Master Series - Ericsson Open 2001
by Joelle
Hi everyone! Just got back from the Prince demo day at a Ft. Lauderdale tennisclub, with Pat as the main attraction! Diane and I heard about this little event when we went to see a similair thing at her tennisclub with JMG. So we decided to go check it out. Very much worth our while i must say. He hit a few balls with juniors and a few Ft. Lauderdale tennischampions. Then he did the autographs and pictures, Diane waited in line to have her Fanatics t-shirt autographed and also got me a poster. After it all ended we both got our picture taken with Paddy, only to find out her camera's battery ran dead and so it didn't come out. Fortunately Peter told us when they will be out on the practise courts tomorrow and if it isn't too busy we might both get another chance. It was an exciting afternoon, it was fun to see Pat in such a different surrounding then at a tennistournament. He was very cheerful and sweet and stuff. We talked to Peter a lot too and he is now considering checking this messageboard every once in a while, so mind your manners, girls *lol*! Diane will tell you her version now :) Take care, luv, Jo.
Hey folks, here is me from Key Biscayne. We didn't do a report yesterday because i know we were all in late last night. Just watched Pat practice, it is very hot out and he took it a little easy, a lot of breaks and i think he only stayed on for about 35/45 minutes, followed by Guga he also started off easy. It's the weather. Saw Pete's loss to Andy Roddick, absolutely wonderful match (only saw first set, b/c Pat's practice) but i am so thrilled he won! It has been very interesting to watch the 'new' American tennisplayers, they are all very promising! More later (I think), Luv, Jo Joelle
Well, well...this is it, the last post from the US of A for me, for now. It has been the most amazing trip for me and I don't know where to begin...
I am still in disbelieve of meeting up with everyone, without a doubt EVERY SINGLE PERSON I met up with the past few weeks i got to know through the website, pretty incredible, huh!? I think i have met almost everybody here *lol*, and i know for a fact meeting people you know from the internet is just a lot of fun, you can end up with friends for a lifetime. Therefore I want to thank everyone for inviting me into their homes, introducing me to their families and friends and taking me under their wing, somewhere along this wonderful, unforgettable tour around the US. I had so much fun and I so needed the break to get away from things, i learned while having fun and i ended up with a 'few' memorable moments! *lol* I am thinking about Kangeroos who needed a bit of air or getting stuck in an elevator, singing Aussie songs in a car somewhere along HWY 111 (or was it Washington?) and having dinner with Guga (well not really!). Not to forget my encounters with Pat, it has been incredible! I keep saying that i know.
So I want to finish with giving a shout out to everybody I met up with. I think we need to finish this iff, I don't want to end up as Julia...(she did well!!!). I hope I make any sense and if not, just try to imagine I do.
Lots of love and until next time! (which could take a while because my pc at home broke down)
PS: Pat shaved his head again...very little hair left!
by Robyn
It was wonderful to speak to my favourite girl today and to hear your news. Thank you so much for thinking of me and also thanks to Peta for all the work with the banners and the inspiration to send them around the world and have them signed. And now I will explain what Joelle's news was!
Joelle had decided to ask Pat to sign the GO WARRIOR PAT banner for me (Peta had decided to give me that banner and the GO SKUNKY one to Pat so these banners have been travelling around the world collecting signatures from all the Rafterbabblers as most of you know which is a great memento for Pat and I.
Anyway Joelle said that Pat was happy to sign it for me and he signed it right in the middle. He wrote: TO ROBYN, LUV U, PAT RAFTER
I was so touched by that, it made my day, so thank you Pat, Joelle and Peta, I love you guys too.