Davis Cup 2000 final 

- Barcelona -

By Mel

There's - on - ly - ONE - Lleyton Hewitt -- only one - Lleyton Hewitt ...

I can't get this song out of my head *grin*.

Well, Hello everyone !!!! I'm just back from Barcelona .... That was a wonderful and amazing weekend !!!!! I'll never forget it !! I experienced so many things and feelings in only a few days : FANTASTIC tennis, screams of joy, VERY loud singing and cheering for the boys, awesome atmosphere, soooo many encounters, anger for the Spanish crowd (they 're so disrespectful !!!), big sorrow, enormous stress on friday night, MUCH fun (with the kangarous;-), disappointement and sadness for Sandon and Woodie, big HOPE, then tears .... because Pat didn't even play an entire match, he fought so much on friday and was very enthousiatic, but he was betrayed by his body again (Oh God !! Why ??!?), and then there wasn't any fifth match :-(((((((((((( During the ceremony, I could'n stop my tears : it should have been HIS big weekend ... But, but, but ... Newk's speech was great, the guys got their little medals and Cups (that's it, I'm gonna cry again ...), Pat was joking with Lleyton, and it was beautiful to see a happy Spanish team and crowd : that's their first DC title, I mean .. Congratulations ! Especially to Juan-Carlos, he is so young and already a hero. And, and, and ... there was this unbeLIEVable party last night !!!!!!!!! The Fanatics and Oz -Players ROCK!!!!!

First, there was some singing at the pub despite the loss ... how beautiful !?
The Fanatics then started to go to the dancing-club (just opposite the pub), where they were playing the usual techno-dance music. They finally played some good rock songs, and the players arrived after 1am ... At last !!!! With their Fanatics shirts on of course :-)
My ! Everyone went crazy !!! Nobody could guess we had lost the final ! The players were singing the songs loudly (screaming would be a better word ;-), dancing, drinking of course, and having so much fun with all the Fanatics around. The whole team came up to the little 'stage' : Pat (*grin*), Lleyton, Sandon, Mark woodford, Killer, Tony [ never saw Newk :-( ], Muddy, Woz, Lara, Kim ..etc. Everybody knew the lyrics of all the songs : Aussie classics mostly I guess (rock, country (can I use this word ??)..) [ I would love to know the title of these BTW ...could any Barca Babblers help, please ?] That was like at a rock concert ..hehe. Some of the guys went for a 'ride' over the 'crowd' (Ok, don't laugh at me, I don't know what's the word for this in english..). Not Pat unfortunately though ;-) They all were in such a state !! (I never thought Lleyton could be like this ! nor Pat for that matter ! ) That was great to see *grin*.

Woodie and Lleyton made a speech, from the DJ box : very positive, and well welcome by the Fanatics ;-) and Pat presented the new captain :-)
Singing and dancing again ...
I don't know, they stayed more than one hour I think. That was SOOOO great !!! I can't even imagine what it would have been if they had won ...
Then they went back to their private section, just behind the glasses, and stayed there a long time talking and drinking ;-)

Later, Bee with Robyn, Kathy, and Astrid went to see the boys inside. And don't ask me how, but some of us managed to get in as well =) All the guys went to talk to Belinda (they are soooo nice with her :-), signed Fanatics' shirts (theirs were full of messages as well :-), and even posed for pictures : they were so nice, and smiling all the time ... Ah, those Aussies : that's something !!! Lleyton had already left. Pat was sitting and talking to friends, and looked a bit sad : either he was drunk ;-) or sad because of the loss (no, I won't cry again...), I don't know, but he wasn't smiling like the others. That was a bit strange to be there, inside, and I don't usely like bothering the players asking for autrographs, but I took advantage of the situation and I got my own 'Go Warrior Pat' banner signed by everyone *grin*, even by Lara and Peter. (Peta, thanks to you, I have such a trophy to hang in my room now !!! Thank you again !!)

The dancing-club closed at 5am (Pat and Lara had left before), and so we got back to the Hotel. The End :-(((( But it was such a wonderful night !!!!! The Fanatics and Players are definitely unique !!! I don't know : right now, I'm happy ...
I have also in mind Lleyton's first match : he played so well, he was ON FIRE !!! How great it was when the boys, after the ceremony, lifted him in front of us, Fanatics *grin*.
There's - on - ly - ONE - Lleyton Hewitt, only one - Lleyton Hewitt (sing with me everyone ...), walking alone, singing a song, walking in a Lleyton Wonderland ... There's - on - ly - ONE - Lleyton Hewitt ... [you see, I can't stop singing ..hehe]

The thing that made this weekend unforgettable though was meeting all these Rafterbabblers : they are soooooo nice, cool, funny and simply wonderful !!!!! God ! I miss you guys, so much now ! Today, I 'saw' you everywhere : every time there was someone looking like one of you (same hair, or figure ...) in the streets, your name came to my mind ... but that was never one of you :-((((( You, guys, are driving me crazy *lol*.
Thank you for this beautiful weekend ! Sorry I couldn't say goodbye to all of you : so, here is my "See ya" for you now :-) And another huge THANK YOU to 'Mum' Robyn !!!!! Hope we all will get to meet again at next year's final ;-)

I'm full of Hope for next year, really : Pat, you and the guys will win that Cup back, in Australia ... it can't be any other way !!! GO AUSSIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Babblers stay-at-home : Olga is right, don't be sad, everyone had such a great time last night !!!! Wish you were there with us ... Kisses to you all, and big hugs to my little 'girls' cReepy and Marie-Thé.

I think I'm gonna sleep during the 2 next days now ! lol!
Please 'pray' for my party pictures, if they are not out of focus nor too dark, they should be ...mmmmmmm ;-)



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