Canada Open 2001
by Diane Guy
Pat didn't practice today as his match with Jonas was his practice. Met up with Ranji and Michelle but did't know you were there Phyllis! I managed to slip down to the front row to watch Pat's match and then joined Peter R halfway through. He sends his best to you, Robyn, was asking how you are, and has been going thorugh all the WImby photos from the site. Pat's was hitting pretty well by the end of the session and actually had a bit of hair sticking out from under the back of his cap! I made sure to get a couple of photos when he took his hat off so you can all check out the progress!! Great to hear that Pat and Lleyton are playing doubles together, more chances of watching Pat play! Hope they beat the Bryans and go all the way. Will try to get film developed tomorrow witha CD so I can send up to date photos. As I have to be at Laura's apartment for the movers tomorrow, so I am praying that Pat doesn't play during the day tomorrow.
I agree with the fact that Pat wasn't too happy with the way he was playing - many errors in his slice backhand and he had trouble with all the junk shots that Levy would hit. Finally in the third set he had a laugh with someone behind him in the crowd about him checking out the fuzziness of the balls and then he seemed to relax and won the next four games to take the set and the match. To me t his was typical first round play for Pat - he seems to need to play himself into a tournament. I met up with a group of Aussie lads who were over coaching at a tennis camp in Vermont. They sang and chanted for Pat and he tried to hit 3 balls to them in the stands after the match but none of them reached. They gave me one of their flags to wave during the match and I promised to try and get Pat to sign it but there were too many kids around him getting autographs. Tomorrow we will go
Just a quick trip to the tourney today between trips to supermarket, electronics store, etc., Spent a few minutes watching Pat and Lleyton practice and then went to court 2 to get good seats for Pat's match. Had to spend 2 sets sitting in the very hot sun watching no-names dbls only to be told that they had moved the aussies match to court 1. Ranji had gone off to get some drinks and I ran over to the other court and grabbed a couple of seats in the second row, but again looking into the sun. Thank heaven for cell phones as I was able to call both Ranji and my daughter to tell them where I was. Both the boys played well but without the intensity we had seen in Miami, so it was no surprise they lost against very pumped up Bryan Brothers. Tomorrow we will be getting courside seats so we can try to get Pat pumped up, otherwise he will have a tough time against Norman.
Glad that I remembered to call and check with Olga whether anyone had coverage that was in the chat room. What happened to the Canadian Babbbers watching at home? Was the match not on TV?? I will try to do the same during his next match if no one else has coverage. Par kept on looking over to us at the change overs, we were right across the court from him, 4 rows up and I had my Rafter Rules banner, I think he was wondering why I was on the phone all the time so I will have to let Peter know at practice tomorrow that I am on the phone to Robyn and crew via Olga and the chat room. I was taking a photo during practice today when one of Pat's serves came right at me - it was automatic to volley the shot away....with the telescopic lense of my camera! That drew a laugh from Pat! Peter is still suffering from jet lag - not up to partying yet. The match was a little scrappy, Magnus off his game in the first set and Pat playing unbelieveably well. The sun became a major factor in the second set with both of them double faulting a lot and Pat having trouble seeing the ball for his first volley after looking into the sun to serve. Thankfully Pat's serve picked up in the tiebreak and Magnus kept on having trouble. Crazy Lou was there, making Pat laugh at some of the outrageous things he was saying. It is supposed to be hotter and more humid tomorrow, aaagh! I am hoping for a night match as I have to take my daughter to the airport for a 5 o'clock flight. Was going to watch Sandon play his doubles but there was another match before theirs and it was too hot to hang around. Here's hoping for another Rafter win tomorrow - GOOOOO PADDY!!
It was a great night for Pat and the banner and flag were waving like crazy. The first 7 games before the rain delay were pretty mixed in terms of tennis - it was very windy all day and got worse as the rain approached. Both players had a hard time with their ball tosses and there were a number of double faults and breaks of serve. When they came out after the rain delay, Pat was fired up and started playing really well - the wind had died down and he got in some excellent serves and he really went for shots, diving around the court and really chasing down balls. Martin looked flat and just couldn't cope with an energetic and intense Pat. Pat will need lots of positive thoughts during the match tomorrow night, he said in his interview that Ferrero has beaten him the 2 times they have played - big mouth here yells out, "but not this time Pat!" I assume that the match will be covered by ESPN so you can followin the chat room, but if not, have Olga call me and I will call in the scores - my scalper friend has come up with a couple of courtside seats again so we should be in great viewing position.
Pat waved to us when he started warming up and as he left the court, he was so good with the fans - signing autographs all over the place, he was in a great mood. I haven't seen Lara at any ot the matches, even though Peter says she is here. Has she been shown on the TV? The Gambill & Larose (Canadian) vs Bryan bros. doubles was really exciting. We just saw the last set after Pat's win and the place was electric. 3rd set tiebreaker won by Gambil and Larose was awesome! Will try to see some of this match today but am conflicted as it is a the same time as Andy's match.!!
An electric night in Montreal!
Oh what a night, la la la...etc.!! We had 5th row seat tonght, managed to get Julie and Phyliss down for the first 3 games and then the place really filled up. We were so nervous for Pat. I spoke to Peter this morning and he said Pat thought he had a pretty good shot at the title if he could get through the Ferrero match, so he should be feeling very confident about tomorrow nights match.The Canadians are a funny crowd - kind of a mix between American and British - they don't start off cheering much but they will follow someone elses leaf - so guess who was getting them going...??!! We had a good time especially once Pat won - Ranji went home to take some valium! I picked up our tickets for tomorrow night - 4 rows off the court, looking right across the court at Pat when he sits in his chair - no avoiding us! Finals will be a problem as Ranji has just about broken the bank - no ticket and no money and I have a ticket halfway up the stadium, Oh well - we will see what happens. WIll write more tomorrow - Pat is looking AWESUME!!
Went to the stadium this morning to watch Pat's practice. We weren't supposed to be in the stadium during the practice but found a door that wasn't being watched and slipped in - the security guy was going to chase us away but a couple of Ushers that we had become friendly with came over to talk to us and he let us stay but further up the stands - of course we worked our way closer as the practice went on!! Ranji went to beg Peter for tickets for the finals if Pat makes it - he said he will do his best but no promises. I told Ranji that he will get a flurry of calls from Aussies all over the country if pat is in the finals, hopefully he will appreciate our support during the week. Pat looking very HOT and relaxed - hitting the ball extremely well, I told him that his ground strokes are the best I have ever seen them and he is winning soo many back court rallies.
Pete was very sweet to help out, Ranji explained that we had been paying over $150 per match to get the front seats and that the finals tickets were sold out and the scalpers were asking $350, which she oculdn't afford. He was very surprised at the price we had been paying and realized that we would pay for finals tickets if they were available. He knows me too well for me to have told him that I didn't have the money so Ranji took the plunge!! Pat was gorgeous tonight, smiling a lot and making fun of himself when he miss hit some of Santoro's freaky shots. Santoro was very aware of the banner and the Aussie flag and kept on looking over at us - I thought that maybe his coach was behind us but he wasn't. We saw him at the restaurant tonight and he recognized us again, raised his eyebrows at me and then smiled - sucks for you Santoro!! After the match there was a race with remote controlled mercedes benz cars and Pat played against 2 kids - he was in his element, laughing and smiling the whole time. I got some great photos and even had people asking me if they could have copies of the photos I was taking. I gave them the planetrafter info. I think there will be a lot more Montreal Babblers after this week. There was an auction for charity today and I tried to buy a pair of Pat's shoes, autographed, but quit when the price rose to $600. I spoke to the guy who bought them for his wife and he may sell me one shoe! He and I got interviewed about why we wanted somethng of Pat's so I was able to tell them what a great guy he is - apparently the interview will be in the news/schedule they hand out tomorrow!! I won the bid on a racket with Jan-Micheal's signature but when I went to pick it up I found that the signature was on the handle and was coming off. They sent it to his hotel to get him to sign it again on the frame but if he has left they will have Pat sign it as it is a Prince racket....guess who's signature I really want on it!!!! If anyone knows for sure that it is a 5 set final, please let me know as I will have to change my flight to Monday - sound familiar Robyn? The trouble we get nto when he reaches the finals - but this one he will WIN. hmmmm - wonder if he will have a celebration party? Probably has to get on a flight for Cincy right away. Hope the girlsgoing to Cincy and iNdy have as great a time as we have had watching Pat getting better and better as the matches progressed. Must try to find out about the 5 set thing as I will need to rebook my flight right away. Ciao and GOOOOOO PADDYYYY!!