

Bozeman Summer League

Join the second annual Bozeman Ultimate Summer League in 2009!
All skill levels are welcome!

Games will be at Bozeman High School
Tuesday evenings (6:30 or 7:30 games) June 3 - July 22.

The cost is $25 and includes a Bozeman Summer League disc.

This is a “Rain or Shine” league. Games will only be canceled due to lightning.

Bring a white and a dark shirt to every game.

If you want to play, download and print the Registration Form and the Waiver. Mail your forms and a check for $25 to:

Emily Kimmel
704 W. Curtiss St. #2
Bozeman, MT 59715

The registration deadline in June 2.

Really rough schedule until I get the new page going

Team 1Yvette
Team 2Jake
Team 3Tyghe
Team 4Doug
Team 5Alfred
Team 6Gregg
Time SlotFieldWeek 2Week 3Week 4Week 5
6:30Field 12-51-43-64-5
6:30Field 24-63-52-41-6
7:30Field 11-32-61-52-3