Davis Cup 2001
- Sydney -
HI all,
well now I can say I have seen Pat play liveand been a Fanatic, and that is an experience in itself as many of you know already. Still it was not smooth sailing.
As you know my Dad had a knee replacement 2 weeks before the DC tie, so I was really tired after looking after him and Mum and wouldn't you know it, I came down with bronchitis the Monday before the tie began. I took some strong antibiotics and sniffed and coughed throughout the week, very determined that I would not miss Pat. Vince had to go to Sydney for a conference on the Wednesday and I was hoping to go with him and maybe meet Robyn,Kerrin and Ranji (and anyone else) who were going to any practice sessions, but it I was not well enough so I crossed fingers and hoped for the best, stayed home and tried to recover. It did not help that I lost my voice.
I was feeling OK by the time we left Newcastle at about 9pm Thursday night to drive to Sydney and we arrived at about 11pm. My only problem was feeling very tired and hardly any voice so I knew that I could not sing too loudly with the Fanatics as did not want to go around all weekend writing notes.....those who know me well will know that I like to talk so no voice would be traumatic. We stayed with Vince's Mum who lives about 20 minutes away from Olympic Park where the Tennis Centre is located so we would have no trouble travelling there each day.
It was a very early start Friday morning - about 5.30am, - for the Fanatics BBQ breakfast and to collect our T-shirts and tickets from Robyn. We caught a taxi from the local train station at Lidcome and were there at 7am on the dot and there were only a few people standing around and even fewer Fanatics. I introduced myself to a few people and asked them if they were waiting for Robyn and they said no, they were the catering staffso we had a talk to them until Kerri arrived and then we met Robyn, Peta, Ranji and the other Babblers.
I'm not sure of times after that as did not have my watch on, but after breakfast and meeting Kerrin and other Babblers, someone said that Pat was practising on the stadium court, so some of us walked over to peer through the glass inserts at the side of the doors. We were not allowed in, but it was a clear view and, after waiting for 5 or so years to see him, there he was. He was dressed in white and was serving well, volleying well and some great overhead smashes. It was surreal, like watching TV but he was real and gorgeous. <Sigh>. I did not try to take photos from that distance as I do not have a zoom lens so I just watched. A dream come true!
It was getting hot by that stage so I put on yellow and green zinc all over my face and smothered my neck with sun block made for "extreme conditions" and we eventually made out way into the stadium and found our seats. We were in a fantastic spot with a great view of the court. When Pat walked out dressed in his yellow shirt and green shorts and the crowd cheered I was in heaven! We were in full sun when the cloud cover lifted but I did not notice until Pat left the court as I was in a daze for most of the first few sets. I was so busy watching Pat with my binoculars that I did not even notice the score for most of the first set and I checked out the players box and saw Lleyton's Mum and Dad, Pat's Mum, Steve Rafter, Louise and another sister and Lara. There might have been more of Pat's family there but they are the ones I recognised.
I finally came down to earth and started following the score in the second set. It was so different to the TV and harder to see whether the balls were really out or not as we were side on and there were a few occasions that I was sure Pat got some bad calls. (I have not watched the video to check on that though.) I felt a turmoil of emotions during that match. First the euphoria of seeing Pat and he was winning and then the second set tie break was like being on a knife edge and when he finally won it and pumped his fist at one group of the Fanatics (where Woz and Mongrel were sitting across the aisle from us Babblers) I was really into it and pumped. I was sure that Pat would win and it did not even cross my mind that he would lose but at the end of the 3rd set Vince said it may go to five sets and I said "No way" as I was sure Pat would pull out of the 4th set. As you know that was wishful thinking and somehow Pat lost the plot. He looked like he was not there, not exactly tired but just that he could not consolidate any break points, he served too many double faults (I think it was 16 overall) and he missed volleys that he never would usually miss. His body language changed and then he looked tired and it was obvious what was happening , just as he explained it in his interview. It was partly "mental" and he did not look like he was enjoying himself at all and he must have felt an amazing amount of pressure to win.
The crowd were trying everything they could to get him over the line. We sang, we called out "come on Pat, you can do it" and so did the "civilians" around the stadium and we were all stunned when he lost. I watched him through my binoculars as he walked off the court, and it was so sad, he rubbed his head, and did not acknowledge the other guys in the team, the Fanatics or the crowd, he looked devastated. By then I was a wreck but we did not leave the stadium for awhile and I was happy to see Lleyton. It struck me how little he is and I now know why Pat calls him "the little fella" or "little Lleyton" . He is so slight but as Vince said his tennis arm is bigger than his other arm so he has obviously done a lot of work at the gym and in training and his serve was strong and he looked great. After the first set I had to get some air as it was boiling hot; I am not sure if it had been like that all the time or whether I suddenly noticed the world around me because Pat was not there, but I was not feeling too well and Vince had a headache so we walked out of the stadium that felt like an oven into the shade and cool of the outside areas under the stadium.
We met Peta and Robyn who were also taking a breather and saw Peta's great photos that she had taken with her wonderful snazzy camera (great shirt changes) and long before Lleyton's match was over Vince wanted to leave as he was not well. It was a 15 minute walk to the train station and we were home at his Mum's place in about 30 minutes. The transport system worked like clockwork and I can now understand how it coped with the Olympic crowds when there were thousands and thousands more people. We watched the end of the match on TV and we were both really tired so had an early night.
It was not such an early start for the doubles the next day so we felt rested when we got back to the tennis and it was even hotter as there was no cloud cover to cool us down. I put more zinc war paint on my face, we bought bottles of water, put on our hats and then were ready for some singing and clapping and waving signs. (As an aside: Optus communications sponsor the DC team and they had made 2 signs that were given away free to anyone who wanted them. One was "Go Aussies" on one side and "Sorry Mate" on the other side, while the next sign was "Come On " on one side and "Go Aussies on the other." It was funny when Pat said "sorry mate" in his first match as everyone who had one of those signs held it up.)
We saw a presentation to Newk and Rochey for what they did for the DC and many past DC players were there as well. Pat and Lleyton came out last and Pat got such a wonderful reception from all the crowd, the screams and claps went on and on and I was happy about that as hoped it might have made him feel a bit better about Friday's match and would show him that we still loved himLleyton got a rousing cheer as well of course. After the presentation they announced that Todd and Wayne would play and I must admit that I had been secretly hoping that they would select Pat and Lleyton and take a gamble that Lleyton would win his reverse singles on Sunday, but I knew it was wishful thinking and was not disappointed at the announcement. Wayne was much slimmer and far more handsome than he appeared on TV and Todd looked about the same, and what a match it was. As you know it was a roller coasted of a match, so close. Pat did not come out straight away to watch it with the other guys but when he did he pulled his chair behind Frommie (???) and near to Lleyton and he looked like he wanted to hide. Lleyton and Pat talked a lot and around lunchtime they both left, maybe to hit up for the next days matches? They came back just before it was over and were there to congratulate the boys. We were especially happy for Wayne when our boys won and as he said in a great courtside interview, he "badly" wanted to win this one. So it was now 2-1 OZ and I think most people expected that we would win this tie.
I have not mentioned that Vince told me he had a sore throat during the match and by the time we got home he was sneezing and felt terrible, so we did not go to the pub that night. We had a Chinese meal with Vince's sister and friend and watched TV and by next morning Vince was really sick and he obviously had caught what I had the week before. He had not slept all night as he was coughing too much so he said he could not go into the tennis as he felt sitting in the heat would really be too much. I did not go in either as I was not sure if we would have to drive home and get him to the doctor so I phoned Robyn at 8.30am when she was trying to get ready with about 10 minutes to spare (sorry Robyn ) and told her Vince was sick and that his sister Kathy and our friend Phillip would like to see Lleyton and that we would come go that afternoon if Pat was playing, a dead or alive rubber. I **had** to see him again.
Of course, silly me actually said earlier in the week that I will be happy if I saw Pat play once (yeah right) and it did not worry me if I did not meet him (yeah right again.) Seeing him once only made me want to see him again and see him up close and wonderful Vince knew this so said OK he would sleep and we would go to the afternoon match if he played and then the party. He thought Pat would not play, but I said he would he **had** to as he would want to make up for Friday and there would also be a riot if the crowds did not get to see him again. So I watched Lleyton with Vince's Mum and at the beginning of the 4th set, Vince and I drove to the station and got a taxi to the tennis. We had arranged to meet Kathy and Phillip outside the gate after Lleyton's match and we got their tickets and changed shirts. They were so thrilled with Lleyton's match and loved being part of the Fanatics. (BTW, Phillip just missed catching Lleyton's shoe and was thrilled about that. We were joking with him later about what would he do with one used tennis shoeAfter we said goodbye to them we ran as fast as we could to get into our seats and made it just before Pat walked onto the court. It was perfect timing as he was in a rush to get through the match.
This was a different Pat to Friday. Brilliant shots, played crisply and he was commanding at the net. I read where he said that he played his "grass roots" game and I do so hope that he sticks to this type of play for the rest of the year and does not try and slug it out with the baseliners too often on surfaces that do not suit his game. Of course it was more relaxed as we had won and he was not under pressure but he moved better and looked more at ease. The crowd just love him, and it was not just the Fanatics in fine voice as there were others singing "We love you Patty oh yes we do...." or calling out "Come on Pat" but there was none of the desperation of Friday. After the match there was a great courtside interview (which was not on the telecast- grrr) and he said that he would play some tournaments in Europe now as we had won this tie, and he would not have bothered if we had not won. He also said that Lleyton was the best DC player in the last 30 years.. As it was also Jocelyn's birthday -we had sung Happy birthday to her and "there is only one Mrs Rafter" - Pat said he would save the most important part for last and said "Happy birthday Mum" and they he went over to talk to Lara who must have come into the stadium late, signed autographs and left quickly to watch the Broncos play with Lleyton in the Stadium near the tennis centre. Unfortunately for Pat they lost.
I was so happy with this match, this is the Pat I wanted to see; in control, calm with no nerves, playing his instinctive game and I felt OK about the fact that I may not see him "live" again, as I felt robbed after Friday's loss as it was not the Pat I knew. I am sure you will all understand what I mean by that.
By that time Vince was not feeling at all well and we went straight back to his Mums and he had a shower and a nap and said he'd be OK for the party. We got there at 7pm, caught up with Kerrin, Peta, Robyn and Ranji then went inside the bar and met everyone else. The players did not arrive until later on and by then Vince was dead on his feet, so I knew we would not make a late night. I did see Pat up close - in profile- as I went near the players section when they first arrived so that was a bonus. We decided to leave after 10pm as we thought it would be hours before anything happened. I was sorry to hear that we just missed the speeches and that Pat had left by 11pm and as we could have waited a bit longer,but no-one knew what was happening so it was a gamble we had to take as we had a 2 and a half hour drive back home.
We did not get to say goodbye to everyone as we were all scattered throughout the bar, so sorry for leaving in a rush.
It was a wonderful weekend. I was disappointed that we did not make it to both nights out and that neither of us were well enough to do much other than watch Pat, but that's the highlight anyway isn't it?It was fantastic to meet so many of the Babblers there (I know I missed some of you) and to meet Robyn, Peta and Kerrin after all the years of emails
. It was an amazing experience being a Fanatic and I can recommend it. One thing that stood out was that when we were walking home from the train station so many people came up and said how much they enjoyed the Fanatics singing and thanked us for making it fun, and then others asked what the score was and "did Pat win?" As we walked to the party venue last night dressed in our Fanatics t-shirts a few people called out to us "did we win?" It was so wonderful to say "yes"!. I was sorry not to see Pat at practice or to talk to him, but I cannot be too disappointed as I did stand inches (centimetres) away from him and Lara and he is **so** gorgeous. It was all a dream come true.
Thanks to everyone for making this a wonderful experience. I have always known what a great lot of people we have on Planet Rafter and it was fantastic to meet so many of you.
So now I can say I saw Pat play twice, I stood next to him, I was a Fanatic, I met up with my wonderful Babbler friends and we won the DC tie. Vince wants me to go the final as he is not keen to go (once was enough, he loved it but is not as obsessed as I am ) so I will try for that. Another option may be the Masters Cup which would easier to get to as its in Sydney.
GO PAT for Melbourne.