Davis Cup 2000 final
- Barcelona -
By Joelle
Hi everyone!! I cannot believe we are (almost) all here again. Wasn't this past week a dream? Last year I was so sad leaving and although I was this time...I now realise getting back together isn't all that impossible. Who would have thought last year we would get another chance to see eachother again and even meet MORE Rafterbabblers. I had an absolute wonderful time, I still need to organize it all in my head, tough. Boy, did we party at the Irish Winds and first Black Sheep...can't remember doing that much partying before:-) It was soooooo good!!!! The tennis was a great experience, I won't mention the Spaniards being absolute bastards, but the Aussies are heroes, I' l say that! The player party was somewhat different from last year...touching people's behinds and pinching some in the leg as well:-)) Almost got killed in that crowd but, hey I did score a hug or two off our Pat:-)!!