Davis Cup 2000

2nd round

- Adelaide -

  By Belinda  

My trip to the Davis Cup in Adelaide began with checking out practice on the Thursday morning. There we managed to run into Pat (well he kinda ran into us, nearly with his car!!!). That was when Robyn got out her digital camera and taped Pat with his doll, but I'm sure Robyn's spoken about that one so I'll move forward to Sunday night!

I missed the main party on the Saturday night so my main chance to see Pat would come on Sunday. A few hours went by that night and there was no sign of any of the players. Woz from the fanatics arrived and Robyn asked him if they were coming and he told her he believed they wouldn't be. We decided to hang around for a little bit longer just to see if he would arrive, and luckily for us we waited just long enough to see Pat walk across the road to where we were "partying". He spoke to us for a little while, Robyn was explaining to him about how her camera worked and I think he has it all figured out now!!! He went off and had a drink with a couple of his mates after that, but soon enough he was back with us again. We all spoke for awhile and I was talking to Pat about the next round of DC, and more importantly, how the American's would fare against the Spainards. Pat made it clear he wanted the US to win. He said he'd must rather a final in Melbourne than in Spain, which I'm sure we'd all rather!!!! I said at one stage that it would be tough for the American's to beat Spain, to which he replied, "Bloody oath it will be!!!" Ahh the Queenslander is still well and truly alive in Pat!!! The funniest bit of our conversation came when I asked him to tell Newk that he is "an old fart" for not coming down to party. Somehow I don't think Pat quite heard me because he laughed and replied, "Yeah I know the whiskers ( or something like that) makes me look at little old don't they!" I'm just lucky that Pat doesn't mind a little abuse every now and then!!!!

That's about all I can report on my encounter that night with Pat. Shortly after the Newk comment he said good bye and that he hopes to see us in Brisbane which I'm sure will be even better than Adelaide!!!!



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