Master Series - Ericsson Open 2001
by Jac
"A Hot Time in the Old Town "
sunny time Jac
My exposure to the sun, with which most of you identify, was usually because of choices I made. I chose to sit thru boring matches like Alexanda Stevenson to get a front row seat. (Alex, I did not pray for you to withdraw as you did.) I was a little disturbed by the men behind me discussing her too-tight outfit, and snickering. She is a lovely girl. Her mom was there. This court was very small and intimate.
I had on a hat and sunscreen and I am not burned.
Pat in Aussie gold and green is worth getting hot for. Di and some of the group were opposite me and we would "Aussie- Aussie" and "Oi - Oi,". When people around laughed and asked who we were, I told them all about Pat and the faithful Babblers. They were very interested. Most of them were also Pat fans but lacked my extensive knowledge.
At every match, men all around me were raving about Pat's game. I don't know much about tennis but I recognize excellence and beauty-- It is so fast that a viewer can hardly know what has been seen.
It took my breath away.
I was suprised that Pat's grunt was so Loud!! I saw Noor behind him (court monitor) and though how hard not touching him would be! No shirt changes, gals.
More about touching, later.
2 Miami "The First Time Ever......."
speechless jac
The first time I saw Pat was on Wednesday when Joelle and I were waiting to watch him practice. She is very nice. We were sitting under some trees.
"Here he comes!" she announced and I looked about frantically!!
"Where? Where?" I entreated!
"He's with Peter and Roche". Then I saw him striding thru the grassy area toward us, quickly, and my entire upper body became paralyzed! The camera in my hand was like an extra claw.
Joelle spoke to him and then said something like Pat -- picture". He said some things to her but did not slow down. He walks without focusing but looked at Joelle. His shirt was gray --black shorts and white cap. His lovely legs are brown.
We followed him into the practice area, the size of court you see all around. I could not believe he was so close. (Coincidence --his partner was Roger Federer --please excuse if I offend a fan, but Roger is uglier in person and looks older.)
Joelle told me that she and Di attended a Prince exhibition Tuesday and her camera failed to get a picture with Pat and he promised her one later. No wonder we love him.
I was literally "shocked" as I watched him. I guess the phrase "bigger than life' best suits my expectations. I was surprised that he was Not big --but seemed smaller than I envisioned. I had expected a God-like legend -- here was a slender, handsome, graceful young man who looked all too human. The thought of him lying on the ground in cramping agony gripped my heart.
He only practiced half an hour, but the familiar shots I had seen on tv were real. Mikki was right -I was speechless. I took useless pictures (no camera could catch the moment) and thrilled when he came close to the fence to retrieve balls.
I leaned on the cold chain-link fence and pondered how this boy could be the sexy-hero-champion-god many worshipped. I thought how heavy the burden must be. How could this Boy be Patrick Rafter?
But he Was bigger than Life -- for his over-all attraction transcended size and looks and ability.
The moment was awesome -- My god was human and I was more enthralled than ever.
#3 Miami Report "O speak again, bright angel''.......
poetic jac
Ok, so I'm a little melodramatic -- what do you expect from a literature teacher????
Pat seemed bigger the second time I saw him at the practice court -- but still not large enough to carry the burden of superhero/sex god/supreme athlete. And why is he so special?
Today I pondered his physical appearance. I had seen bronzed and sweating beautiful specimens --m-m-m-m-m-m- Moya(until I looked at his "old" face); sleek Barbie doll Jan-Mikey; longggg- torsoed golden Ferraro; long, brown forget-it-face Haas; surprisingly big and nifty-looking Norman; and Mark the magnificent Moor who glistened like chocolate.
I had seen muscles I never knew existed.
But even covered, Pat was Perfect. A simple white t-shirt outlined his broad shoulders and moulded chest; his body is long-waisted and slender; his legs are slim and tanned. He looks like an ad for fitness and health. But he projects confidence and natural sexuality and a distinctive attraction.
At the dividing, chain link fence, wedged between Di and a professional photographer(I begin to notice that Pat looks this way often),I merely enjoy the view.
When he finishes and moves suddenly to the chain link fence, I watch bemused as he signs huge tennis balls like Ann-Marie's, Karen's fan, and says something to Kirsten about the "Happily Ever Rafter" banner she made and has hung on the fence. She is too mesmerized to realize that he spoke.
Qiuckly, he continues on, until he is directly in front of me. His face is shaded by the cap, but I can see that smile. I had sworn I could never speak to him -- but "Hi, Pat", I gasp.
He says something, then looking into my red face asks, with surprise, "Is it hot?"
Falling back from the fence in laughter, I reply, "Yes, it's hot!" then -- "I write stories."
"You write stories?" he questions, still moving and signing.
"Yes, I write stories about you, Pat". Desperately I dig in my bag for a brown envelope.
"Stories?" he echoes as my heart leaps with excitement. But my waving envelope is not acknowledged amid the ever-moving hands as he proceeds back up the fence and out the gate.
I am disappointed -- then I remember my 3 dreams: the Miami trip with some dear Babblers; to see Pat; (I have been thrilled by his playing); and to give him some of my writing. 2 dreams have come true.
But Pat Rafter's face only inches from mine, and his soft Aussie voice saying, "Stories?" is more than I could ever imagine or dream.
#4 Miami Report by jac What Would Be Your 3 Wishes?
dream-fulfulled jac Apr/4/2001
Because my partner-Babblers covered other aspects of the Miami tourney, I chose to discuss the personal aspects of meeting Pat for the first time. It is awesome -- do you remember?
Granted 3 wishes, I had experienced 2: being part of a Babbler tourney and seeing Patrick. That he spoke to me was a bonus -- not that the brief words were significant, but that it shows his heart.
My 3rd wish was to give Pat some of my writing. I had almost given up after being so close -- just seeing him was enough -- But in the bottom of my new Ericksson bag, mingled with half a sandwich, water, 2 bananas, crackers, broken sunglasses, sunscreen, and my purse, was my card-sized, forlorn manila envelope- just in case ---
The last practice was not very crowded. I had a converstion with a Pat lover seeking to share my shade --to find out it was delightful Michelle. (I think we are kindred spirits.) Then I enjoyed the view from beside the Babblers and Kirsten's
"Happily Ever Rafter" banner to be part of the group, then responded to some excited fans.
"Does he know your group is here?" they inquired. They were amazed that we had met on Planet Rafter and united for love of Pat. "Someone should tell him!" they insisted. "I think it's wonderful --he should meet you or something!"
I laughed, thinking of all Pat's million fans. "He's seen the banner", I answered, smiling. (One disappointment was that he did not sign it.)
A man noted that If Pat took his shirt off now, the entire area would explode!!
I moved closer to the small metal gate, usually clogged with holders of bright yellow, giant souvenir balls that he signed. To my surprise, when he came quickly out the gate, I was very close.
"May I give you a story?" I asked softly.
"A story?" he echoed -- as always moving like a nervous bead of mercury-- then he Held out his hand and my 3 wishes were complete as gave him my dream.(accidentally touching him.)
He moved on -- I could see the brown envelope clearly - and I followed a little way to see if he threw it in the trash. (Oh, he did pause briefly to sign autographs for some Very pretty young ladies who ooed and ahhed with excitement.)
This is what I gave to him:
the Supporter Reporter Interviews about "Retiring" and "The Lockless Rafster"; and my Olympic Tribute.
I hope the humor brought a smile, but especially that he felt in my tribute the sincere respect and honor and love that comes from all our hearts.
"The Torch Is Passed"
In the faraway country of Australia, the eternal Flame, the age-old symbol of the Olympic Games, is moving across the waiting land. Many worthy carriers are a part of this ancient tradition.
It is fitting that one of the Torch bearers is a man who reflects in his life the qualities of patriotism, courtesy, dignity, unquencheable spirit, and indomitable courage.
The world will be watching with pride as Patrick Rafter passes the light, for he is the living symbol of All that is Good in Sports.
oh,btw - his wrist was warm and sweaty--
35 Last Philosophical Miami Report from jac The Last Time ----
I did not go to the Pat/Leyton's Doubles match on Monday Night.
"Why"? you are asking. Couldn't I purchase a ticket although I was first in line? Was I underwhelmed by Kafelnikov's sour vibes emenating from the court when I popped in for a moment? Had I been apprehended for "breaking line" due to careless timing watching Guga? {Did anyone think I was going to stand at the bottom of the stairs and miss the cute cameraderie of my favorite players?)Was I stung by the bee that attacked Bryan (causing dr. Pat to check on him -- crowd loved it)) Had I suffered a sunstroke waiting through Haas's match (yawn) to get a front seat to see Pat play Cavet?
Read on, o questioner.
The small, intimate stadium is electric before Pat comes in. Viewers strain their necks --there is no grand entrance like in the large arena -- then he strides from the dark green corner onto the bright green court and we hold our breaths, then applaud.
I fume, realizing that his head has been shaved again since yesterday. He doesn't care what anyone else thinks. He flaunts the short, dark hair with the incredible white star like a badge of courage; the flaming gold shirt makes the dark eyes more striking. He doesn't care about the whispers of "baldness" behind me as I turn and explain his "skunky" spot. He looks innocent and young.
Better hold on to your seats, readers -- I have mourned for the beautiful, vanished hair --I cannot even Imagine how exciting and Different he was!!
But no more fairy-tale glamour.
This is Pat -- Simple and Real -- for all to see. I accept that -- and I like the haircut.
The match is not easy and the sun is hot (Pat even sits down for a bit on the far end, eliciting much laughter from the adoring crowd.) There are several ball kicks and I think a yell. I encourace him with quiet "Go Pats". I worry how he can play both singles and doubles on the same days. Although he struggles, I am amazed at his game andI watch with pleasure. As he goes ahead, I realize this may be the last time I ever see this special athlete.
Finally, he serves out the game, cries out and raises his arms in triumph. He takes awhile to pack his back and be interviewed. We applaud as Clavet walks off.
Then Pat walks across the court, toward my side, close to the entrance. His hands are free and he begins to wave with both of them, his smile grower broader with each step. It is not the smile of a millionaire world champion, nor of an aching warrior who has tired of the battle.
The smile is not boasting and smug or victorious -- but young and pleased and boyish. It is the warming smile of an 18-year-old boy who has just won his match and sees his family in the crowd.
Thru tears, I bid him goodbye and treasure the moment....
I did not go to the doubles match. I did not see again the form and grace that tennis lovers admire, the incomparable serves and volleys that brought gasps from spectators. As I sat at the foaming fountain at the Ericsson entrance, waiting for my ride, I was satisfied with my decision.
My week had been thrilling. But I knew moments must be cherished, and I wanted my last image of Patrick Rafter to be his youthful, HAPPY face.
"The last time I saw Patty -- his heart was young and gay,
no matter if they change him, I'll remember him that way...." la la la la la la la