Davis Cup 2000 Final
- Barcelona -
by Erin
Hi to all! Thought I'd better post to answer a couple of things I saw whilst scanning the massive amount of info I missed below.
So am I the only one who was bitten by the O'Hare snow? Mom and I got to spend one extra lovely day in Chicago. I told others that I was tempted to kiss the ground in Minneapolis yesterday when we finally got back, but it's 2 below zero and my lips would have frozen to the ground. I have better plans for them than that.
Suffice it to say that I agree with Kam that it was the best of times and the worst of times. Luckily the best far outweighed the worst, especially meeting you all. I had a clue we were the best people in the world, and now it's confirmed. I am terribly sad for the Aussie team, but it's amazing how their bouyancy revived us at the players' party. Plus the fact that I Touched Pat. And got his autograph.
Thanks also for adopting my mom. She had a lot of fun and I think gets some award for touching Pat's bare abdominal region. (at the players' party, don't tell my dad) I also hear that you adopted my sister Susie when she was in the chat room. I have a BabblingFamily!
OLGA: I have a picture of you with Roche! It's quite cute, so send me your snail mail address and it's yours. Plus $5.95 shipping and handling.
Speaking of cute, anybody have any pictures of Peter that I could buy?? I have a few, but room for many more in my incredibly smitten existence.
Finally, Pat does have the White Man Overbite when he's drunk and dancing. I have one shot that's pretty funny. They were so gracious and fun that I will never forget that night or all of you that I had the honor of playing with for one magical weekend.
Now if I could just get my head out of the clouds and get some work done here! Kisses!!!ErinMN
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