Pat at the Olympics swimming
Saturday, 16-Sep-00
...Pat turns up everywhere...
I was just watching a sport chat show/comedy called "The Fat" (tile from the saying "chew over the fat") on ABC (Australia). One of the journalists on the show said that Pat phoned her today as he wanted to see some of the games, and she got him a ticket for the swimming, and went to the swimming with Pat.
She said as they walked into the stands, people stood up and cheered at him and waved the Aussie green and gold flags. Some people called out "GO PAT". She said he talked about how he is filming as much as he can on his camcorder for his family and kids to have for the future. She said he was thrilled. She was really impressed by him (of course) and said that it was wonderful that he wanted to film everything and was so thrilled by it all. She was thrilled with him too, she was just glowing and smiling as she said "I have been to the swimming with Pat Rafter"
She said it was every woman's dream to be there with Pat. He was so cute, as he had a back-pack on and was starving hungry and had taken his favourite foods in the back-pack.
This was lamingtons (Aussie cake) and Wagon Wheels- (like a chocolate biscuit/cookie). Anyway, he was handing out lamingtons and wagon wheels to the people sitting around him as well. She said he was just gorgeous.
Then one of the other people on the show asked how he Pat was allowed to take food into the stadiums (you can only take some food in- sandwhiches and water- as have to buy other things there). The journalist said there were no problems, as when the security people saw Pat, they did not stop him, but just said hi to him and let walk him in -without even looking in his back-pack. :)Everyone had stood up and cheered when he walked in as well, so it must have been an amazing moment.