Master Series -Cincinnati2001
by Terri
I am back in rainy Tennessee. I finally got to see Pat live, knowing I might not have any other chances. Too bad he was one match short again. I met him and he was very nice to give me his autograph and I got Guga's also. I was so excited to be a couple of feet away from them, I couldn't say anything. Good thing my sister was there, because she has no fear and didn't really care one way or the other. It was fun, hot and Pat is gorgeous and sweet and such a gentleman. Guga is sweet, too. I saw the Roos. I would've like to meet up some other Babblers there, but I didn't get any responses from the tournament board. I took some pictures of Pat (one of Lara also) and some of Guga. I can scan them, and if someone can respond to this, I'd be happy to email them to someone who can post them. Thanks. Bye.