so much to Joanie and the girls for the Rafterful reports. GO WARRIOR PAT!!!!!!





Hi all! sorry for being slack the last few days, but we have been really bushed. Thanks to Robyn for bringing you up to date--she did a great job and covered the most important facts! My brain is fried but between all of us we will try to update the last few days.

On Friday Pat practiced for about 15 minutes and looked great as usual. Thank goodness Pat was playing Pete--because there was no need to arrive at 8am and camp out again for 8 hrs!!!!! We had great seats in the stadium and it was wonderful to have free loo breaks!!! So we arrived in force with our Roos and lungs ready to go *lol*. Talk about an amazing and nerve wracking match. Pete had one bad game in the first set and Pat took advantage of that.Pat looked great--volley's were perfect, serves were perfect, Pat was perfect! Of course we are biased=but that is the truth and so are all of you! Second set was very tight. The atmosphere was electric with the crowd split pretty much 50/50. Once again the Roos were a great crowd pleaser and eventually a group in the crowd started the Aussie cheer to which we responded. Pete's fans answer to this was for them to do the Petey, Petey, Petey chant, which fell flat. Soon, the people around us began to get into the Oi, Oi, Oi cheer again. It was amazing, So amazing that Petey even commented on it in the newspaper on Sat. am. He said the atmosphere was great for Pat and himself and he enjoyed it. The second set went to a tiebreak which was decided by one point on Pat's serve with agreat return from Pete. So on to the third set. Pat was flat for the first game only--unfortuanaly he was serving. Pete got the break and that was all she wrote! But not us of course *lol* Pat came close in two games to break back, but just couldn't pull it out.

After the match we hauled ass over to the court 2 to get seats for the doubles match with Pat and Lleyton all the while wondering if they might pull out for Lleytons sake. But no, they proved to be great sports probably since they were playing Florent/Eagle. It was a great match and lots of entertaining points. The atmosphere was very relaxed with a lot of laughter. While coming on court, Pat was "attacked" by Florent--he tried to tackle Pat for fun amidst lots of laughter. the match was very close--this time Lleyton had to carry most of the weight. pat looked tired mentally and physically. But it was sogood to see them together again. Eagle/Florent were great and really deserved the win. The highlight of the match was a very close game in the second set--could go either way. Florent made a great shot and Lleyton hit the ball out--Florent did a good Lleyton impression by yelling "Come ON!!!!" and pumping his chest--an exact copy of the Lleyton trademark. The crowd, Pat, Lleyton, Florent, Eagle all dissolved into laughter. It was amazing! Florent/Eagle won in a tie break! Great Tennis!



Hi all,

I am assuming all of us have made it back safely, but I know from my experience, it will take us a while to recover from this wonderful trip.It was a week full of great tennis and great company.So I will try and finish the last installment of our last day--and depend on the girls to add anything I have left off. Joelle was even going to help me finish the previous report, but like I said--food comes before reporting once Pat is out!

I also wanted to say that Lynn's report was wonderful to read. I am so glad she was able to conveerse with Peter and Lara--how exciting for her! I am sorry she had to leave earlier in the week but we all enjoyed meeting her too.

And I realized I never explained the "Roo Chicks" description so I had better do that--all week we had these men sitting next to usdrinking up a storm. They were veey entertaining to sat the least! They were shirtless also which was not to great to see *lol* But they were very nice and helped us support Pat, Kim and Lleyton. Well they also loved the Roos so they were the ones that started calling us the Roo Chicks. So everyday they would greet us saying hey, the Roo Chicks are back. It was funny and it stuck!

Also one other thing to clear up--yes, everyone thought we were Australian--I guess b/c of the roos and we were cheering for all the Aussie players--they would come up to us and tell us they just loved "our" guy (Pat of course!) But the minute I opened my mouth they definitely knew we were not Aussie's--my Southern drawl evidently was pretty pronounced! We made sure they knew that we were Americans that were devoted to Pat and also enjoyed all the Aussie players. But the crowd still thought it was pretty cool and we didn't get any grief for cheering against Andre and Pete which was amazing!

So, as you know Lleyton was the last match we saw on Sat. It was a pretty sloppy match for both guys--nobody could get their game going. Lots of erros, lots of service breaks back and forth. Somehow Andre took the first set. But the most amazing thing was the crowd--it was totally flat. I don't know why--maybe they had extended their energy for the Kim/Serena match with all the booing of Serena and cheering for Kim. But from the start, the only people cheering at all was us--for Lleyton. And we kept it up through the first set and into the second. Lleyton didn't really acknowledge us of course, but you could see him beginning to turn things around in the second set. He seemed to be responding to the support. Every time he came into our corner to serve, you could see him kind of glance in our direction--I mean how could you miss 5 bouncing roos all together?????? Well, he did seem to react and got his game together enough to win the second set. He was very calm during the entire match--no outbursts of "come on"--well.....maybe one time :)! But still the crowd was flat--almost no cheering for Andre--it was unbelievable. Nothing like the Pat/Pete match the day before. Well, the third set started to change a little when Lleyton got broken. I guess the crowd decided to wake up a bit and began to cheer for Andre. Of course, we knew they were cheering b/c they all wanted and Andre/Pete final. But we were still the loudest cheering section of all. Lleyton did get down, but scraped back and managed to break Andre to make it 5-4. We really thought he could do it at this point. But the next game went by quickly. He lost his serve and Andre took the match. At that point, we were almost as exhausted as Lleyton! We just couldn't believe there would be no more Roo cheering!! But it definitely made mind and Kathy's life a bit easier--b/c we might have had to change our flights if Lleyton made it to the finals. I have only done that before for Pat :)!!!!!! Lleyton was very disappointed walkling off the court. But he really played with heart as usual. His match and Pat's match were probably two of the toughest matches played all week. So we left the stadium for the last time and of course walking out the people continued to say, we love the roos, great cheeering girls, sorry your guy lost, etc.!! It was so funny!

Just a few extra thoughts:

I know there are differing opinions on the board about Pete and Andre but Ihave to say this--no one can understand the power of Andre's groundstrokes and returns untill you see it in person--and this was in a big stadium. Sheena says it is even more evident on a smaller court. It is amazing how hard he hits the ball and how quick he takes it.

Lleyton did really well against Andre when he began to take some pace off of his grounstrokes and returns, but he just couldn't keep it up b/c Andre would compensate for the change. Andre is as fast as Lleyton and almost as scrappy. Their games are almost identical. I think Lleyton is going to have a great future with is game. As for Pete--well, he is amazing also. His match against Pat was the highest quality tennis of the entire week. And then against Y2K, he was down 5/2, 4/1 in both sets and managed to come back and win that match. I dont know how he does it, but it does say a lot about his game, his talent and his heart.

The other touching thing about Pat and Pete's match that I think I forgot to mention was that at the end of the match, the guys are gathering their stuff--Pat starts to walk of first to give Pete the crowd--but Pete picks up his bag quickly and walks over to Pat--and they walk of the court together. Pete never walks of the court together with anyone, other than Andre possibly. I think it was a great show of respect and sportsmanship towards Pat and shows how far they have come in their professional relationship. It was a wonderful thing to watch.

Once again it was great seeing Sheena, Susan, Joelle, Kathy, Vera, Erin, Pat and Catherine again--an early reunion from Spain! It was terrific meeting Caryn, Lynn, and Britain for the first time. It was a very special week to see Pat playing both singles and doubles--a first for me! And I do believe Pat is playing as well right now as when Kathy,Marisa and I saw him in Cincy 2 years ago. He seemed very focused and very fit. To see the serves and volley's working so well was a real treat for all of us. I hope he can continue his success in Miami. I must admit, at the end of the week I can now say I love the haircut!! I know Sheena, you are probably shocked!

One other tidbit--I think I forgot to mention that Susan and Sheena made it to the front page of the draw sheet!! Their picture with the Roos and the Lleyton banner was on the draw sheet--it was so great!! I am glad the Roos made it to tv for all to enjoy and it was fun to report to you guys about our week. Now....On to Miami!!


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