Davis Cup 2000 Final
- Barcelona -
by DianeG
Having only been able to post quickie messages from Barcelona I have been in a state of RafterBabble withdrawel - despite being with all the Babblers I really missed being able to check out all the news on the site.
It ws wonderfull meeting so many of the girls that I have got to know from posting over the past six months and to be able to put faces to names. It was amazing to find how different some people are in real life, some of the chattiest on the board were the quietest in person - not me though! The week went by too quickly and almost had a dream like quality about it, maybe because we only slept 3-4 hours a night, or should I say morning as we didn't usually get to bed until 5AM or later. The flight back gave me chance to reflect back on each day and to appreciate the wonderful experience it was.
Robyn did an amazing job keeping things going and I wouldn't have known that she was ill the last 2 days - I knew she was tired but she kept on partying anyway. It is hard to bring together so many different personalities and cultures but despite our many differences there were only a few problems, which is absolutely amazing.
I have been to many tennis tournaments and Grand Slams - I thought the Wimbledon Final this year would be hard to beat for atmosphere and excitement but this Davis Cup expeience is something that I will never forget and it will be hard to beat. The Aussie Fans (including the Raftebabblers) were incredible, the singing and chanting are still ringing in my ears and I go to sleep singing "there's only one Paddy Rafter". It is only now that I have had time to digest the experience and to reflect on all that happened that I realize what a unique experience it was. I can still see Pat standing on stage and dancing and shaking his head and having a great time. The party was a mob scene and the players were fantastic to join in the fun and I wont forget standing in line to get a cab and realizing that the couple making out in the line were Lleyton and Kim - what a great couple they make, you would have thought the Kim was a born and breed Aussie from her enthusiasm during the matches and at the party.
I had hoped to post photos while I was there but the internet connection was so slow that after half an hour it had only sent 50% of one photo, so I gave up. My luggage didn't make it hoe with me while I kept my computer with me I don't have my films or my digital camera and it may be another day before they get here. I will post them as soon as I can but I have no doubt that there will be many others who get theirs posted very soon. I now have to go over the postings from the last 7 days so I can catch up on all the news. For those of you who weren't able to go, try to make it another time as this is an experience not to be missed. The Aussies have to be the best sports in the world, there is no way I can forgive the Spanish fans and the players for how they treated the Australian players, I can't imagine how devastating it must feel to play an incredible point and then have 13000 people booing you, but the Australian's were very graciouse in defeat and I take my hat off to them. Welcome home Robyn - hope you feel better after you get some rest. Cheers!