Master Series -Cincinnati2001

by kim


Well, It was a very HOT day! 100F Heat Index, Heat Advisory and Smog alert by match time.
I arrived at the courts at 11:50 in time to get set-up at Practice court6 for Pat's noon Practice, thanks to a nice person at info on the phone this morning. Pat arrived with his hitting partner, Peter, and Newk. Looked good for practice in a white shirt and deep aqua shorts and white hat. He talked and laughed with his guys, but not really the crowd that had gathered;watched a little of the dbls that was on the court next to him. I have never heard so many cameras clicking in all my life, including my own *LOL*! He practiced for about 45 minutes and then signed a few autographs at the gate to the court, but not along the fence line walk-way that divides the practice courts where I was:(. But, not too sad, because he looked good and it was fun to hear him talking and laughing. One thing I did find amusing was watching Peter walk around like a big worried bear nearly the entire day, including practice and how little Newk said to Pat during the practice--I think they communicate with a word here and there and body language. I met 2 girls from Nebraska at practice and told them about PlanetRafter and Rafterbabble. They said they would check it out. And lots of people just talking in general that they had come out today to see Pat before he retires.

After practice,caught a few minutes of Safin's match--which was not going well and watched some doubles practice as I refused to go in and watch Petey-boy play. When his match ended, I headed up to my nose bleed seat and watched 3-4 games when I spottted the Roos! So I quickly made my way down to their seats. I had no problem getting there. The seat attendants didn't even ask...with my Australian flag in tow. Plus, the stadium was only half full(to my advantage). I thought, however, that it should and would be overflowing because of Pat! So, I sat behind Kathy& Joanne & Carol had Catriona's wonderful Banner nicely hung up in front of her. The view from these seats was excellent. Pat was all in white!! with definite see-thru shorts(OH MY!) and one shirt change. Portas' serve is something to see, but we gave Pat a lot of encouragement and the crowd around us seemed to really like and appreciate the Roos. I thought they were a lot of fun, too! So, Pat is through to the next round in Straights. I think he might have liked to have played a wee bit better, but the Heat was truly wicked.

After the match, I went and waited at the locker room exit with the rest of the die hard fans and young children trying to get autographs. I just wanted more pictures, though!!. It was quite a while before Pat came out. Peter was seen going for pasta and back once and said to a few young teen-guys "He's coming". So, after about another 45minutes, Pat came out and signed a few more autographs. He seemed a bit disgruntled, though and I hope he wasn't ill after the match and the heat! I did also see Lara, for any who are wondering-Red skinny strapped sandals, jean skirt white spaghetti strap top, beige purse with that little flower that she wears in her hair attached. I had to defend her "looks" to a woman in this line who stated she wasn't as pretty as Goran's girlfriend whom we had just seen. I told her it was nervousness and not "uppity"-ness. One girl about 10yrs. asked Lara for her autograph, which she gave and then looked embarrassed about:) I thought that was nice. Ok, that's it! Pat is alive and I think, well, here in Cincinnati.!



Well, first the thanks: To Catriona for the Banner! It is on its way to Victoria on the East Coast-No Worries, Mate:) I had a great time with it. To Joannie and Kathy who let me hang with them in great seats. To Carol, Lisa and Beth--great to meet ya:) and To the: Pat Rafter: 1st Rate Mate gang, I have a pretty good pic of this and will try to get it posted.

My goal was to see as many matches as possible and as many wins as possible(so I just missed one of those). I got to see a relaxed practice and a great come from behind win(Greg-whom I did feel a little bad for--the crowd was so with Pat, but his comments in the newspaper were nice!). So my dreams came true. Glad to see/read that most peoples goals were met--from seeing to meeting to getting autographs etc.:) It was really wild to see how many people, including some guys, who are for Pat. The Roos are the best, tho, they attract a lot of positive attention.

These Balls Still Bounce: Have you guys seen this add that goes with the New Balls Please campaign? It is funny--still bouncing are Pat, Pete and Andre. It is a good pic of our Pat. They still bounce, but Pat is not the same player I saw in Cincy a 3 years ago. AND, of course, he wouldn't be: look at all the new life/career experiences he has had in the time since I last saw him. I think he has to think and strategize a little more now vs. the I can be faster and everywhere at the same time player I remember. Don't be upset--Just a reminder that we all get older. It surely made me appreciate how hard his job on the court is--from the times the heat/humidity threatened to win, to the frustration and crankiness, to the humor(the hat trick-see Jac he knows how important hats are), to the ringing out of his shirt in the corner(OMG!-the amount). I got a brief glimpse of why he would want a break(Don't say the R-word)*LOL*! It was a great week for me, the saddest was reading in Saturday's Enquirer that Pat said he was not going to look at this final like--any other match, but to be really pumped up for it to win. And then another loss. Reading that was worse than knowing he lost to Guga(who had to have been like the horrible lightening we'd had).
Anyway, enough. Hang in everyone, the USOpen is just around the corner.



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