The Salem Open 2000
- HongKong -
by Aggie
Sunday, Oct 1 & Monday, Oct 2
Saw Pat at the Salem Open today and yesterday, have been a fan for three years, but this was the first time I saw Pat in person. I had always agreed with Pat that he was just an ordinary-looking guy, but I have to admit that I did find him to be a very attractive person. He was very lovely and normal. He looked more goodlooking and slimmer than on TV and pics. I haven't take many pics yet, I thought I would, but Pat and Peter are so normal that I really feel bad about taking their picture without their permission. I watched Pat practice this morning and yesterday, and I had my camera with me but felt bad everytime I held my camara up, especially when Pat chatted with his mates, so I just took some pics of him playing and resting. Pat practised with Lapentti this morning, and it seemed that they got along very well and had fun. Lapentti said "Sorry mate" to Pat at one stage, and after the practice, Lapentti packed up his gear, then went over to Pats chair, shook Pat's hand and said, 'thanks mate', to Pat with a big grin. Pat replied the same. It's lovely to see how the two guys get along.
Watched Pats practice with a player that I didn't know yesterday afternoon, and heard from some HK girls that Pat practised with Jonas yesterday morning, too bad I missed it, it seems Pat's working hard.
I think I saw Geoff there too but I'm not sure. Saw Philippoussis too, Hopper isn't there and Philippoussis is working with Peter McNamara, Have no idea what's going on between he and Becker's coach.
Pat plays Pless tomorrow 7:00 pm HKT.
Tuesday, Oct 3 & Wednesday, Oct 4
I watched Pat's match against Pless yesterday, that was the first time I watched Pat playing live, I didn't really expect I would be so nervous before the match, but I did feel a bit better when Pat walked out onto the court, as he looked so focused.
I don't know a great deal about tennis so I 'm not able to tell you how Pat played, but here are a few quotes from Pat. He said "I started off playing very well. I took my chances when I had to," " Pless is very talented and... in the end you never take anybody lightly."
Pless didn't have an answer for Pat's serves, and got only one break point the whole match. Pat won the first set easily, and broke Pless early in the second set. Maybe it is the lack of match play but again, Pat had a problem closing out the match. He was broken when he was serving for the match but he broke back in the next game, and won the match on his next service game.
Too bad Pat lost the doubles tonight but he looked very relaxed, and didn't look upset with the loss. Lara was filming Pat with her video camera and talking and laughing with Kildery and Pats other mates and brothers (I still think Geoff's there.:)), the atmosphere was really very relaxed, it was so different to yesterday. Arazi and Oncins were watching the match too.
After the doubles match I was waiting to enter Centre Court for Henman's match when I saw Lara waiting for Peter - they were to meet Pat at the locker room - and a fan was having a pic taken with her, so I went up and asked whether I could take a pic of her, she's very nice and said yes with a very friendly smile.
After the doubles match Pat signed autographs for the fans at the Salem Open Square, of course I wasn't going to miss the chance! I got an autograph and took a ton of pics. :)) He's just the typical Pat, very friendly, he posed for pics, talked and laughed with the fans, pulled faces to the cameras, made everyone feel welcome. A Salem Open official took Pat everwhere taking pics and signing autographs for the sponsor's people, Pat certainly did a good job, he's a very professional ambassador.:))
Pat'll play his good mate Jonas tomorrow, it's the second match on centre court.
Thursday, Oct 5
Watched Pats match against Jonas today, it was a really close match. Pat was broken in the first game. I guess he was nervous and wasn't so confident at first, his serve was weak and he was a bit tight, perhaps it was because he knew that Jonas was able to return his serve very well and knew Pats game very well. Pat got better as the match proceeded, his serve became more solid and more effective, and Jonas served 4 double faults in a row at the 8th game, so Pat broke back. Pat continued to hold his serve well and broke Jonas again and won the first set. Pat played well at the end of the first set, there were some beautiful passing shots and returns.
He broke Jonas' serve early in the second set, but again had a problem closing out the match and was broken when he served for the match. Pat's form started to slip a bit, some double faults and unforced errors cost him the second set. Meanwhile Jonas was fired up and was returning Pats serve very well.
The third set was very tight, it was strange that I can't recall what was going on in the third set now, maybe it was too tense for me.:) Anyway Pat broke Jonas finally and this time he hold his serve solidly and won the match.
Well I was so relieved after the match, and found that I was so hungry.:)) It's such a exhausting experience for me.
Pat playes Guga tomorrow, the match start at 4:00pm HKT.กก
Friday, Oct 6
The match today was a lot easier to watch for me. Pat looked more confident and his game was more solid. There were less unforced errors and just 1 double fault if I remember it right. He returned Gugas serve well. His volleys were sharp which wasn't the case in his previous matches. The crowd really enjoyed the match, they gave two players huge applause when they left the court, it's really a joy to see Pat play good tennis. I think Pat looked very happy after he won though he looked very tired too. He looked different than after his last two wins, he stayed longer to sign autographs with a lovely smile on his face. Lara, Pat's mates and his brothers also stayed a little longer after Pat left, I guess they were also happy to see Pat's back. After the interview for the media Pat signed many autographs for the fans who were waiting outside the media room and posed for pics, laughed and chatted a bit with them, this was the happiest I have seen Pat so far at the Salem Open. I guess he was happy with how he played today.
I have seen Lara many times at the Salem Open so far, and I think she looks nice, it seemed to me that she got along very well with Pats mates and brothers. Lara and Pat look lovely together; I like this girl.
I saw Pat getting into the official bus to go back to the hotel and go to the tennis courts with the other players for many times, I know the Salem Open has the official Benz cars to carry the 'star players', so it's lovely to see Pat traveling with the 'lesser-names'! I find that I adore this guy even more after the Salem Open. He's really very lovely and normal, I'm jealous of Lara.:))
Pat playes the Scud tomorrow, it's the second match on Centre Court but unfortunately I have to leave Hong Kong tomorrow morning. I'd love to stay for the match and cheer for Pat, but my entry-exit visa for HK was valid for only 7 days - if I don't leave on time, I would be refused to enter HK for the next 5 years! Anyway it's been an unforgetable experience for me. Pat's very, very lovely and normal, I saw some good tennis from him, I saw Jason Stoltenberg and Jonas who I also adored, and took several pics, just like Pat, they're lovely and normal. I also got to watch some great tennis at the tourney, the experience has been a lot better than I expected, I'm sure I'll back to HK next year, and I'm not going to miss any of Pats matches next time! :)