Davis Cup 2000 Final
- Barcelona -
by Olga
Please don't be sad cause everybody are very happy here in Barcelona.
"It looks like OZ won" the Spanish guy told me in the bar when he saw our party.
And another guy in the restaurant the day before: “You Australian won 100 times already let us win just one Davis Cup.” (He was talking to me ”…you Australian”) And generous Oz let them do it. King of Spain was happy like a kid.
We need Deb to write a story about Barcelona trip.
Because there is no better person to describe everything what happened with us.
Hey, Deb do you know that you were with us in Barca? Yes you do!!!
Oh, people, I have to tell you, to see Pat at the party was such an experience.
It tells even more about him than his tennis game. I’ve never seen happiest and wildest person. And how he can dance and sing…shaking his head.
And you should see Lleyton dancing with Kim… Probable Kim lived in Australia in her previous life.
Hey girls may be somebody made a pic when I was dancing with Roche? I’ll pay any money…But it’s priceless.
Right now it’s a mass in the head, and like Astrid said don’t expect report now, step by step we will tell you.
What I think that I also lived in Australia in my previous life I don’t have any explanation why I was so proud waiving OZ flag and dancing with kangaroo at the stadium.
I miss you all already, let’s plan another trip.
Love you all…Olga
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