Davis Cup 2000
2nd round
- Adelaide -
Thursday, 06-Apr-2000
...Remote Robyn Report...
by Peta
OK, this afternoon Robyn called me at work on her cell phone from Adelaide (it must have cost her a fortune) to fill me in on all the Davis Cup preliminary gossip. She is still not feeling 100% (keep those good vibes heading her way and mine [cough, cough]) and was resting up instead of seeking out an internet cafe to do the report herself.
Did Robyn have an excellent Rafter Experience today???
You bet she did!!!
This morning Robyn and about 10 other girls (mostly from Scud Central) were waiting by the entrance to the courts when who should drive up but Pat and Paul Kilderry. When they got out of the car Pat spied Robyn and came straight over for a chat (much to the amazement of the other girls - isn't Robyn just the luckiest person).
Robyn told Pat she had some things for him, so they spent some time going through everything. There were letters, PR Unltd newsletters, etc, etc but the most precious item was "The Pat Doll" from joes. Robyn had made a card using the pics that she took of the original Pat doll and had also decorated a box with a design based on the photographs too (for those that might not know of the many talents of our dear Robyn, she has in the past run a business that produced decoupage paper... so she is highly qualified for this task and I'm sure it looked extra special and was the perfect prelude to the amazing doll within). Pat didn't know what to make of it all but he was thrilled none the less. Robyn took a photo of him holding the doll! Pat asked Robyn to give all the stuff to his Mum to put in his special room at home.
Robyn got her Sony Mavica out and asked Pat to say a few things so she could make some clips - apparently they turned out absolutely gorgeously with the pick of the bunch probably "Thanks joes for the doll" and "Hi to the Rafterbabblers"! That last one will hold pride of place on the site, no doubt about that.
Robyn also gave Pat a bunch of fan mail for Lleyton!!! (I'm sure he was impressed with that Robyn), this prompted Pat to remember where he was and where he was supposed to be and he said he had to go cos Lleyton would be cranky with having to wait for him to come for practice!!
During the conversation some girls asked Pat for an autograph, but he said ask me after practice.
By all accounts Pat was looking gorgeous in the green t-shirt (that does indeed have white under the arms) and his hair in a ponytail when he arrived and also in the clips. When he came out for practice his hair was out but he immediately put his "daggy" white cap on.
Robyn took about 100 photos during practice, although she wasn¡¯t allowed courtside with the press and TV crews so she wasn't very happy with her position at all and she never managed to catch Pat without the "daggy" cap on!
After practice Lleyton darted away, but Pat stayed and signed autographs for kids that had come to watch the pratice session :-)
Tonight Robyn and co were going to a Fanatics do at the General Havalock Pub and after the tennis tomorrow Robyn gets to go to the Davis Cup dinner, which she is really looking forward to and has bought a spiffy new outfit for!
The banners that Robyn will distribute tomorrow are "Awesome Aussies", "Good Golly What A Volley" and "Lleyton Hewitt He Can Do It". They also have a boxing kangaroo flag and several Aussie flags.
With love Robyn
Reporter Peta signing off!
Monday, 10-Apr-2000
...What a wonderful man our Pat is!...
by Robyn
As you know we saw Pat on numerous occasions. The first time just before practice was when I gave him the Pat doll from Joes, I think Peta would have posted about this as I rang her up to tell her. He was just lovely - as soon as he saw Bee and I he came towards us even though he was supposed to be heading in the opposite direction. In Brisbane last September I had taken my video clip camera to try and get Pat to say a few words to the Rafterbabblers. I never got a chance then or at the Aus Open so was really happy to get this opportunity. I will upload the clip to the web tomorrow so you can all see it.
I only said a few words to Pat at the player party on the Saturday night, he was too busy celebrating. We didn't take any pics or ask for autographs as it didn't seem right somehow at this particular party. I did ask him if he would be back on the Sunday night and he said "maybe".
On the Sunday night we went to the party at the The Planet but after a while it looked pretty obvious that the players had done enough celebrating the previous night and would give this party a miss. Bee had missed the previous night as we weren't sure if they were celebrating then so we felt really awful for her. We decided on a time to go and it was nearing that time when who should we see but Pat walking across the street towards us, he came up to us and said hi and we started talking about things. Jill asked him to autograph his book (he says he hasn't read it yet!) and he said he was just going in for a quick beer and would see us on the way out. Sure enough he stood near us at the door, had a beer with his Davis Cup minder then turned to us and said he would start signing so we all gave him things to autograph. When he had finished signing we chatted for a bit more then he left. When he first turned up he said how tired he was from the night before and how all the other guys were knackered. I got the feeling that he only came to say hi to us Rafterbabblers and that was confirmed when Jill said to his DC minder, "Thanks for bringing Pat" and he said "He only came to see you guys".
So Pat, knowing us Rafterbabblers were there and how groups of us around the world had been going to Davis Cups, sitting with the Fanatics, in the hope of supporting him, had made the effort to drag himself along to see us, have a bit of chat and sign autographs. I thought what a wonderful, truly special man he is. He made our night and Bee's, who was happy with just talking to Pat. I will post our conversation with Pat in replies and will try and write a bit more about the Davis Cup tomorrow or else MandyR or Kerrin might like to. MandyR is writing the full report for the PR Update this month.
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