Davis Cup 2001
- Sydney -
by Ranji
Yes my dream did come true, I am in Beautiful Sydney Aus, and I did go to the DC, and what a FABULOUS time I had. One of the things I was looking so forward to was also meeting Robyn,Nole,Kerrin,Peta and all the other R.Babblers. This was really a very big moment in my life. I had been emailing Robyn for some time and was very excited at meeting her. well everyone, she is one terrific person, So warm, and friendly, and made me feel right at home. This was so important as I was so far away from home. Let me also take this opportunity to say that all Aussies are very friendly people who make you feel very welcome. This was my experience right from the time I got into the plane. I want to thank Robyn for giving me the opportunity to go to the DC and being a part of the fanatics, an incredible experience! Also many of us dont realise all the work she does to make this happen and all the responsibilities she assumes on our behalf. Well I was there and I did see the amt of work she does re T shirts, tickets etc. Thanks so much Robyn we are very grateful and do appreciate it. Also HAPPY B'DAY, Health and Happines in the coming yr.
Now a HUGE THANK YOU to Kerrin, A terrific Girl! It was a great pleasure to meet her. She tirelessly transported us everywhere! I dont know how she did it! She has a family to take care of and yet she just ran about doing eveything and spoiling us!! Thanks so much Kerrin it really was great esp for me as I was by myself. She also has a terrific Hubby,David who drove us to the celebration party,wonderful parents(I had the pleasure of meeting)and two absolutely adorable kids! And there was Peta, So much fun, so helpful and friendly. Thanks Peta for making me feel so welcome. Also long last I met Nolene,& hubby that was great, she is terrific. Also Gail & Hubby. There were so many RBS who were so friendly and just great, it really was incredible, that you meet people who you straight away connect with and its like you have known them all your life. Diane,Fiona,Mandy,Natalie,Shirley,Lisa and so many others sorry I cant mention all by name but I do have the addys. Thanks everyone for your warmth and friendship, Yes The Rafter Babblers are very special people and I am greatly privelaged to be one of you.
Now for the DC and PAT! This for me is after Montreal which was fantastic(I promise that I will post that report as soon as I get back home) However I have never been to a DC and I must say that it certainly cannot be compared to anything else. The atmosphere is electric and there is so much of passion, it is something that has to be experienced and I am so happy that I did get a chance to do it.
The Olympic Village is very impressive and so is the stadium. I arrived on Mon 17th and on Tues my Coz took me to the stadium and we just walked in, and Lleyton was practising. We saw Wayne and Todd too but not Pat, Later we heard that he had practised earlier! I was anyway thrilled to see them and also be in the stadium. I called Kerrin and spoke with her. She was so friendly and welcoming!
Robyn I called on Wed (I happened to wake her up!) and she said we were going to practice to see Pat and to come to her place witch happened to be close to where I was staying, and that Kerrin wd take us. As arranged I went to Robyns and it was a great moment for me when I met her and Kerrin. We went to the stadium and I took Chris's banner "Rafter first rate Mate " and my pic with Pat (Will post that with my Montreal report) as I was determined to get them autographed, I definitely wanted to get the banner! I waited with the banner near the place witch Pat would be coming and even though I knew he would sign after practise I called out to him as he came in. I think I said Pat Please can you sign this, He looked up, smiled (He always acknowledges you, thats whats great about him) and waved his hand witch meant yes not now! Of course after my Montreal experience I knew that but I wanted him to know that I had a banner that needed to be signed! Well the practise was great and we watched and took photos. There was a big gap between the court and where we were and I was not sure if Pat would jump over and come to sign and so when he had finished and taken out his shirt and was with a towel! (yes it was a great sight!) I was worried that he may walk away and I called out Pat Pat and he turned around and said something and laughed, I did not hear what he said and Robyn said he said 'I aint going anywhere"! Well he put on his shirt and got his things together and jumped over and came to sign. There were a quite a few people. Well he had the pen from the first person, to whom he said can I give this when I finish, and when he came to me I gave the picture I had taken with him witch was enlarged, I saw him give it a good look with a smile and I got a great autograph, then I had the banner witch I told him I had brought all the way from Toronto, he signed it on the green background and moved on but when I looked at it it was not so visible, so I called out to him and said "Pat you cant see this on the green" ,and he said "Really" and I said "yes really please can you sign on the yellow" and he just came back and signed again on the yellow, He really is a great guy, I guess he does see the banners where ever he goes and I suppose he does appreciate them. Well Chris's banner now has his autograph. Unfortunately Thurs prac was closed off so it was a good thing we did get all that done on the Wed.
Thursday night was our RB dinner and it was a great success. We all met and it was such an experience. It is something I will always cherish. Later we went to meet Woz and collect our T sh and tickets. By the way I met Woz on Wed at the prac and what a small world, he was born in Canada close to Toronto! We had a nice chat, he is really very nice. Robyn Kerrin and Peta had work to do re sorting out the T shirts etc and we stayed a little and went home.
Friday we went early for the BBQ and it was a sight to see everyone dressed up and it was a sea of yellow! Well Pats match as great altho he lost and the cheering was tremendous. Cat I did put up your banner on the front railing right in front of Pat and I with other Babblers waved Chris's banner. The fanatic cheering is something very special and it is a privilege to be a part of it!
After the win Pat did play the dead rubber but we all cheered him on I had both banners displayed and they are on TV. It was very entertaining as there were nice thing being shouted about Pat in the stadium! Also Pat was being teased about hurrying up the match to go see the Broncos playing which he did go to with Lleyton after the match.
The celebration party is one that I will always remember, and I will hold on to that memory. Pat & Lleyton gave speeches and sang and were so merry. I also saw a different side to Pat. A very normal one where he was singing and dancing with Lara very happy, carefree. I was very happy to see that He is such a great guy who deserves to be happy and I am hoping and praying like all of you that they will win the DC final and that Pat can leave with that win and satisfaction.
This has been a long report but I want to share my experiences with you. Sydney is such a beautiful city I just love it and it will always have a special place in my heart just like all the Aussies will, I shall end wishing Pat all the best in the coming matches, especially the Masters and the DC final, Your the best and we all love you!